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[Opinions] Re: Ancient Greek and Roman Names
in reply to a message by Katie
Achilles - It is commected too much with myths, IMHO
Ajax - as above
Amadeus - A Greek name? I associate it with Mozart, but it is not as bad as Achilles and Ajax.
Callistus - Prefer Calla or Callisto, but Callistus is nice as well.
Chrysanthos - Sounds too flowerly for a boy, like Florian.
Chryses - No emotions
Kallikrates - Eww, I have nothing against it, I suppose...
Kallisto - I could easily use it
Neptune - No way! It is like naming your kid Buddha or Krishna.
Pegasus - I'd prefer Neptune... :P
Pluto - Donald Ducks dog and planet and anicent god, and now a person! Interesting...
Rameses - At least it isn't Ramses or Amon Ra.
Xenocrates - A nice name, but it is hard to spell.
and... on a different note - wdtoXylia - I really like it
Zala - Neutral
Orville - I associate it with George Orwell, so I like it
Lilac - I'd like to pronounce it LEE-lahk
Benjamin - Ben is nice
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