[Games] Re: "Royal Dynasty" Congrats - Round 2
in reply to a message by avalon
Nation: Cussia
DH [46]: His Royal Highness Klaus Benedikt von Shriek IV, King of Cussia, Duke of Barria and Westphalia
DW [23]: Her Royal Highness Anna Luisa Mafalda Benedetta Margarazzi, Queen Regent of Cussia, Duchess of Marvalia
(Tweaked slightly because I was crossing my fingers for Italian feal. You can re-use Comtois somewhere else if you want.)
I'm going to repost my history every time so I can keep up with it.
Cussia was settled by tribal people known as the Kosshans for hundreds of years, but was conquered and civilized during the Vivarian invasions of the 900's. Once the Vivarians withdrew their occupation in 1121, the Cussians (Vivarian-influenced spelling) were left with a vacuum of power. Gradually, a feudal system emerged, along with an elaborate system of civil customs and constructs that give Cussia a distinct blend of tribal and Vivarian traditions. The King is the highest lord in the land. Under him are Lords, Dukes, Marquesses, Counts, Earls, and Barons. Serfs work the land and Knights fight for it. The religion, while it has many of the pagan characteristics of old Kosshan religions such as celebrating major feasts at the solstices, is nominally the same church of the Vivarians, and the clergy are part of the network of that church. Consequently, clergy are exempt from fiefdom and therefore from taxation.
The von Shriek family has been in power for about 350 years at this point. They got there by dynastic strategy: a von Shriek daughter married the only son of the Kasselmark heir. They make their residency in the capital city of Frienne, a walled city with a lovely lovely river in it.
Klaus's marriage with Anna Luisa was the result of a happy coincidence. The King's spiritual advisor Father Luigi had had a dream in which the Holy Spirit spoke to him of a beautiful maiden in Westphalia, a Cussian duchy. Also in which Malcolm's dad was elected homecoming queen and wore this gorgeous blue dress similar to the one Lily wore last year. Klaus, whose seven previous fiancees had all died in completely blameless accidents or sicknesses before he could marry them, had been convinced that his marriage prospects were cursed by God, so this vision intrigued him and he went to Westphalia immediately. His other advisors were skeptical because there were no marriage-age women among the Westphalian nobility at that point, but upon the royal party's arrival they found that Anna Luisa was attending the wedding of the Marquess of North Westphalia, Sir Philipp, to her elder sister Maria. Anna Luisa was by far the more beautiful and well-mannered of the sisters, and Klaus knew immediately that this must be the maiden of Father Luigi's dream. (Father Luigi was the skeptical one at this point; the girl in his vision had had red hair and a portly physique, but he agreed eventually that these features may have been symbolic for her passion and prosperity.) Klaus quickly cancelled the wedding of Philipp and Maria, as their marriage would have made the King too closely related to Anna Luisa for church-sanctioned marriage, and married the befuddled Anna Luisa the same day, using the same preparations that had been arranged for Philipp and Maria. She didn't speak a word of Cussian, but eventually grasped the general concept that she was married to a King, and this idea pleased her. Klaus adored Anna Luisa and pampered her to the best of his struggling country's ability. Hm.
Here is a very young picture of her:


That's Klaus in the middle there and that is Father Luigi blessin' him.
Oh by the way, all of the Cussian kings are crowned in Doma, Vivaria's capital city and the center of the church. (Not subtle, I know.)
About interactions: USE EXCEL. They would be fun.
Edited for clarity
Nation: Cussia
DH [46]: His Royal Highness Klaus Benedikt von Shriek IV, King of Cussia, Duke of Barria and Westphalia
DW [23]: Her Royal Highness Anna Luisa Mafalda Benedetta Margarazzi, Queen Regent of Cussia, Duchess of Marvalia
(Tweaked slightly because I was crossing my fingers for Italian feal. You can re-use Comtois somewhere else if you want.)
I'm going to repost my history every time so I can keep up with it.
Cussia was settled by tribal people known as the Kosshans for hundreds of years, but was conquered and civilized during the Vivarian invasions of the 900's. Once the Vivarians withdrew their occupation in 1121, the Cussians (Vivarian-influenced spelling) were left with a vacuum of power. Gradually, a feudal system emerged, along with an elaborate system of civil customs and constructs that give Cussia a distinct blend of tribal and Vivarian traditions. The King is the highest lord in the land. Under him are Lords, Dukes, Marquesses, Counts, Earls, and Barons. Serfs work the land and Knights fight for it. The religion, while it has many of the pagan characteristics of old Kosshan religions such as celebrating major feasts at the solstices, is nominally the same church of the Vivarians, and the clergy are part of the network of that church. Consequently, clergy are exempt from fiefdom and therefore from taxation.
The von Shriek family has been in power for about 350 years at this point. They got there by dynastic strategy: a von Shriek daughter married the only son of the Kasselmark heir. They make their residency in the capital city of Frienne, a walled city with a lovely lovely river in it.
Klaus's marriage with Anna Luisa was the result of a happy coincidence. The King's spiritual advisor Father Luigi had had a dream in which the Holy Spirit spoke to him of a beautiful maiden in Westphalia, a Cussian duchy. Also in which Malcolm's dad was elected homecoming queen and wore this gorgeous blue dress similar to the one Lily wore last year. Klaus, whose seven previous fiancees had all died in completely blameless accidents or sicknesses before he could marry them, had been convinced that his marriage prospects were cursed by God, so this vision intrigued him and he went to Westphalia immediately. His other advisors were skeptical because there were no marriage-age women among the Westphalian nobility at that point, but upon the royal party's arrival they found that Anna Luisa was attending the wedding of the Marquess of North Westphalia, Sir Philipp, to her elder sister Maria. Anna Luisa was by far the more beautiful and well-mannered of the sisters, and Klaus knew immediately that this must be the maiden of Father Luigi's dream. (Father Luigi was the skeptical one at this point; the girl in his vision had had red hair and a portly physique, but he agreed eventually that these features may have been symbolic for her passion and prosperity.) Klaus quickly cancelled the wedding of Philipp and Maria, as their marriage would have made the King too closely related to Anna Luisa for church-sanctioned marriage, and married the befuddled Anna Luisa the same day, using the same preparations that had been arranged for Philipp and Maria. She didn't speak a word of Cussian, but eventually grasped the general concept that she was married to a King, and this idea pleased her. Klaus adored Anna Luisa and pampered her to the best of his struggling country's ability. Hm.
Here is a very young picture of her:


That's Klaus in the middle there and that is Father Luigi blessin' him.
Oh by the way, all of the Cussian kings are crowned in Doma, Vivaria's capital city and the center of the church. (Not subtle, I know.)
About interactions: USE EXCEL. They would be fun.
Edited for clarity
This message was edited 10/1/2007, 7:24 PM