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[Facts] Re: Off topic: Why most of you are already fluent in Greek without knowing it
Hey, ah didn't knows ah already spoke Greek! Fry mah hide! But, yo' know, ah still had t'run them two speeches through th' Redneck Dialeckizer in o'der t'completely comprehend them, dawgone it.********************************************************************Th' follwin' two speeches were delivahed by Xenophon Zolotas,fo'mer
Govahno' of th' Bank of Greece, at Joint Sesshuns of th' Wo'ld Bank an' th' IMF in th' 1950s. X. Zolotas is one of the dawgoned-est unyversally respecked figgers of Greek public life. He is presently in his 90s, an' ah see him ev'ry day (summer an' *winter*) swimmin' in th' betch of Phaleron in front of mah home.
By readin' this hyar speech, ah hope yo' will reckanize thet yo' already knows mo'e Greek than yo' thunk postible. Once agin ah apologize fo' testin' yer tolerance wif mah corntinuous cultural imperialism :P
Seppember 26, 1957 speech:ah allus wished t'address this hyar Assembly in Greek, but ah realised thet it'd haf been indeed Greek t'all present in this hyar room, dawgone it.
ah foun' out howevah, thet ah c'd make mah address in Greek
which'd still be in English t'ev'rybody. Wif yer permisshun, Mr Chairman, ah shall does it now, usin' wif th' 'ception
of articles an' preposishuns, only Greek wo'ds.Kyrie ! Fry mah hide!
ah eulogise th' archons of th' Panethnic Numismatic Thesaurus an' th' Ecoomnical Trapeza fo' th' o'thodoxy of their axioms methods an' policies, although thar is an episode of cacophony of th' Trapeza wif Hellas.
Wif inthusiasm we dialogue an' synagonize at th' synods of our didymous Organisashuns in which polymo'phous economic ideas an' houn'dogmas is analysed an' synthesised, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Our critical problems sech as th' numismatic pletho'a junerate some agony an' melancholy. This hyar phenomenon is chareeckeristic of our epoch. But, t'mah thesis, we haf th' dynamism t'program therapeutic prackices as a prophylaxis fum chaos an' catastrophe.
In pareellel a panethnic un-hypocritical economic synergy an' harmonisashun in a democratic climate is basic.
ah apologize fo' mah eccentric monologue. ah emphasise mah eucharistia t'yo', Kyrie, t'th' eujunic an' junerous South Car'linan Ethnos an' t'th' o'ganizzus an' protagonists of this hyar Amphickyony an' th' gastronomic symposia.Speech 2: Ockober 2, 1959Kyrie ! Fry mah hide!
It is Zeus' anathema on our epoch fo' th' dynamism of our economies an' th' harsy of our economic methods an' policies thet we sh'd agonize between th' Scylla of numismatic pletho'a an' th' Charybdis of economic anaemia.
It is not in mah idiosyncrasy t'be ironic an' sarcastic but mah diagnosis'd be thet politicians is rather cryppo-pletho'ists. Although they emphatically stigmatize numismatic pletho'a, they inergize it through their tackics an' prackices.
Our policies sh'd be based mo'e on economic an' less on political criteria. Our gnomon has t'be metron between economic, strategic an' philanthropic scopes. Political magic has allus been anti-economic.
In an epoch chareeckerized by monopolies, oligopolies, monopsonies, monopolistic antagonism an' polymo'phous inelasticities, our policies hafta be mo'e o'thological, ah reckon. But this hyar sh'd not be metamo'phosed into pletho'ophobia which is indemic among academic economists.
Numismatic symmetry sh'd not hyper-antagonize economic acme.
A greater antagonizashun between th' prackices of th' economic an' numismatic archons is basic.
Pareellel t'this, we hafta synchronize an' harmonize mo'e an' mo'e our economic an' numismatic policies panethnically.
These scopes is mo'e prackicable now, when th' prognostics of th' political an' economical barometer is halcyonic.
Th' histo'y of our didymous Organizashuns in this hyar sphar has been didackic an' their gnostic prackices will allus be a tonic t'th' polyonymous an' idiomo'phous ethnical economies. Th' junesis of th' programmed o'ganizashun will dynamize these polities. Tharfo'e, ah sympathize, although not wifout criticism on one o' two themes, wif th' apostles an' th' hierarchy of our o'ganizashuns in their zeal t'program o'thodox economic an' numismatic polities.
ah apologise fo' havin' tyrannised yo' wif mah Hellenic phraseology.
In mah epilogue, ah emphasise mah eulogy t'th' philoxenous autychthons of this hyar cosmopolitan metropolis an' mah incomium t'yo', Kyrie, an' th' stenographers.-- Nanaea
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How do you change it to the redneck version or something else ?- Liberty
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Go to (no www.). Pick yer dialect and type in the site you want to convert at the "URL" box. Have fun!
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I think our preacher kiped at least one of these speeches for his sermon last Sunday. For some reason, it took me longer than usual to doze off during the 20 minutes. Musta bin them (pre-Rednecked) high-falutin' Greek words.Speakin uv Redneck, our local sheriff had a campaign bumper sticker last year I'd kill for. It sez "Vote DUDE -- Sheriff". His name's Cecil "Dude" Cochran, and it seems he does a purty good job despite the Boss Hawg name. Only in Kintuckie...
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I'll print out th' redneck vahshun of th' speech an' han' it on over t'Mr Zolotas next time ah ketch him on th' betch. Hope readin' it wont be th' old poof's coup de grace. But seriously, folks, whut percent of his speech made sense t'yo'?
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My favorite bit was: "prophylaxis from chaos and catastrophe."Huh huhhhh uh uhhhh huh huh-- Nanaea
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