[Opinions] ANTONINA or NINA
Simply Nina or Antonina nn Nina?
which one do you prefer?
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I prefer Antonina nn Nina. It's lovely. I like Nina on its own too, but I like it moreso as a nickname.
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While both are fine (Nina's certainly a name in it's own right and doesn't sound cutesy), I prefer Antonina nn Nina. I think Antonina is very pretty.
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Antonina seems really long and fussy, Nina is a name in its own right and is wonderful on its own.
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I like Antonina, nn Nina. Sure, it's a little long and fussy but I like that she could go formal or informal as the mood strikes.
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Of course......I prefer Nina. it is simple, romantic and elegant, but Antonina is really complex and frilly.
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Ditto this
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I like Nina in this case. It is pretty, sweet, and not too fussy.
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