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[Opinions] Re: Veritas
in reply to a message by Array
I think it would make a very cool middlename, and would fit well in to your naming style. Veritas (and its many forms) is pretty much my favorite word though, so I may be biased. :)I find Lucien Veritas to be very striking, but Edmond Veritas is a bit calmer, if that is what you are looking for. Simon Veritas seems to lack something that I can not put my finger on. I think Simon Ptolemy or Ptolemy Simon could be nice though... just throwing that out there. For some reason I like Veritas better on a male, but Katharine Veritas is my hands down favorite of the girls. It is classic and strong enough to hold the Veritas without it getting all the attention. Does that even make sense?Shani is cute, but kind of cutesy to go with Veritas, in my opinion. Claudette, is pretty, but the combo for somereason doesn't seem very substantial to me.I hope I make sense. I swear this makes sense in my head.
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