[Opinions] Parker
What do you think of Parker? Do you like it for a boy, or a girl, both, or not at all?
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It's an article of clothing.
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It is? Which article?Unless you're referring to a parka...?
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I am :-) The prn is identical in an Australian accent.
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I hate it on both, but it makes me angrier on a girl. So, boy if a gun was at my head, neither the rest of the time.
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My brother is named Parker, so it's just natural for me to think of it as a boy's name. I don't mind seeing it on a girl, but in general, I think it's a boy name.
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I love Parker for a boy, but it just seems stupid on a girl.
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I love this name for a boy, but I hate it for a girl.
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Not at all, however...I would accept it as a middle name for a boy if it was a family surname.
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ditto this
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I don't like it much...as a first name any-way. It reminds me too much of a last name to use as a first name. But that's just my opinion. ;)Violetta~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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I've never considered it for a girl, although it's actually kinda nice. I know it has relations to Spiderman, but it's also a family name, so I have an excuse to use it if I wanted.It's not too bad, I'm rather neutral on it.
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Dislike it, I knew a mean Parker, and it also reminds me of Parker from Mr. Meaty. But I must admit it's grown on me a little, since I met a cute little boy with the name. It's still nmsaa, but would be fine on someone else's boy. I don't see how it would work on a girl because it's very unfeminine to me. I've never heard of this name on a girl, and I just looked it up and am shocked to see it's unisex.
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Parker is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love it for a boy...rugged & handsome.
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I like it for both, but for the most part I like it for a boy.
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It makes me think of a raincoat. So no I don't like it at all.
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I dislike it on boys, and I HATE it on girls. It's extremely unfeminine.
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I don't really care for it, but I think it is better for a boy than a girl.
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I agree
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Moi Aussid
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A nosy Parker is a nosy person where I live so I dislike it for both boys and girls
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It's a cute name for a dog."Parker... we're going to the park!"
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