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[Facts] Re: Meaning of my name and where does it come from
This name is a version of Melanie. Melanie is derived from the Greek word melaina meaning "black, dark". This was the name of a Roman saint who gave all her wealth to charity in the 5th century.Denise:
This name is the feminine version of Dennis. Name used in Dutch, English, Greek and French. Its source is Dionysius (Dionysus), a male Greek name meaning "Dedicated to Dionysus". Dionysus is the mythological Greek god of wine responsible for growth of the vines and the originator of winemaking.Singletary:
There is a very old tradition about the Singletary family in the United States. In the last quarter of the sixteenth century there was living in England a family of title and large estates by the name of Dunham (Massachusetts records have it Donham). Of this family there were two branches; and in case of death of the last male of the elder branch the title and estates would pass to the nearest male relative of the younger branch. Now "it came to pass" that the "unexpected" did occur. Every male of the elder branch died except one small boy, and one morning he was missing. On investigation it was found his nurse was also missing. A thorough search was made at once, even nglish bloodhounds were used, but nothing could be found. Time passed and the heir did not appear. There was no evidence that he was dead; and so for some years the property was held in abeyance.Many years afterward the nurse lay on her death-bed, and there made affidavit that she had been hired to destroy the child. Her heart failed when the test came and she decided to take him to the New World. They finally obtained passage on a ship for America. When they reached the shore she deserted the child and shortly returned to England. She added that she had given the child the name of Single-tarry. Detectives were immediately sent ot this Country to investigate the matter; and a young man was found bearing the name of the lost heir of the Dunham estates; and who could give no account of his background. The captain of the ship on which the child was deserted had adopted him under the name she had given, but the Captain was now dead. The number of years that had passed and other evidence were such that no one could positively testify that this was the person sought. While he was believed to be the heir the evidence was not sufficient to satisfy the English court and put him in possession of the property.Such was tradition that has been handed down through nine or ten generations of the Singletary family. Whenever the name is found in Massachusetts to Teaxas and Louisiana the bearer of it is familiar with the tradition concerning his or her English antecedents and the founding of the family in America. In a legal document that appears in the archives of Massachusetts recorded in 1702, the whole family is referred to as "Donham alias Singletary.
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My name is spelled differently from the above where did my last name come from...singleteary
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