[Opinions] Fleurentine
I was just looking at some old family stuff, and I noticed my great grandmothers name: Marie Fleurentine. Marie is a really common family name but I thought Fleurentine is really interesting. I would never use it, but what do you think? ( I never liked Fleur, but I'm finding myself oddly attracted to this name)
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I think of Eggs [or insert other food here] Florentine
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I don't particularly care for it but it does remind me of Laurentine, which I love when I'm in the mood for it.
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It's pretty neat, and it's absolutely exquisite with Marie.
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Aw. It's great to be able to go back into your family tree and pull out plums, isn't it? I can understand why you would be attracted to Fleurentine. Myself? I'll stick with Fleur. I thought about Florentine as a substitute. But then spinach came into my head so I can't go with Florentine either.But I can easily see why you might want a little Marie Fleurentine one day. Why not?
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