[Opinions] Sheridan?
I saw a picture of a young girl in the newspaper today, who was named Sheridan. What do you think of Sheridan for a girl?
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To me it suits a girl better than a boy. It sounds to fluffy, posh and feminine for a boy imo. I like strong names on boys. It makes me think of Keeping Up Appearances and it was used on a boy (a gay guy though!) in that show and it also makes me think of the soap opera "Passions" where it is used on a woman. I really don't like the name though, nothing appealing about it to me.
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I don't like it, but I had a friend when I was little whose older sister's name was Sheridan.
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I can't help but think of "Keeping Up Appearances" - never liked that show, btw.Made ya look. ;)
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I love Sheridan on a boy, not so much on a girl. I'm not sure why, it just sounds very 'boy-ish' to me.
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I'm not a fan of surnames on girls generally, but Sheridan is one that I like. I wouldn't want it shortened to Sherry, which I hate (although Sherry is probably the reason I think Sheridan sounds feminine).
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I never thought of it as being a girl name until I watched Two Pints which has Sheridan Smith playing Janet and since then I've actually started to like it.
Before this I always thought of Hyacinth Bucket's son, but thankfully that image has now been replaced :p
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way too surnamey
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Sheridan for a girl is one of my favourite "guilty pleasures". I generally dislike surnames on girls, but I can't help loving the sound of Sheridan. I'll almost certainly use it for a character one day.
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It has a nice sound to it. Soft, but not girly/frilly. Unfortunately it made me think of the Sheraton Hotel chain within about 2 seconds.
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I actually like the name Sheridan on a girl. The 'Sher' beginning makes the name soft enough for a girl, though it could work on a boy as well.
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Just makes me think of that woman from that soap opera Passions. I used to like it a while back, but it just seems super trendy to me now.
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