[Games] Darkest Congrats Round Four
Hello, and welcome to the third round of Darkest Congrats. Due to my severe laziness lately, this round has been declared a “free round.” A free round is from here on out a round where there are no rules whatsoever. I will post name banks - you may choose whether to use them. I will list the random events - you may choose which and how many you want to incorporate into your writing. I’ll even allow you to decide how many children you want to have. Some of you have stated you don’t want any - go for it. Another thing I’ll allow for this round only is for you to control the years that have passed. I’ll age everyone who is alive five years - you can change it so that up to three more or less years have passed. Just be sure to leave me a note if you do that! Whatever you can think of to do, I’ll allow, as long as it doesn’t make your family completely confusing for me. Basically, anything goes.
All I ask is that you all actually write something. Your oldest children are now around fifteen - a very dramatic age. Let’s see some drama. You can also post pictures of your children - veer.com is a good place to start looking. Just have fun!
Since it has been so long, here is a link to the last round: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=3097056&board=game.
Edit: If you don't get the whole "free round" thing, look at my family. Just don't be intimidated by how much I wrote. You don't have to write that much - unless you want to.
Finally, by request I will post a writing from the last round I particularly enjoyed. This time, I’m using Octavia’s. I just love reading about the family she has created through this game, and I would like to showcase her writing. This, people, is what a writing congrats is about. Another thing I love about Octavia’s participation is the pictures she posts of her family. Seriously, check them out.
After Dave and Nikolai's Baguadian shenanigans, the family remained in Italy for a few more years. The Malley children, to their parents' delight, are growing up bilingual. When Maria turned 6, Dave and Antonia also made the decision to homeschool their children, since they had no real long-term plans about where they were going to live. Antonia's family is very large; she is the second of eight siblings, and all of them but her still live in Italy. Her parents, Carlo and Donatella Arcangeli, are a very powerful and proud family locally, and Antonia's marriage to an Englishman and subsequent moving away caused her to lose some favor with the rest of the family. Now that the Malleys are living in Italy, though, and the Arcangelis have met Dave, they are beginning to warm up to them again. (The fact that the Malley children are bilingual feeds the Arcangelis approval.) [Man, tension runs rampant through this excerpt!]
Anyway, the youngest Arcangeli daughter, Rachele, has always been the most reckless of the bunch. When she was 17, she had a brief physical relationship with her employer Salvatore Mantovani, an extremely handsome, wealthy, and married man more than twice her age for whom she filed papers. When Rachele became pregnant, Dr. Mantovani flatly denied his paternalism, fired Rachele, and moved to Milan. Carlo and Donatella were appalled at Rachele's reckless sexual abandon and disowned her. To irk the two men who had messed her up, Rachele gave her son both of their names, but called him Ignazio because that one was her favorite name ever! She also made Antonia and Dave Ignazio's godparents, because Antonia was the second blackest sheep in the family, and Dave had expressed the opinion that they were all treating Rachele a bit rudely.
Rachele had taken off with Ignazio quite early in the Malley's term of livinginItaly, and she hadn't occupied much of their thoughts since. One day--I don't know, how do people learn these things?--someone dropped Iggy off at the doorstep. Poor Iggy announced that Rachele had died recently from an overdose on heroin or something, and now Antonia and Dave were his legal guardians. They were slightly shocked and puzzled. Donatella was suddenly extremely remorseful of her decision to disown Rachele and became nearly hysterical for days. She insisted that Rachele have a proper funeral in the family cemetery, with all the proper rites, and so the Arcangeli family all attended a highly awkward funeral, complete with disgruntled priest. After the funeral, the dynamic was altered significantly: Carlo was grouchy and disgruntled at his wife's infinite weeping, and took out his anger on Antonia, calling her a shame to the family, marrying a foreigner and taking in a bastard child. Dave and Antonia scooped up their children and said a quiet goodbye about two weeks after acquiring Iggy, moving this time to Cambridge, Massachusetts, because Dave and Nikolai wanted to make a film about the psychology behind being a Harvard student.
Maria, Gabe, and John were all completely baffled by the move--mostly by the fact that everyone spoke English instead of Italian, but the fact that Antonia's family wasn't around was also upsetting, along with several other cultural differences I can't talk about, having never been to Italy. Maria was especially upset, as she had become close to many of her cousins and their friends. Besides, John and Gabe had each other to play with, but Maria had lost all of her tweenie female friends. She had become a very intelligent and outspoken young lady, and was found very charming by adults, but wasn't satisfied by their company and resented their condescending attitude towards her. All adults but her parents, she found, especially in America, were extremely condescending to her. Gabe and John are growing to become foils of each other: Gabe is quieter and more inquisitive, while John is boisterous and rough. Nevertheless, they have been getting along quite well. Neither of them will pass up an opportunity to be silly and boyish. The sudden addition of Iggy into the mix has puzzled both of them. Iggy is a quiet, dark-featured boy, who only speaks Italian when he speaks. He doesn't show much interest in his surroundings and just watches Gabe and John while they play. He puzzles Dave, too, who simply doesn't know what to do with him, but Antonia and Nikolai both get along well with him--that is, silently, watching flowers or fish or trees and not asking questions.
Okay, now that that’s over with - here are your families. Go wild.
Posting Name: Anna Kate (5) (yes)
Surname: Montgomery
DH: James Raphael (42, photographer)
DW: Eva Katherine (40, SAHM)
DS: Charles Gabriel Dominic "Charlie" (15)
DD: Olivia Helena Catherine (12)
DS: Felix Benjamin August (9)
DD: Elizabeth Evelyn Sophia "Lily" (7)
DD: Audrey Victoria Claire (5)
Posting Name: Array (8) (x)
Surname: DeWinters
DH: Connor Mark (35) [newspaper editor]
DW: Winter Mary "Winnie" (34) [SAHM]
DS: Simon Julius (14)
DS/DD: Francis Timothy "Frankie," Cecilia Daphne "Cecy" (11)
DD: Bridget Lucretia (10)
DD: Rose Calliope "Rosey" (7)
DS/DD: Benjamin Felix "Benji" / Eleanor Fern "Lennie" (6)
DS: Abram Maximilian (5)
Posting Name: Ashley (7) (yes)
Surname: Tamewitz
DW: Jennifer Lynn 'Jenn' (40)
DH: Kevin Andrew (40)
AD: Katrina Eileen (17) (USA)
DS/DD: Brogan Marshall / Eliza Jane (15)
DS/DS: Kieran Zander / Ethan Hunter (13)
DD: Ainsley Victoria (11)
AD: Audrey Cassandra (6) (China)
Posting Name: avalon (8) (x)
Surname: Booth
DH: Rhett Alexander (33) [musician]
DW: Cecily Rae (36) [photographer]
DS: Finlay Michael "Finn" (15)
DS/DD: Charlie James / Lila Rose (13)
DD: Sydney Elizabeth (10)
DD: Violet Sophia (8)
DD: Audrey Claire (7)
DD: Ava Eleanor (6)
DD: Isabelle Kate (5)
Posting Name: Caroline Mae (8) (yes)
Surname: Tiernan
DH: Jacob Russell (43) [orthodontist]
DW: Sophia Rose (36) [teacher]
DS: John Paul Adrian (13)
DS/DD: Henry Nathaniel / Evelia Iris (12)
DD: Eleanor Cecilia (10)
DD: Mary Francsesca (7)
DS/DD: Isaac Alistair (6) / Daphne Helena (deceased, newborn)
DS: Dominic Hector (5)
Posting Name: Darkest (10) (x)
Surname: Blackwood
DH: Daniel Benjamin (40) [karate instructor, ex-Marine]
DW: Catalina Raquel (Acosta) "Cata" (38) [Dallas Police Officer, ex-army]
DS/DS/DD: Nathaniel Reginald "Nathan" / Benjamin Karl / Eleanor Grace "Nora" (15)
DD: Madeline Rose (15) [illegitimate - Daniel]
AD: Tasha Raquel Smith "Tash" (14) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
DS: Trenton Rhys "Trent" (14)
AD: Heather Anica Smith (13) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
DS: Daniel Blaise (12) [Cerebral Palsy]
DS/DD: Justin Cedric "Jace" / Kathryn Helena (10)
Posting Name: Emilie (5) (yes)
Surname: O'Neil
DH: Patrick Damon (41) [pharmacist]
DW: Ella Harriet (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Cora Madeline / Ayla Elizabeth (15)
DS: Joel William (12)
DD/DD: Tasha Rosalie / Casey Victoria (10)
DS: Nolan Samuel (8)
DD: Kendra Simone (5)
Dcat: Connor
Posting Name: enlatiah (4) (yes*)
Surname: Tarrolly
DH: Sagan Constantine (43) [architect]
DW: Linnéa Shay neé Carrington (39) [midwife]
DD/DD: Annabella Hope / Sapphira Grace (15)
DS: Trenton Wade (12)
AD: Adelina Victoria (8) (Cuba)
AS: ____ ____ (4) (Cuba)
Dog: Ivy
(You mentioned wanting to adopt a boy, so I went ahead and added him for you.)
Posting Name: estel (7)(x)
Surname: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (43) [social worker; family therapy/counselling]
DW: Lydia Faith (39) [SAHM]
DS/DS: Matthew Rowan "Matt" (deceased, leukemia, age 3) and John Quentin "Jack" (15)
DS: Elijah Nikolai "Lijah" (12)
DD/DD: Victoria Autumn "Tori" and Charlotte Adelaide "Carly" (10)
DS: Isaiah Lucas (8)
DS: Jude Trenton (6)
AD: Heather Branwen (5) (adopted)
Posting Name: HeidiAnn (7) (x) (internet problems)
Surname: Garrity
DH: Simon Paul (44) - Architect in Manahattan
DW: Lucy Jane (41) - Mostly SAHM, but part time Realtor
DS: Forrest Reid (15)
DS: Ross Levi (14)
DD/DD: Adelaide Blythe "Addie" & Eleanor Roxanne "Ellie" (12)
DS: Zane Alexander (10)
AS/AS: Sebastian Carlos & Felix Esteban (7) (Cuba)
dCat: Joey
Posting Name: jj21jj (6) (x)
Surname: Rose
DH: William Scott (44) [CIA in secret-“tax-broker”]
DW: Victoria Rebecca (41) [SAHM/author]
DS/DD: John Rodney and Elizabeth Stephanie "Bess" (15)
DD: Katherine Eleanor "Kitty" (13)
DS/DS: Alexander Levi "Alex" and Elijah Maximilian "Eli"(11)
DD/DD: Lily Eleanor and Julia Ava (8)
Posting Name: LeeElizaBnt (8)(x)
Surname: Craige-Widell
DH: John Benjamin "Jackie" (42) [Composer/ Musician]
DW: Paula Marie (40) [Chemist]
DS/DS/DD: Eliot Brendan / Alex Edward/ Maya June (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Nicholas "Gabe" / Lucas Adrian (14)
DD: Casey Olivia (10) (Downs Syndrome)
DS/DD: Benjamin Cordell "Ben"/ Victoria Kathryn "Tori" (8)
DD: Isabel Sophia (6)
Posting Name: Lorelei (6) (yes)
Surname: Daniels
DH: Raymond Patrick "Ray" (38) [Veterinarian]
DW: Lydia Claire (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Isabella Grace (deceased, asthma attack, age 5) / Carol Rose (15)
DD/DD: Catherine Helena "Cate" / Sarah Eleanor (12)
DS: Wesley Alexander "Wes" (10)
DD: Eleanor Rose "Ellie"(9)
DD: Evelyn Violet "Evie"(7)
DD: Julia Heather (deceased, undeveloped lungs, age nb)
Posting Name: miss_smiley (8)(x)
Surname: Lane
DH: Brandon Matthew, 40, Lawyer
DW: Elissa Matilda, 38, SAHM
DS/DD: Cohen Ezra and Talia-Grace Sofia "Tia-Grace" (15) (Tia-Grace is deaf)
DD/DD: Ainsley Tanith and Erica Tabitha (12)
DS: Ethan Gabriel (10)
DS: Maximilian Rhys (8)
DS: Finlay Boaz (7)
DS: Romeo Evan (5)
Dog: Zander
Posting Name: Nikki (7) (x)
Surname: Grady
DexH: Cohen Daniel (38) [in jail]
DW: Allie Noelle (37) [actress]
DS: Rohan Camden (15)
DD: Ava Isabella (15) (illegitimate - Cohen)
DS/DS: Zane Levi / Kieran Trenton (13)
DD: Ainsley Winter (10)
DS: Adrian Milo (8)
DD: Eira Minerva (6)
Ddog: Kira
Posting Name: Octavia (4)(x)
Surname: Malley
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (41) (documentarian)
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (42) (exciting political journalist)
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" / John Maximilian (12)
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani (9) "Iggy"
Posting Name: sarah lee (4) (yes)
Surname: Vittitoe
ExH: Rainer Stephen (19) (deceased)
DW: Georgiana Louise (34) [restaurant owner]
DH: Nicholas Rhys Griffith (34) [chef]
DD: Stella Josephine (15)
DS: Marshall Ivan (15) (illegitimate - Rainer’s)
DD: Jezebel Rosalie (9)
AD: Bridget Isobel (9)
DD: Daphne Estrella (nb) (deceased)
Note: Do you plan to change the surname to Griffith?
Posting Name: Serel Channah (7)(yes)
Surname: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (35) [Doctor]
DW: Serafina Rosalind (34) [Teacher]
DS: Simon Timothy (14)
DS/DD: August Elijah / Octavia Violet (13)
DD: Lillian Sophia (11)
DD: Daphne Cassandra (8)
DD/DD: Maribel Graciela / Bridget Helena (6)
Posting Name: slgn4 (4) (x)
Surname: Anderson
DH: Albert James (26, deceased)
DW: Pearl Evangeline (35)(Bank Teller)
DD/DD/DS: Olivia Amber & Grace Tamara & Joel Matthew (15)
DD: Evelyn Catherine (13)
Posting Name: Sophie * (10)(x)
Surname: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew "Rob" (55)
DW: Sophie Louise (37)
DD/DD/DS: Rose Elizabeth / Faye Madeline / Simon Jay (15)
DD: Alanna Blythe (14)
DD: Evelyn Tasha "Evie" (13)
DD: Caitlin Alexandra (11)
DS/DD: Adam Christopher / Cara Fern (9)
DS: Rowan Mark (7)
DS: Ethan Paul (5) (illegitimate - Rob)
Posting Name: Spartz (9) (x)
Surname: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (43) [record producer]
DW: Marie Nicole (42) [cardiologist]
DS/DD/DD: Evan Matthew / Grace Olivia "Gracie" / Anna Caroline "Annie" (15)
DS: Benjamin Francis "Ben" (13)
DS: Nicholas Daniel "Nick" (11)
DS/DD: Dylan Joel / Lillian Kathryn "Lily" (10)
DD: Julia Sarah (7)
DD: Olivia Jacinta (5)
Posting Name: Sugar (7) (x)
Surname: Gilchrist
DH: Henry Tobias (41) [magazine editor]
DW: Maria Parthenia "Mamie" (39) [part-time photographer]
DD/DD: Nora June / Rose Mahala (15) (Nora June is deaf)
DS/DS: Dylan Nathaniel / Isaac Henry (12)
DD: Lydia Catherine (10) (Deaf)
DS/DD: Elijah Thierry / Sophia Winter (6)
Posting Name: Tai Angel * (10) (x)
Surname: Derwilleger
DH: James Roger (59) [Full Time Lawyer]
DW: Nancy Rose (38) [Part Time Dentist's Assistant]
DS/DS/DD: Nathan Russell, Julian Richard and Laura Ruthie (15)
DS: Deacon Ross (14)
AD: Nadia Lan (13) (China)
DD/DD: Charlotte Rosalie / Alanna Roxanne (12)
DS: Adrian Reese (9)
DD: Simone Rebekah (7)
DD: Jacinta Raquel (5)
Posting Name: X Mar (7)(?)
Surname: Romanov
SO: Ruslan (35)
SO: Noa Valentina (42)
DD: Isadora Jona "Isa" (15)
DS/DS/DD: Maximilian Levi "Max" / Mordecai Rhys "Cai" / Winter Bronwen "Winnie" (13)
DS: Gabriel Quinton "Gabe" (died at 5 months)
DS: Connor Austin "Con" (8)
DS: Romeo Ivan “Rome” (7) (illegitimate - Ruslan)
DS: Sebastian Jude “Seb” (5)
All I ask is that you all actually write something. Your oldest children are now around fifteen - a very dramatic age. Let’s see some drama. You can also post pictures of your children - veer.com is a good place to start looking. Just have fun!
Since it has been so long, here is a link to the last round: http://www.behindthename.com/bb/arcview.php?id=3097056&board=game.
Edit: If you don't get the whole "free round" thing, look at my family. Just don't be intimidated by how much I wrote. You don't have to write that much - unless you want to.
Finally, by request I will post a writing from the last round I particularly enjoyed. This time, I’m using Octavia’s. I just love reading about the family she has created through this game, and I would like to showcase her writing. This, people, is what a writing congrats is about. Another thing I love about Octavia’s participation is the pictures she posts of her family. Seriously, check them out.
After Dave and Nikolai's Baguadian shenanigans, the family remained in Italy for a few more years. The Malley children, to their parents' delight, are growing up bilingual. When Maria turned 6, Dave and Antonia also made the decision to homeschool their children, since they had no real long-term plans about where they were going to live. Antonia's family is very large; she is the second of eight siblings, and all of them but her still live in Italy. Her parents, Carlo and Donatella Arcangeli, are a very powerful and proud family locally, and Antonia's marriage to an Englishman and subsequent moving away caused her to lose some favor with the rest of the family. Now that the Malleys are living in Italy, though, and the Arcangelis have met Dave, they are beginning to warm up to them again. (The fact that the Malley children are bilingual feeds the Arcangelis approval.) [Man, tension runs rampant through this excerpt!]
Anyway, the youngest Arcangeli daughter, Rachele, has always been the most reckless of the bunch. When she was 17, she had a brief physical relationship with her employer Salvatore Mantovani, an extremely handsome, wealthy, and married man more than twice her age for whom she filed papers. When Rachele became pregnant, Dr. Mantovani flatly denied his paternalism, fired Rachele, and moved to Milan. Carlo and Donatella were appalled at Rachele's reckless sexual abandon and disowned her. To irk the two men who had messed her up, Rachele gave her son both of their names, but called him Ignazio because that one was her favorite name ever! She also made Antonia and Dave Ignazio's godparents, because Antonia was the second blackest sheep in the family, and Dave had expressed the opinion that they were all treating Rachele a bit rudely.
Rachele had taken off with Ignazio quite early in the Malley's term of livinginItaly, and she hadn't occupied much of their thoughts since. One day--I don't know, how do people learn these things?--someone dropped Iggy off at the doorstep. Poor Iggy announced that Rachele had died recently from an overdose on heroin or something, and now Antonia and Dave were his legal guardians. They were slightly shocked and puzzled. Donatella was suddenly extremely remorseful of her decision to disown Rachele and became nearly hysterical for days. She insisted that Rachele have a proper funeral in the family cemetery, with all the proper rites, and so the Arcangeli family all attended a highly awkward funeral, complete with disgruntled priest. After the funeral, the dynamic was altered significantly: Carlo was grouchy and disgruntled at his wife's infinite weeping, and took out his anger on Antonia, calling her a shame to the family, marrying a foreigner and taking in a bastard child. Dave and Antonia scooped up their children and said a quiet goodbye about two weeks after acquiring Iggy, moving this time to Cambridge, Massachusetts, because Dave and Nikolai wanted to make a film about the psychology behind being a Harvard student.
Maria, Gabe, and John were all completely baffled by the move--mostly by the fact that everyone spoke English instead of Italian, but the fact that Antonia's family wasn't around was also upsetting, along with several other cultural differences I can't talk about, having never been to Italy. Maria was especially upset, as she had become close to many of her cousins and their friends. Besides, John and Gabe had each other to play with, but Maria had lost all of her tweenie female friends. She had become a very intelligent and outspoken young lady, and was found very charming by adults, but wasn't satisfied by their company and resented their condescending attitude towards her. All adults but her parents, she found, especially in America, were extremely condescending to her. Gabe and John are growing to become foils of each other: Gabe is quieter and more inquisitive, while John is boisterous and rough. Nevertheless, they have been getting along quite well. Neither of them will pass up an opportunity to be silly and boyish. The sudden addition of Iggy into the mix has puzzled both of them. Iggy is a quiet, dark-featured boy, who only speaks Italian when he speaks. He doesn't show much interest in his surroundings and just watches Gabe and John while they play. He puzzles Dave, too, who simply doesn't know what to do with him, but Antonia and Nikolai both get along well with him--that is, silently, watching flowers or fish or trees and not asking questions.
Okay, now that that’s over with - here are your families. Go wild.
Posting Name: Anna Kate (5) (yes)
Surname: Montgomery
DH: James Raphael (42, photographer)
DW: Eva Katherine (40, SAHM)
DS: Charles Gabriel Dominic "Charlie" (15)
DD: Olivia Helena Catherine (12)
DS: Felix Benjamin August (9)
DD: Elizabeth Evelyn Sophia "Lily" (7)
DD: Audrey Victoria Claire (5)
Posting Name: Array (8) (x)
Surname: DeWinters
DH: Connor Mark (35) [newspaper editor]
DW: Winter Mary "Winnie" (34) [SAHM]
DS: Simon Julius (14)
DS/DD: Francis Timothy "Frankie," Cecilia Daphne "Cecy" (11)
DD: Bridget Lucretia (10)
DD: Rose Calliope "Rosey" (7)
DS/DD: Benjamin Felix "Benji" / Eleanor Fern "Lennie" (6)
DS: Abram Maximilian (5)
Posting Name: Ashley (7) (yes)
Surname: Tamewitz
DW: Jennifer Lynn 'Jenn' (40)
DH: Kevin Andrew (40)
AD: Katrina Eileen (17) (USA)
DS/DD: Brogan Marshall / Eliza Jane (15)
DS/DS: Kieran Zander / Ethan Hunter (13)
DD: Ainsley Victoria (11)
AD: Audrey Cassandra (6) (China)
Posting Name: avalon (8) (x)
Surname: Booth
DH: Rhett Alexander (33) [musician]
DW: Cecily Rae (36) [photographer]
DS: Finlay Michael "Finn" (15)
DS/DD: Charlie James / Lila Rose (13)
DD: Sydney Elizabeth (10)
DD: Violet Sophia (8)
DD: Audrey Claire (7)
DD: Ava Eleanor (6)
DD: Isabelle Kate (5)
Posting Name: Caroline Mae (8) (yes)
Surname: Tiernan
DH: Jacob Russell (43) [orthodontist]
DW: Sophia Rose (36) [teacher]
DS: John Paul Adrian (13)
DS/DD: Henry Nathaniel / Evelia Iris (12)
DD: Eleanor Cecilia (10)
DD: Mary Francsesca (7)
DS/DD: Isaac Alistair (6) / Daphne Helena (deceased, newborn)
DS: Dominic Hector (5)
Posting Name: Darkest (10) (x)
Surname: Blackwood
DH: Daniel Benjamin (40) [karate instructor, ex-Marine]
DW: Catalina Raquel (Acosta) "Cata" (38) [Dallas Police Officer, ex-army]
DS/DS/DD: Nathaniel Reginald "Nathan" / Benjamin Karl / Eleanor Grace "Nora" (15)
DD: Madeline Rose (15) [illegitimate - Daniel]
AD: Tasha Raquel Smith "Tash" (14) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
DS: Trenton Rhys "Trent" (14)
AD: Heather Anica Smith (13) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
DS: Daniel Blaise (12) [Cerebral Palsy]
DS/DD: Justin Cedric "Jace" / Kathryn Helena (10)
Posting Name: Emilie (5) (yes)
Surname: O'Neil
DH: Patrick Damon (41) [pharmacist]
DW: Ella Harriet (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Cora Madeline / Ayla Elizabeth (15)
DS: Joel William (12)
DD/DD: Tasha Rosalie / Casey Victoria (10)
DS: Nolan Samuel (8)
DD: Kendra Simone (5)
Dcat: Connor
Posting Name: enlatiah (4) (yes*)
Surname: Tarrolly
DH: Sagan Constantine (43) [architect]
DW: Linnéa Shay neé Carrington (39) [midwife]
DD/DD: Annabella Hope / Sapphira Grace (15)
DS: Trenton Wade (12)
AD: Adelina Victoria (8) (Cuba)
AS: ____ ____ (4) (Cuba)
Dog: Ivy
(You mentioned wanting to adopt a boy, so I went ahead and added him for you.)
Posting Name: estel (7)(x)
Surname: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (43) [social worker; family therapy/counselling]
DW: Lydia Faith (39) [SAHM]
DS/DS: Matthew Rowan "Matt" (deceased, leukemia, age 3) and John Quentin "Jack" (15)
DS: Elijah Nikolai "Lijah" (12)
DD/DD: Victoria Autumn "Tori" and Charlotte Adelaide "Carly" (10)
DS: Isaiah Lucas (8)
DS: Jude Trenton (6)
AD: Heather Branwen (5) (adopted)
Posting Name: HeidiAnn (7) (x) (internet problems)
Surname: Garrity
DH: Simon Paul (44) - Architect in Manahattan
DW: Lucy Jane (41) - Mostly SAHM, but part time Realtor
DS: Forrest Reid (15)
DS: Ross Levi (14)
DD/DD: Adelaide Blythe "Addie" & Eleanor Roxanne "Ellie" (12)
DS: Zane Alexander (10)
AS/AS: Sebastian Carlos & Felix Esteban (7) (Cuba)
dCat: Joey
Posting Name: jj21jj (6) (x)
Surname: Rose
DH: William Scott (44) [CIA in secret-“tax-broker”]
DW: Victoria Rebecca (41) [SAHM/author]
DS/DD: John Rodney and Elizabeth Stephanie "Bess" (15)
DD: Katherine Eleanor "Kitty" (13)
DS/DS: Alexander Levi "Alex" and Elijah Maximilian "Eli"(11)
DD/DD: Lily Eleanor and Julia Ava (8)
Posting Name: LeeElizaBnt (8)(x)
Surname: Craige-Widell
DH: John Benjamin "Jackie" (42) [Composer/ Musician]
DW: Paula Marie (40) [Chemist]
DS/DS/DD: Eliot Brendan / Alex Edward/ Maya June (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Nicholas "Gabe" / Lucas Adrian (14)
DD: Casey Olivia (10) (Downs Syndrome)
DS/DD: Benjamin Cordell "Ben"/ Victoria Kathryn "Tori" (8)
DD: Isabel Sophia (6)
Posting Name: Lorelei (6) (yes)
Surname: Daniels
DH: Raymond Patrick "Ray" (38) [Veterinarian]
DW: Lydia Claire (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Isabella Grace (deceased, asthma attack, age 5) / Carol Rose (15)
DD/DD: Catherine Helena "Cate" / Sarah Eleanor (12)
DS: Wesley Alexander "Wes" (10)
DD: Eleanor Rose "Ellie"(9)
DD: Evelyn Violet "Evie"(7)
DD: Julia Heather (deceased, undeveloped lungs, age nb)
Posting Name: miss_smiley (8)(x)
Surname: Lane
DH: Brandon Matthew, 40, Lawyer
DW: Elissa Matilda, 38, SAHM
DS/DD: Cohen Ezra and Talia-Grace Sofia "Tia-Grace" (15) (Tia-Grace is deaf)
DD/DD: Ainsley Tanith and Erica Tabitha (12)
DS: Ethan Gabriel (10)
DS: Maximilian Rhys (8)
DS: Finlay Boaz (7)
DS: Romeo Evan (5)
Dog: Zander
Posting Name: Nikki (7) (x)
Surname: Grady
DexH: Cohen Daniel (38) [in jail]
DW: Allie Noelle (37) [actress]
DS: Rohan Camden (15)
DD: Ava Isabella (15) (illegitimate - Cohen)
DS/DS: Zane Levi / Kieran Trenton (13)
DD: Ainsley Winter (10)
DS: Adrian Milo (8)
DD: Eira Minerva (6)
Ddog: Kira
Posting Name: Octavia (4)(x)
Surname: Malley
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (41) (documentarian)
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (42) (exciting political journalist)
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" / John Maximilian (12)
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani (9) "Iggy"
Posting Name: sarah lee (4) (yes)
Surname: Vittitoe
ExH: Rainer Stephen (19) (deceased)
DW: Georgiana Louise (34) [restaurant owner]
DH: Nicholas Rhys Griffith (34) [chef]
DD: Stella Josephine (15)
DS: Marshall Ivan (15) (illegitimate - Rainer’s)
DD: Jezebel Rosalie (9)
AD: Bridget Isobel (9)
DD: Daphne Estrella (nb) (deceased)
Note: Do you plan to change the surname to Griffith?
Posting Name: Serel Channah (7)(yes)
Surname: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (35) [Doctor]
DW: Serafina Rosalind (34) [Teacher]
DS: Simon Timothy (14)
DS/DD: August Elijah / Octavia Violet (13)
DD: Lillian Sophia (11)
DD: Daphne Cassandra (8)
DD/DD: Maribel Graciela / Bridget Helena (6)
Posting Name: slgn4 (4) (x)
Surname: Anderson
DH: Albert James (26, deceased)
DW: Pearl Evangeline (35)(Bank Teller)
DD/DD/DS: Olivia Amber & Grace Tamara & Joel Matthew (15)
DD: Evelyn Catherine (13)
Posting Name: Sophie * (10)(x)
Surname: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew "Rob" (55)
DW: Sophie Louise (37)
DD/DD/DS: Rose Elizabeth / Faye Madeline / Simon Jay (15)
DD: Alanna Blythe (14)
DD: Evelyn Tasha "Evie" (13)
DD: Caitlin Alexandra (11)
DS/DD: Adam Christopher / Cara Fern (9)
DS: Rowan Mark (7)
DS: Ethan Paul (5) (illegitimate - Rob)
Posting Name: Spartz (9) (x)
Surname: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (43) [record producer]
DW: Marie Nicole (42) [cardiologist]
DS/DD/DD: Evan Matthew / Grace Olivia "Gracie" / Anna Caroline "Annie" (15)
DS: Benjamin Francis "Ben" (13)
DS: Nicholas Daniel "Nick" (11)
DS/DD: Dylan Joel / Lillian Kathryn "Lily" (10)
DD: Julia Sarah (7)
DD: Olivia Jacinta (5)
Posting Name: Sugar (7) (x)
Surname: Gilchrist
DH: Henry Tobias (41) [magazine editor]
DW: Maria Parthenia "Mamie" (39) [part-time photographer]
DD/DD: Nora June / Rose Mahala (15) (Nora June is deaf)
DS/DS: Dylan Nathaniel / Isaac Henry (12)
DD: Lydia Catherine (10) (Deaf)
DS/DD: Elijah Thierry / Sophia Winter (6)
Posting Name: Tai Angel * (10) (x)
Surname: Derwilleger
DH: James Roger (59) [Full Time Lawyer]
DW: Nancy Rose (38) [Part Time Dentist's Assistant]
DS/DS/DD: Nathan Russell, Julian Richard and Laura Ruthie (15)
DS: Deacon Ross (14)
AD: Nadia Lan (13) (China)
DD/DD: Charlotte Rosalie / Alanna Roxanne (12)
DS: Adrian Reese (9)
DD: Simone Rebekah (7)
DD: Jacinta Raquel (5)
Posting Name: X Mar (7)(?)
Surname: Romanov
SO: Ruslan (35)
SO: Noa Valentina (42)
DD: Isadora Jona "Isa" (15)
DS/DS/DD: Maximilian Levi "Max" / Mordecai Rhys "Cai" / Winter Bronwen "Winnie" (13)
DS: Gabriel Quinton "Gabe" (died at 5 months)
DS: Connor Austin "Con" (8)
DS: Romeo Ivan “Rome” (7) (illegitimate - Ruslan)
DS: Sebastian Jude “Seb” (5)
This message was edited 12/29/2007, 9:31 AM
Posting Name: Anna Kate (5) (yes)
Surname: Montgomery
DH: James Raphael (42, photographer)
DW: Eva Katherine (40, SAHM)
DS: Charles Gabriel Dominic "Charlie" (15)
--Dgf: Bridget Blythe Bartholomew (15)
DD: Olivia Helena Catherine (12)
DS: Felix Benjamin August (9)
DD: Elizabeth Evelyn Sophia "Lily" (7)
DD: Audrey Victoria Claire (5)
DS: Sebastian Joel Fabian (2)
Thanks to James getting a few big jobs in quite quick succession, we recently moved house. In this bigger home, everyone gets their own room and there are two guest rooms. All the kids love the house, especially Felix, Lily, Audrey and Sebastian, because they love running around in the huge yard.
Olivia recently developed her first real crush, on a boy named Jake, which was very cute. She didn't want to tell me too much at first, but luckily Charlie's girlfriend, Bridget, is round here all the time and Olivia felt more than able to share everything with her. We've been getting a little worried about Charlie's behavior recently, he's been staying out later than he should and there seems to be parties two or three times a week. Bee is a nice kid and seems to keep some sort of control on him, but James and I are keeping a close eye on him; we especially don't want him to influence his younger siblings, particularly Audrey, who somewhat idolises him.
Surname: Montgomery
DH: James Raphael (42, photographer)
DW: Eva Katherine (40, SAHM)
DS: Charles Gabriel Dominic "Charlie" (15)
--Dgf: Bridget Blythe Bartholomew (15)
DD: Olivia Helena Catherine (12)
DS: Felix Benjamin August (9)
DD: Elizabeth Evelyn Sophia "Lily" (7)
DD: Audrey Victoria Claire (5)
DS: Sebastian Joel Fabian (2)
Thanks to James getting a few big jobs in quite quick succession, we recently moved house. In this bigger home, everyone gets their own room and there are two guest rooms. All the kids love the house, especially Felix, Lily, Audrey and Sebastian, because they love running around in the huge yard.
Olivia recently developed her first real crush, on a boy named Jake, which was very cute. She didn't want to tell me too much at first, but luckily Charlie's girlfriend, Bridget, is round here all the time and Olivia felt more than able to share everything with her. We've been getting a little worried about Charlie's behavior recently, he's been staying out later than he should and there seems to be parties two or three times a week. Bee is a nice kid and seems to keep some sort of control on him, but James and I are keeping a close eye on him; we especially don't want him to influence his younger siblings, particularly Audrey, who somewhat idolises him.
We're aging up three years more, for added lol. And you wanted dramahz? Well, dramahz you get, ma'am.
And do we just choose which random event we want? If I've done that wrong, smack me on the wrist and I'll fix it up. ;)
Posting Name: Array (8) (x)
Surname: DeWinters
DH: Connor Mark (38) [newspaper editor]
--Dbf: Neil Benjamin Salvador (40)
DW: Winter Mary "Winnie" (37) [SAHM]
--DH: Timothy Dillon Zane "Tim" (44)
DS: Simon Julius (17)
--Dgf: Tasha Mary Carter (17)
DS/DD: Francis Timothy "Frankie," Cecilia Daphne "Cecy" (14)
DD: Bridget Lucretia (13)
--Dbf: Austin Jacob Marcos (16)
DD: Rose Calliope "Rosey" (10)
DS/DD: Benjamin Felix "Benji" / Eleanor Fern "Lennie" (9)
DS: Abram Maximilian (8)
One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
The DeWinters family has changed significantly since we last observed them. Connor and Winnie found that attempting to rectify their issues as a couple simply would not work. Despite all they tried, the two finally came to the conclusion that, while they were each fond of the other in a friendly way, they could not say that they were still in love.
After the divorce, Connor, who had to do a great deal of soul-searching, finally managed to admit to himself that, in truth, he preferred the company of men to women. Winnie was shocked and did not approve, and only the eldest four children are aware that Daddy now has a friend called Neil. Winnie has prevented Conor, to the best of her ability, from seeing the children; she and her new husband, Tim, have vowed not to let his perversions spoil the minds of eight beautiful boys and girls.
Connor has been understandably heartbroken and is trying to petition the courts for at least visitation rights, but thus far, he has not been successful. Of the children aware of why Daddy can't come see them anymore, only Simon disagrees to the point of arguing openly with his mother about it. Frankie and Cecy just don't want to engage on the issue, while Bridget agrees with her mother.
And do we just choose which random event we want? If I've done that wrong, smack me on the wrist and I'll fix it up. ;)
Posting Name: Array (8) (x)
Surname: DeWinters
DH: Connor Mark (38) [newspaper editor]
--Dbf: Neil Benjamin Salvador (40)
DW: Winter Mary "Winnie" (37) [SAHM]
--DH: Timothy Dillon Zane "Tim" (44)
DS: Simon Julius (17)
--Dgf: Tasha Mary Carter (17)
DS/DD: Francis Timothy "Frankie," Cecilia Daphne "Cecy" (14)
DD: Bridget Lucretia (13)
--Dbf: Austin Jacob Marcos (16)
DD: Rose Calliope "Rosey" (10)
DS/DD: Benjamin Felix "Benji" / Eleanor Fern "Lennie" (9)
DS: Abram Maximilian (8)
One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
The DeWinters family has changed significantly since we last observed them. Connor and Winnie found that attempting to rectify their issues as a couple simply would not work. Despite all they tried, the two finally came to the conclusion that, while they were each fond of the other in a friendly way, they could not say that they were still in love.
After the divorce, Connor, who had to do a great deal of soul-searching, finally managed to admit to himself that, in truth, he preferred the company of men to women. Winnie was shocked and did not approve, and only the eldest four children are aware that Daddy now has a friend called Neil. Winnie has prevented Conor, to the best of her ability, from seeing the children; she and her new husband, Tim, have vowed not to let his perversions spoil the minds of eight beautiful boys and girls.
Connor has been understandably heartbroken and is trying to petition the courts for at least visitation rights, but thus far, he has not been successful. Of the children aware of why Daddy can't come see them anymore, only Simon disagrees to the point of arguing openly with his mother about it. Frankie and Cecy just don't want to engage on the issue, while Bridget agrees with her mother.
Posting Name: X Mar (7)(?)
Surname: Romanov
SO: Ruslan (35)
SO: Noa Valentina (42)
DD: Isadora Jona "Isa" (15)
DS/DS/DD: Maximilian Levi "Max" / Mordecai Rhys "Cai" / Winter Bronwen "Winnie" (13)
DS: Gabriel Quinton "Gabe" (died at 5 months)
DS: Connor Austin "Con" (8)
DS: Romeo Ivan “Rome” (7) (illegitimate - Ruslan)
DS: Sebastian Jude “Seb” (5)
(note: i'm using the Dutch school system in my writing. This means that Kindergarten is attached to primary school (it's called grade 1 & 2), and highschool is from age 12 (1st grade), and there is no such thing as junior high etc.)
Five years have passed and quite a lot has happened. When Seb was 3 I asked Ruslan again whether he'd let me go back to work or not. He still didn't want me to work, but said that he was fine with it, when Seb would go to kindergarten, and I'd find work at a school near him or in the school we were going to put him in. I immediately tried to find out if there were going to be any vacancies for teaching in the area in the next year. One school said that they could use someone for part-time teaching and who would also give exra classes to kids that needed special attention. It wasn't exactly the same as having my own class, but I was only to happy to agree to do that in the future.
A couple of months later the day had finally come that all our kids were in school. Isa was in the 3rd grade and doing fine. She had begun to take an interest in boys and now had a crush on a 17 year old guy from her school. The triplets had just started highschool. Max and Cai proved to be troublemakers, even more than they had been in primary school, but so far there had been no serious consequences (yet?). Winnie was very quiet, but the best student of the bunch, she only brought good grades home and once got really upset over a 60 she had gotten. I'm happy that she took her study seriously, but a bit concerned that she might be taking it a little too seriously. Con was in grade 4 in primary school (the normal grade for a 7 year old) and doing okay.
Surname: Romanov
SO: Ruslan (35)
SO: Noa Valentina (42)
DD: Isadora Jona "Isa" (15)
DS/DS/DD: Maximilian Levi "Max" / Mordecai Rhys "Cai" / Winter Bronwen "Winnie" (13)
DS: Gabriel Quinton "Gabe" (died at 5 months)
DS: Connor Austin "Con" (8)
DS: Romeo Ivan “Rome” (7) (illegitimate - Ruslan)
DS: Sebastian Jude “Seb” (5)
(note: i'm using the Dutch school system in my writing. This means that Kindergarten is attached to primary school (it's called grade 1 & 2), and highschool is from age 12 (1st grade), and there is no such thing as junior high etc.)
Five years have passed and quite a lot has happened. When Seb was 3 I asked Ruslan again whether he'd let me go back to work or not. He still didn't want me to work, but said that he was fine with it, when Seb would go to kindergarten, and I'd find work at a school near him or in the school we were going to put him in. I immediately tried to find out if there were going to be any vacancies for teaching in the area in the next year. One school said that they could use someone for part-time teaching and who would also give exra classes to kids that needed special attention. It wasn't exactly the same as having my own class, but I was only to happy to agree to do that in the future.
A couple of months later the day had finally come that all our kids were in school. Isa was in the 3rd grade and doing fine. She had begun to take an interest in boys and now had a crush on a 17 year old guy from her school. The triplets had just started highschool. Max and Cai proved to be troublemakers, even more than they had been in primary school, but so far there had been no serious consequences (yet?). Winnie was very quiet, but the best student of the bunch, she only brought good grades home and once got really upset over a 60 she had gotten. I'm happy that she took her study seriously, but a bit concerned that she might be taking it a little too seriously. Con was in grade 4 in primary school (the normal grade for a 7 year old) and doing okay.
This message was edited 1/5/2008, 7:02 PM
Pics of the family
This is Ruslan with his typical facial exression:

This is an old one of Isa, it was taken last summer outside my parents' house. She's the only one with freckles in the family, she looks like my mom:

This is Max. This photo was taken in the winter, he looks a bit pale here and he's squinting a bit:

This is Cai. This was taken last summer, he has lighter hair than Max', but other than that they look a lot alike:

This is Winnie, it's from last year, but it's my fav picture of her. I think she looks quite like Isa, only without freckles:

I thought I'd include one of Gabe before he died. He was such a cutie:

This is Con, I think he looks a lot like his brothers, especially Max who had the exact same hair colour at that age:

And here's a picture of Rome. He looks so much like Ruslan. He even has 'that look' in his eyes sometimes. I hate the necklace btw, but Ruslan got it for him, and he never takes it off:

And finally here's Seb. He looks like all of his brothers did at 5. He's growing up too fast, I wish my baby would stay like this forever :)

And yeah, there's no pic of me. I couldn't find a single one where I looked good...
This is Ruslan with his typical facial exression:

This is an old one of Isa, it was taken last summer outside my parents' house. She's the only one with freckles in the family, she looks like my mom:

This is Max. This photo was taken in the winter, he looks a bit pale here and he's squinting a bit:

This is Cai. This was taken last summer, he has lighter hair than Max', but other than that they look a lot alike:

This is Winnie, it's from last year, but it's my fav picture of her. I think she looks quite like Isa, only without freckles:

I thought I'd include one of Gabe before he died. He was such a cutie:

This is Con, I think he looks a lot like his brothers, especially Max who had the exact same hair colour at that age:

And here's a picture of Rome. He looks so much like Ruslan. He even has 'that look' in his eyes sometimes. I hate the necklace btw, but Ruslan got it for him, and he never takes it off:

And finally here's Seb. He looks like all of his brothers did at 5. He's growing up too fast, I wish my baby would stay like this forever :)

And yeah, there's no pic of me. I couldn't find a single one where I looked good...
This message was edited 1/5/2008, 6:30 PM
Posting Name: miss_smiley (8)(x)
Surname: Lane
DH: Brandon Matthew, 40, Lawyer
DW: Elissa Matilda, 38, SAHM
DS/DD: Cohen Ezra and Talia-Grace Sofia "Tia-Grace" (15) (Tia-Grace is deaf)
---Tia Bf: Matthew Henry "Mattie"
---DD: Gabriella Rosalie "Gabby"
DD/DD: Ainsley Tanith and Erica Tabitha (12)
DS: Ethan Gabriel (10)
DS: Maximilian Rhys (8)
DS: Finlay Boaz (7)
DS: Romeo Evan (5)
DS: Alex Ezekiel (2)
Dog: Zander
We have had the shock of our lives this month, Tia-Grace has been dating her boyfriend, Mattie, for around a year, and dropped the bombshell that she was pregnant earlier this week. Of course, his mother is also devastated and both families actually sat down and talked, and decided to keep the child. It will live at our house but Mattie will have it at least two nights a week.
Surname: Lane
DH: Brandon Matthew, 40, Lawyer
DW: Elissa Matilda, 38, SAHM
DS/DD: Cohen Ezra and Talia-Grace Sofia "Tia-Grace" (15) (Tia-Grace is deaf)
---Tia Bf: Matthew Henry "Mattie"
---DD: Gabriella Rosalie "Gabby"
DD/DD: Ainsley Tanith and Erica Tabitha (12)
DS: Ethan Gabriel (10)
DS: Maximilian Rhys (8)
DS: Finlay Boaz (7)
DS: Romeo Evan (5)
DS: Alex Ezekiel (2)
Dog: Zander
We have had the shock of our lives this month, Tia-Grace has been dating her boyfriend, Mattie, for around a year, and dropped the bombshell that she was pregnant earlier this week. Of course, his mother is also devastated and both families actually sat down and talked, and decided to keep the child. It will live at our house but Mattie will have it at least two nights a week.
Posting Name: Lorelei (6) (yes)
Surname: Daniels
DH: Raymond Patrick "Ray" (38) [Veterinarian]
DW: Lydia Claire (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Isabella Grace (deceased, asthma attack, age 5) / Carol Rose (15)
DD/DD: Catherine Helena "Cate" / Sarah Eleanor (12)
DS: Wesley Alexander "Wes" (10)
DD: Mary Sophia (9)
DD: Evelyn Violet "Evie"(7)
DD: Julia Heather (deceased, undeveloped lungs, age nb)
Random Event: One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
Boy, has time flown! Carol is now in the 10th grade and likes to spend her spare time reading. Cate and Sarah are in the 7th grade. Cate is more of a tomboy, while Sarah is definetly a girly-girl. Wes is in the 5th grade. He has come to the conclusion that he does not like school. He is struggling in math. He likes when Ray takes him fishing. Mary is already having her first crush. His name is Daniel Sutton, and he lives just around the corner from us. Evie is in the 2nd grade. She loves school and likes to play with her collection of American girl dolls.
Surname: Daniels
DH: Raymond Patrick "Ray" (38) [Veterinarian]
DW: Lydia Claire (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Isabella Grace (deceased, asthma attack, age 5) / Carol Rose (15)
DD/DD: Catherine Helena "Cate" / Sarah Eleanor (12)
DS: Wesley Alexander "Wes" (10)
DD: Mary Sophia (9)
DD: Evelyn Violet "Evie"(7)
DD: Julia Heather (deceased, undeveloped lungs, age nb)
Random Event: One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
Boy, has time flown! Carol is now in the 10th grade and likes to spend her spare time reading. Cate and Sarah are in the 7th grade. Cate is more of a tomboy, while Sarah is definetly a girly-girl. Wes is in the 5th grade. He has come to the conclusion that he does not like school. He is struggling in math. He likes when Ray takes him fishing. Mary is already having her first crush. His name is Daniel Sutton, and he lives just around the corner from us. Evie is in the 2nd grade. She loves school and likes to play with her collection of American girl dolls.
This message was edited 1/8/2008, 6:47 AM
Posting Name: Spartz (9) (x)
Surname: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (43) [record producer]
DW: Marie Nicole (42) [cardiologist]
DS/DD/DD: Evan Matthew / Grace Olivia "Gracie" / Anna Caroline "Annie" (15)
DS: Benjamin Francis "Ben" (13)
DS: Nicholas Daniel "Nick" (11)
DS/DD: Dylan Joel / Lillian Kathryn "Lily" (10)
DD: Julia Sarah (7)
DD: Olivia Jacinta (5)
DS: Samuel Dominic "Sam" (1)
Random Event: Your oldest has just experienced their first crush.
It's been another eventful five years for the Sander family. The triplets - Evan, Gracie, and Annie - are now fifteen, Ben is thirteen, Nick is eleven, the twins - Dylan and Lily - are ten, Julia is seven, Olivia is five, and the newest addition to our family - Samuel Dominic "Sam" Sander - is one year old.
Evan and I weren't planning on having any more children after Olivia was born. Raising nine children was not going to be an easy feat in any way. However, when I found out I was pregnant with Sammy, we knew there was no changing what was about to happen and just decided to get ready.
All the kids, surprisingly, were really excited about having yet another baby in the house. It wasn't really any big deal to Evan, Gracie, or Annie, seeing as they already had six younger siblings, but they were excited all the same. Olivia was really excited about being a big sister, and Dylan really was hoping for a little brother. When the big day came, Samuel Dominic was 7 lbs, 13 oz and 21 inches long. He was absolutely beautiful. He had bright blue eyes and very dark brown hair.
Sam is one now and doing extremely well. He's taken a liking to playing with his older siblings. He likes to play with animals and cars and he absolutely LOVES dinosaurs.
Evan is fifteen now, and a sophomore in high school. Over last summer he grew almost 3 inches and he officially passed me up, height-wise. Evan just got his report card and got all A's and one B. He was kind of upset about the B, but really is going to work harder next semester. He and his sisters are all in the band - Evan plays trumpet. He is also on the bowling team, the golf team, and the tennis team. Lately he has been talking a lot about this one girl - Bree that he has a crush on. Evan has been considering asking her out, but he is really shy and nervous about it. Annie and Gracie are actually really supportive to him. I'm glad the three are as close as they are, even in high school.
Surname: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (43) [record producer]
DW: Marie Nicole (42) [cardiologist]
DS/DD/DD: Evan Matthew / Grace Olivia "Gracie" / Anna Caroline "Annie" (15)
DS: Benjamin Francis "Ben" (13)
DS: Nicholas Daniel "Nick" (11)
DS/DD: Dylan Joel / Lillian Kathryn "Lily" (10)
DD: Julia Sarah (7)
DD: Olivia Jacinta (5)
DS: Samuel Dominic "Sam" (1)
Random Event: Your oldest has just experienced their first crush.
It's been another eventful five years for the Sander family. The triplets - Evan, Gracie, and Annie - are now fifteen, Ben is thirteen, Nick is eleven, the twins - Dylan and Lily - are ten, Julia is seven, Olivia is five, and the newest addition to our family - Samuel Dominic "Sam" Sander - is one year old.
Evan and I weren't planning on having any more children after Olivia was born. Raising nine children was not going to be an easy feat in any way. However, when I found out I was pregnant with Sammy, we knew there was no changing what was about to happen and just decided to get ready.
All the kids, surprisingly, were really excited about having yet another baby in the house. It wasn't really any big deal to Evan, Gracie, or Annie, seeing as they already had six younger siblings, but they were excited all the same. Olivia was really excited about being a big sister, and Dylan really was hoping for a little brother. When the big day came, Samuel Dominic was 7 lbs, 13 oz and 21 inches long. He was absolutely beautiful. He had bright blue eyes and very dark brown hair.
Sam is one now and doing extremely well. He's taken a liking to playing with his older siblings. He likes to play with animals and cars and he absolutely LOVES dinosaurs.
Evan is fifteen now, and a sophomore in high school. Over last summer he grew almost 3 inches and he officially passed me up, height-wise. Evan just got his report card and got all A's and one B. He was kind of upset about the B, but really is going to work harder next semester. He and his sisters are all in the band - Evan plays trumpet. He is also on the bowling team, the golf team, and the tennis team. Lately he has been talking a lot about this one girl - Bree that he has a crush on. Evan has been considering asking her out, but he is really shy and nervous about it. Annie and Gracie are actually really supportive to him. I'm glad the three are as close as they are, even in high school.
Wow, I didn't realize I had written that much. LOL
As part of the free-round philosophy, can I change the surname to Steiner? I just realized how stupid Maria Malley sounds.
Posting Name: Octavia (4)(x)
Surname: Steiner
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (41) (documentarian)
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (42) (exciting political journalist)
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" / John Maximilian (12)
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani (9) "Iggy"
Well, let's see. Cambridge, it turns out, treated everyone well. The documentary was a startling success. The general public interpreted it as a profound criticism of the American collegiate system - its vast expense, dubious benefits, and growing necessity in the professional world. And, well, it was. "But we like Harvard," Dave was quick to point out in an interview following the release of the film. "Yes," Nikolai added, "it's quite pretty."
Nikolai is very skinny, with dark hair and thin, intense facial features. He looks somewhat like
, without all the weirdness. "Nikolai bears no ill will towards anyone, which makes him a great objective voice," Dave said in the same interview. He's withdrawn and courteous and very reasonable, and has never had a romantic relationship, nor does he show any interest in ever having one.
Antonia has published two books in the meantime: one a compilation of some of her earlier articles, the second some really deep political commentary. Both of them were hugely successful, bringing Antonia's pseudonym Ben Mount to the tongues of the vaguely politically aware masses. The fact that both she and Dave have become well-known on the American political ... spectrum? without anyone knowing they're married has tickled both of them quite a lot, and made it especially important for Antonia's identity to remain secret, as Steiner and Shapiro have made it clear they're Ben Mount fans, and vice versa. Meanwhile, rumors about Ben Mount's true identity run rampant!
As part of the free-round philosophy, can I change the surname to Steiner? I just realized how stupid Maria Malley sounds.
Posting Name: Octavia (4)(x)
Surname: Steiner
DH: Keegan Miller David "Dave" (41) (documentarian)
DW: Antonia Sabina Maddalena (42) (exciting political journalist)
DD: Maria Claudia Angelina (15)
DS/DS: Gabriel Francis "Gabe" / John Maximilian (12)
AS: Carlo Ignazio Salvatore Mantovani (9) "Iggy"
Well, let's see. Cambridge, it turns out, treated everyone well. The documentary was a startling success. The general public interpreted it as a profound criticism of the American collegiate system - its vast expense, dubious benefits, and growing necessity in the professional world. And, well, it was. "But we like Harvard," Dave was quick to point out in an interview following the release of the film. "Yes," Nikolai added, "it's quite pretty."
Nikolai is very skinny, with dark hair and thin, intense facial features. He looks somewhat like
Antonia has published two books in the meantime: one a compilation of some of her earlier articles, the second some really deep political commentary. Both of them were hugely successful, bringing Antonia's pseudonym Ben Mount to the tongues of the vaguely politically aware masses. The fact that both she and Dave have become well-known on the American political ... spectrum? without anyone knowing they're married has tickled both of them quite a lot, and made it especially important for Antonia's identity to remain secret, as Steiner and Shapiro have made it clear they're Ben Mount fans, and vice versa. Meanwhile, rumors about Ben Mount's true identity run rampant!
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 7:42 PM
Posting Name: Ashley (7) (yes)
Surname: Tamewitz
DW: Jennifer Lynn 'Jenn' (40)
DH: Kevin Andrew (40)
DAunt: Aurora Jane Bonaddio 'Rory' (38)
AD: Katrina Eileen (17) (USA)
DCousin: Gretchen Elizabeth (16)
DS/DD: Brogan Marshall / Eliza Jane (15)
DS/DS: Kieran Zander / Ethan Hunter (13)
DCousin: Bridget Amelia (12)
DD: Ainsley Victoria (11)
DCousin: Kendra Jane (7)
AD: Audrey Cassandra (6) (China)
A few years ago, Jenn's sister Rory lost her husband Dan, who died of a heart attack. Rory was left to raise her three daughters, Gretchen, Bridget, and Kendra, all by herself. To top it off, last year, the company Rory works for relocated to Jenn's town. Rory wasn't in the best financial shape at that time, and she could not afford to purchase a new house. Kevin and Jenn talked about it, and figured that the more that lived in their house, the more fun it would be! They already had 9 people living there, what were 4 more? Kevin and Jenn fixed up a few rooms upstairs and the Tamewitz kids just have so much fun with their cousins, the Bonaddio's.
Katrina and Eliza helped get Gretchen used to life at Durington High School. Although Katrina is around 6 months older than Gretchen, they are still in the same grade (11th). Katrina has a wonderful boyfriend, Kent, and they've been dating for almost 2 years. Whenever Gretchen first came, Katrina introduced her to Kent's cousin, Shawn, and they hit it off. They're dating now, too! Shawn and Kent come from such a nice family, and they all get along great. Brogan and Eliza still have the same group of friends, which is nice. Brogan plays football and Eliza is a cheerleader, and they are in 10th grade.
Bridget, Kieran and Ethan go to Durington Middle School, where Kieran and Ethan are in 7th grade and Bridget is in 6th. She has made plenty of new friends as well, and is a social butterfly! She is very active. Her new favorite sport is soccer, and she plays for the school. The twins are both still very into baseball and play both for the Durington league and a travel league. The twins have many of the same friends and are both a little shy.
Surname: Tamewitz
DW: Jennifer Lynn 'Jenn' (40)
DH: Kevin Andrew (40)
DAunt: Aurora Jane Bonaddio 'Rory' (38)
AD: Katrina Eileen (17) (USA)
DCousin: Gretchen Elizabeth (16)
DS/DD: Brogan Marshall / Eliza Jane (15)
DS/DS: Kieran Zander / Ethan Hunter (13)
DCousin: Bridget Amelia (12)
DD: Ainsley Victoria (11)
DCousin: Kendra Jane (7)
AD: Audrey Cassandra (6) (China)
A few years ago, Jenn's sister Rory lost her husband Dan, who died of a heart attack. Rory was left to raise her three daughters, Gretchen, Bridget, and Kendra, all by herself. To top it off, last year, the company Rory works for relocated to Jenn's town. Rory wasn't in the best financial shape at that time, and she could not afford to purchase a new house. Kevin and Jenn talked about it, and figured that the more that lived in their house, the more fun it would be! They already had 9 people living there, what were 4 more? Kevin and Jenn fixed up a few rooms upstairs and the Tamewitz kids just have so much fun with their cousins, the Bonaddio's.
Katrina and Eliza helped get Gretchen used to life at Durington High School. Although Katrina is around 6 months older than Gretchen, they are still in the same grade (11th). Katrina has a wonderful boyfriend, Kent, and they've been dating for almost 2 years. Whenever Gretchen first came, Katrina introduced her to Kent's cousin, Shawn, and they hit it off. They're dating now, too! Shawn and Kent come from such a nice family, and they all get along great. Brogan and Eliza still have the same group of friends, which is nice. Brogan plays football and Eliza is a cheerleader, and they are in 10th grade.
Bridget, Kieran and Ethan go to Durington Middle School, where Kieran and Ethan are in 7th grade and Bridget is in 6th. She has made plenty of new friends as well, and is a social butterfly! She is very active. Her new favorite sport is soccer, and she plays for the school. The twins are both still very into baseball and play both for the Durington league and a travel league. The twins have many of the same friends and are both a little shy.
Posting Name: LeeElizaBnt
Surname: Craige-Widell
DH: John Benjamin "Jackie" (43) [Composer/ Musician]
DW: Paula Marie (41) [Chemist]
DMother(J): Edith Beatrice Craige (76)
DNanny: Lucie Jane Lo (37)
---DD/DS: Rachel Jane/ Oliver Calvin “Ollie” (17)
---DD: Katherine Belle “Kathy” (12)
---DD: Evelyn Therese (7)
DS/DS/DD: Eliot Brendan / Alex Edward/ Maya June (16)
-DGf(E): Jennifer Kathryn James “Jenny” (15)
-DBf(M): Brendan Jay Katz (16)
---DD: Julie Anne (NB)
DS/DS: Gabriel Nicholas "Gabe" / Lucas Adrian (15)
DD: Casey Olivia (11) (Downs Syndrome)
DS/DD: Benjamin Cordell "Ben"/ Victoria Kathryn "Tori" (9)
DD: Isabel Sophia (7)
(A year has past)
Casey was growing up to be such a sweet little girl, but with 8 other children in the house, and Paula’s career flourishing, extra help was needed.
Before the twins were born, Paula and Jackie had hired a wonderful nanny named Lucie to look after the kids. Eliot, Alex, and Maya all adored her and her children (at the time Lucie had twins- Rachel and Ollie- who were a year older than the triplets. They came with Lucie to the Craige-Widell’s house every day and the kids had a blast). As much as the family loved Lucie, they had a tight budget and once Gabe and Lucas were a year old, Paula and Jackie decided they could handle everything on their own once again, but they stayed in touch.
This all happened around 15 years ago, and now Lucie had two more girls; Kathy and Evelyn. The Craige-Widells contacted Lucie again and luckily she said she would be thrilled to work for them again, this time looking after her own 4 children, and 9 new ones. Since Casey needed a lot of special attention, Lucie agreed to move in with her children and look after Casey from their home. The Craige-Widells welcomed the 5 Los into their home. Casey fell in love with Lucie and her children, and took a special liking to Kathy, who was a year older than she was herself.
Around the time all of this was happening, Maya was getting pretty serious with her first boyfriend Brendan.
Surname: Craige-Widell
DH: John Benjamin "Jackie" (43) [Composer/ Musician]
DW: Paula Marie (41) [Chemist]
DMother(J): Edith Beatrice Craige (76)
DNanny: Lucie Jane Lo (37)
---DD/DS: Rachel Jane/ Oliver Calvin “Ollie” (17)
---DD: Katherine Belle “Kathy” (12)
---DD: Evelyn Therese (7)
DS/DS/DD: Eliot Brendan / Alex Edward/ Maya June (16)
-DGf(E): Jennifer Kathryn James “Jenny” (15)
-DBf(M): Brendan Jay Katz (16)
---DD: Julie Anne (NB)
DS/DS: Gabriel Nicholas "Gabe" / Lucas Adrian (15)
DD: Casey Olivia (11) (Downs Syndrome)
DS/DD: Benjamin Cordell "Ben"/ Victoria Kathryn "Tori" (9)
DD: Isabel Sophia (7)
(A year has past)
Casey was growing up to be such a sweet little girl, but with 8 other children in the house, and Paula’s career flourishing, extra help was needed.
Before the twins were born, Paula and Jackie had hired a wonderful nanny named Lucie to look after the kids. Eliot, Alex, and Maya all adored her and her children (at the time Lucie had twins- Rachel and Ollie- who were a year older than the triplets. They came with Lucie to the Craige-Widell’s house every day and the kids had a blast). As much as the family loved Lucie, they had a tight budget and once Gabe and Lucas were a year old, Paula and Jackie decided they could handle everything on their own once again, but they stayed in touch.
This all happened around 15 years ago, and now Lucie had two more girls; Kathy and Evelyn. The Craige-Widells contacted Lucie again and luckily she said she would be thrilled to work for them again, this time looking after her own 4 children, and 9 new ones. Since Casey needed a lot of special attention, Lucie agreed to move in with her children and look after Casey from their home. The Craige-Widells welcomed the 5 Los into their home. Casey fell in love with Lucie and her children, and took a special liking to Kathy, who was a year older than she was herself.
Around the time all of this was happening, Maya was getting pretty serious with her first boyfriend Brendan.
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 11:07 AM
Posting Name: Serel Channah (7)(yes)
Surname: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (38) [Doctor]
DW: Serafina Rosalind (37) [Teacher]
DS: Simon Timothy (17)
-Dbf: Sebastian Marc (17)
DS/DD: August Elijah / Octavia Violet (16)
-AugustDgf: Evelyn Helena (14)
-OctaviaDbf: Jack Benjamin (18)
DD: Lillian Sophia (14)
-DD: Gretchen Violet (nb)
DD: Daphne Cassandra (11)
AD: Emily Madison (10)
DD/DD: Maribel Graciela / Bridget Helena (9)
AS/AS: Anthony Cameron / Isaac Jayden (5)
AD: Michaela Grace (2)
DD: Cassandra Adelina [illegitimate- Carlisle] (1)
Note: I aged everyone 3 years.
One of your children is expecting!
Your oldest child tells you he/she is homosexual. How do you react?
Instead of having children of your own, you have adopted the child(ren) of a deceased relative. Discuss.
A baby was left on the front step with a note saying (he/she) belongs to (husband). What happened? How does (wife) react? Will you keep the baby? If so, add (him/her) to your family with the tag shown in Darkest's family by Madeline Rose.
Wow. A lot has happened in the last seven years. Too much, almost. I mean, there have been trageties. Just, nothing Carlisle and I, and the kids, can't handle. Can you beleive that my little Simon is already 17? 17. In a year, he'll be at college. And my babies, Maribel and Bridget, are almost preteens! In a few years they'll be in middle school. Jeez. Time just flies doesn't it. By now you're probably wondering what has happened.
Well, around 3 years ago, Simon was 14. He came to us one night at dinner and told us he was in a relationship-- with another boy. I had already suspected he was homosexual. I could tell that, in the past year, he had been choosing words carefully, as if trying to hide something. He sometimes did slip up and say things like "That's so fabulous". And one day, a week before he came out, I was searching for a lost shoe and when I checked his closet, I found a book about being gay. There were other signs too. I guess I never put them together much. Around 1 year and a half ago, a few months after that night at dinner, he introduced us to his boyfriend, Sebastian. Carlisle and I don't think our kids' sexuality matters, as long as they're happy.
Surname: Anderson
DH: Carlisle Edward (38) [Doctor]
DW: Serafina Rosalind (37) [Teacher]
DS: Simon Timothy (17)
-Dbf: Sebastian Marc (17)
DS/DD: August Elijah / Octavia Violet (16)
-AugustDgf: Evelyn Helena (14)
-OctaviaDbf: Jack Benjamin (18)
DD: Lillian Sophia (14)
-DD: Gretchen Violet (nb)
DD: Daphne Cassandra (11)
AD: Emily Madison (10)
DD/DD: Maribel Graciela / Bridget Helena (9)
AS/AS: Anthony Cameron / Isaac Jayden (5)
AD: Michaela Grace (2)
DD: Cassandra Adelina [illegitimate- Carlisle] (1)
Note: I aged everyone 3 years.
One of your children is expecting!
Your oldest child tells you he/she is homosexual. How do you react?
Instead of having children of your own, you have adopted the child(ren) of a deceased relative. Discuss.
A baby was left on the front step with a note saying (he/she) belongs to (husband). What happened? How does (wife) react? Will you keep the baby? If so, add (him/her) to your family with the tag shown in Darkest's family by Madeline Rose.
Wow. A lot has happened in the last seven years. Too much, almost. I mean, there have been trageties. Just, nothing Carlisle and I, and the kids, can't handle. Can you beleive that my little Simon is already 17? 17. In a year, he'll be at college. And my babies, Maribel and Bridget, are almost preteens! In a few years they'll be in middle school. Jeez. Time just flies doesn't it. By now you're probably wondering what has happened.
Well, around 3 years ago, Simon was 14. He came to us one night at dinner and told us he was in a relationship-- with another boy. I had already suspected he was homosexual. I could tell that, in the past year, he had been choosing words carefully, as if trying to hide something. He sometimes did slip up and say things like "That's so fabulous". And one day, a week before he came out, I was searching for a lost shoe and when I checked his closet, I found a book about being gay. There were other signs too. I guess I never put them together much. Around 1 year and a half ago, a few months after that night at dinner, he introduced us to his boyfriend, Sebastian. Carlisle and I don't think our kids' sexuality matters, as long as they're happy.
Posting Name: HeidiAnn (7) (x)
Surname: Garrity
DH: Simon Paul (44) - Architect in Manahattan
DW: Lucy Jane (41) - Mostly SAHM, but part time Realtor
DS: Forrest Reid (15)
-dgf: Holli Claire Williams (15)
DS: Ross Levi (14)
DD (twin): Adelaide Blythe "Addie" (12)
-dbf: Ethan Emery Fox (12)
DD (twin): Eleanor Roxanne "Ellie" (12)
-dbf: Austin Alec Fox (12)
DS: Zane Alexander (10)
AS (twin): Sebastian Carlos (7) (Cuba)
AS (twin): Felix Esteban (7) (Cuba)
It's been 5 years and the family is doing okay. Simon finished a big project at his job and a big bonus soon followed. The family moved to a much larger home. Forrest is a Sophmore now and is in his first serious relationship with Holli Williams. A very sweet girl that lives on the next block.
Ross has become quite a good skateboarder. There is even talk that he may make it to the X-Games next year. He's so busy between being a Freshman and his skateboarding that he doesn't have time for much else. Him and Forrest aren't as close as they use to be.
Addie & Ellie are turning into beautiful young ladies. They are currently in the 7th grade and have started "dating" twin brothers; Ethan and Austin Fox. Of course their "dating" consists mostly of hanging out at each others houses and an occasional movie when one of the mothers will give them a ride.
Zane, who wasn't too thrilled when Sebastian and Felix first came to live with the Garrity's, now loves being a big brother to Sebastian. He's always helping him practice soccer in the backyard. Zane is in the 5th grade and is the star goalie for his soccer team.
Sebastian and Felix's transition wasn't as smooth as it first seemed to be. The boys began acting out and becoming very aggressive. The loss of their parents, language and country was obviously really starting to bother them. They started seeing a very prominent child psychologist in Manhatten. It really seemed to help Sebastian, but not Felix.
At 7 the boys are in 2nd grade and although Sebastian is doing well, Felix is really struggling there. He's always acting out and bullying other kids. He is also struggling accademically.
Surname: Garrity
DH: Simon Paul (44) - Architect in Manahattan
DW: Lucy Jane (41) - Mostly SAHM, but part time Realtor
DS: Forrest Reid (15)
-dgf: Holli Claire Williams (15)
DS: Ross Levi (14)
DD (twin): Adelaide Blythe "Addie" (12)
-dbf: Ethan Emery Fox (12)
DD (twin): Eleanor Roxanne "Ellie" (12)
-dbf: Austin Alec Fox (12)
DS: Zane Alexander (10)
AS (twin): Sebastian Carlos (7) (Cuba)
AS (twin): Felix Esteban (7) (Cuba)
It's been 5 years and the family is doing okay. Simon finished a big project at his job and a big bonus soon followed. The family moved to a much larger home. Forrest is a Sophmore now and is in his first serious relationship with Holli Williams. A very sweet girl that lives on the next block.
Ross has become quite a good skateboarder. There is even talk that he may make it to the X-Games next year. He's so busy between being a Freshman and his skateboarding that he doesn't have time for much else. Him and Forrest aren't as close as they use to be.
Addie & Ellie are turning into beautiful young ladies. They are currently in the 7th grade and have started "dating" twin brothers; Ethan and Austin Fox. Of course their "dating" consists mostly of hanging out at each others houses and an occasional movie when one of the mothers will give them a ride.
Zane, who wasn't too thrilled when Sebastian and Felix first came to live with the Garrity's, now loves being a big brother to Sebastian. He's always helping him practice soccer in the backyard. Zane is in the 5th grade and is the star goalie for his soccer team.
Sebastian and Felix's transition wasn't as smooth as it first seemed to be. The boys began acting out and becoming very aggressive. The loss of their parents, language and country was obviously really starting to bother them. They started seeing a very prominent child psychologist in Manhatten. It really seemed to help Sebastian, but not Felix.
At 7 the boys are in 2nd grade and although Sebastian is doing well, Felix is really struggling there. He's always acting out and bullying other kids. He is also struggling accademically.
This message was edited 12/29/2007, 11:57 PM
Posting Name: sarah lee (4) (yes)
Surname: Griffith
ExH: Rainer Stephen (19) (deceased)
DW: Georgiana Louise (38) [restaurant owner]
DH: Nicholas Rhys Griffith (38) [chef]
DD: Stella Josephine (18)
-DH: Levi Michael Davis (19)
-DS/DD: Elijah Jude / Estrella Leah (3)
DS: Marshall Ivan (18) (illegitimate - Rainer’s)
-DW: Cassandra Nadia (18)
-DD: Isobel Tallulah (1)
DD: Jezebel Rosalie (13)
AD: Bridget Isobel (13)
DD: Daphne Estrella (nb) (deceased)
Note: Do you plan to change the surname to Griffith? - yes I changed it
-one child is expecting
Well, it has been a busy four years.
First of all that starts with Stella. When Stella was 14 is started dating 15 year old Levi Davis. One year later she had twins. We were very disapointed about what had happened, but what could we do now. Levi's parents kicked him out, because they were very wealthy and "snobby" and "couldn't" have a teenage father for a son. So Levi and Stella and the twins were all living with us. They got married one year later. Levi is a very nice boy, and quite. Now the twins are 3 years olds. Levi is working and going to a community college. Stella is also going to college. The twins names a Elijah and Estrella. They both have thick curly black hair and grey-blue eyes.
Marshall has been giving us trouble as well. Marshall also has a wife, Cassandra (18) and a one year old daughter Isobel. Pretty much the same story as Stella's, but they have their own apartment. They are both working, Cassandra as a hair dresser in a salon and Marshall hopes to become a police officer one day, but for now is working in the jail. Isobel is a beatiful baby.
Will had picture later
Surname: Griffith
ExH: Rainer Stephen (19) (deceased)
DW: Georgiana Louise (38) [restaurant owner]
DH: Nicholas Rhys Griffith (38) [chef]
DD: Stella Josephine (18)
-DH: Levi Michael Davis (19)
-DS/DD: Elijah Jude / Estrella Leah (3)
DS: Marshall Ivan (18) (illegitimate - Rainer’s)
-DW: Cassandra Nadia (18)
-DD: Isobel Tallulah (1)
DD: Jezebel Rosalie (13)
AD: Bridget Isobel (13)
DD: Daphne Estrella (nb) (deceased)
Note: Do you plan to change the surname to Griffith? - yes I changed it
-one child is expecting
Well, it has been a busy four years.
First of all that starts with Stella. When Stella was 14 is started dating 15 year old Levi Davis. One year later she had twins. We were very disapointed about what had happened, but what could we do now. Levi's parents kicked him out, because they were very wealthy and "snobby" and "couldn't" have a teenage father for a son. So Levi and Stella and the twins were all living with us. They got married one year later. Levi is a very nice boy, and quite. Now the twins are 3 years olds. Levi is working and going to a community college. Stella is also going to college. The twins names a Elijah and Estrella. They both have thick curly black hair and grey-blue eyes.
Marshall has been giving us trouble as well. Marshall also has a wife, Cassandra (18) and a one year old daughter Isobel. Pretty much the same story as Stella's, but they have their own apartment. They are both working, Cassandra as a hair dresser in a salon and Marshall hopes to become a police officer one day, but for now is working in the jail. Isobel is a beatiful baby.
Will had picture later
This message was edited 12/29/2007, 5:38 PM
Georgiana and Nicholas

Stella and Levi

Elijah and Estrella

Marshall and Cassandra




Georgiana and Nicholas
Stella and Levi
Elijah and Estrella
Marshall and Cassandra
Posting Name: Tai Angel * (10) (x)
Surname: Derwilleger
DexH: James Roger (59) [Full Time Lawyer]
DW: Nancy Rose (38) [Part Time Dentist's Assistant]
DS/DS/DD: Nathan Russell, Julian Richard and Laura Ruthie (15)
---DGF(Julian): Eliza Victoria Boden (14)
---DD: Violet Rose (nb)
---DBF(Laura): Gareth Wade Mansfield
DS: Deacon Ross (14)
---DBF: Nathaniel Adam Reed
AD: Nadia Lan (13) (China)
DD/DD: Charlotte Rosalie / Alanna Roxanne (12)
DS: Adrian Reese (9)
DD: Simone Rebekah (7)
DD: Jacinta Raquel (5)
DS: Kai Romeo (2)
DD: Claire Rain (nb)
After Claire was born Nancy and James divorced. They just didn't love each other anymore. Things had been rocky since Kai was born but they thought they would be able to work through their differences, they weren't.
Julian got himself into some trouble when he got his girlfriend, Eliza, pregnant. He decided that he loved her so much that he wanted to be there for both her and the baby. A few months later they had a beautiful little girl little girl, Violet.
Laura also has a boyfriend, Gareth.
The biggest shock came when Deacon told us he was gay and was dating a boy named Nathaniel.
Surname: Derwilleger
DexH: James Roger (59) [Full Time Lawyer]
DW: Nancy Rose (38) [Part Time Dentist's Assistant]
DS/DS/DD: Nathan Russell, Julian Richard and Laura Ruthie (15)
---DGF(Julian): Eliza Victoria Boden (14)
---DD: Violet Rose (nb)
---DBF(Laura): Gareth Wade Mansfield
DS: Deacon Ross (14)
---DBF: Nathaniel Adam Reed
AD: Nadia Lan (13) (China)
DD/DD: Charlotte Rosalie / Alanna Roxanne (12)
DS: Adrian Reese (9)
DD: Simone Rebekah (7)
DD: Jacinta Raquel (5)
DS: Kai Romeo (2)
DD: Claire Rain (nb)
After Claire was born Nancy and James divorced. They just didn't love each other anymore. Things had been rocky since Kai was born but they thought they would be able to work through their differences, they weren't.
Julian got himself into some trouble when he got his girlfriend, Eliza, pregnant. He decided that he loved her so much that he wanted to be there for both her and the baby. A few months later they had a beautiful little girl little girl, Violet.
Laura also has a boyfriend, Gareth.
The biggest shock came when Deacon told us he was gay and was dating a boy named Nathaniel.
This message was edited 12/30/2007, 1:39 AM
I added one more year (so it will be six years since last time)
Posting Name: slgn4 (4) (x)
Surname: Anderson
DH: Albert James (26, deceased)
DW: Pearl Evangeline Delaney (36)(stay at home mom)
DH: Simon Cordell Delaney (40) (Pediatrician)
DD/DD/DS: Olivia Amber & Grace Tamara & Joel Matthew (16)
DD: Evelyn Catherine (14)
DD: Lydia Miriam Delaney(1)
DS: Jude Nathaniel Delaney & Levi Elijah Delaney (NB)
Olivia Amber Anderson Whittaker (16)
DH: Nolan ALexander Whittaker (19)
DD: Cecilia Isabel Whittaker (NB)
Alot has happen in six years. Pearl started dating a wonderful man. She was not sure about falling in love again but she took a risk and went for it. They got married two years ago. They just had there 2nd and thrid child together. The kids like having him in the family.They called him dad. Olivia did not take it well at all. When her mother got married she wanted to live with her paternal grandparents. They let her live there.She was doing ok there. Olivia just got married to her boyfriend. Where they live they can get married at 16 teen. They just had a baby too and still living at her paternal grandparents house.They fixed up basement for them. They have kitchen,bathroom,tv room and 2 bed rooms. It look really nice.They plan on staying there until they finish school. They give some money to them each month to help out.Nolan goes to collage and he works at Walmart.In summer he works at construction site. Olivia goes to high school still and she is junior.She does not have job yet.
Pearl mother moved in Delaney /Anderson household.Pearl's father past away and her mother did not want to be alone. They just built new house when they got married and they built apartment atop of the garage for Pearl's mother.
Pearl now stay at home again.
Grace is doing good.She adjusting well with all the changes.She started dating a boy for couple months.She is a junior in high school.She started working in music store after school .
Joel adjusted well with all the changes too.He is a junior in high school too.He is straight A student.He also taking some college course too.He work at CVS for few days.He mainly studying.He is not dating any one yet but he is talking to a girl he likes.
Posting Name: slgn4 (4) (x)
Surname: Anderson
DH: Albert James (26, deceased)
DW: Pearl Evangeline Delaney (36)(stay at home mom)
DH: Simon Cordell Delaney (40) (Pediatrician)
DD/DD/DS: Olivia Amber & Grace Tamara & Joel Matthew (16)
DD: Evelyn Catherine (14)
DD: Lydia Miriam Delaney(1)
DS: Jude Nathaniel Delaney & Levi Elijah Delaney (NB)
Olivia Amber Anderson Whittaker (16)
DH: Nolan ALexander Whittaker (19)
DD: Cecilia Isabel Whittaker (NB)
Alot has happen in six years. Pearl started dating a wonderful man. She was not sure about falling in love again but she took a risk and went for it. They got married two years ago. They just had there 2nd and thrid child together. The kids like having him in the family.They called him dad. Olivia did not take it well at all. When her mother got married she wanted to live with her paternal grandparents. They let her live there.She was doing ok there. Olivia just got married to her boyfriend. Where they live they can get married at 16 teen. They just had a baby too and still living at her paternal grandparents house.They fixed up basement for them. They have kitchen,bathroom,tv room and 2 bed rooms. It look really nice.They plan on staying there until they finish school. They give some money to them each month to help out.Nolan goes to collage and he works at Walmart.In summer he works at construction site. Olivia goes to high school still and she is junior.She does not have job yet.
Pearl mother moved in Delaney /Anderson household.Pearl's father past away and her mother did not want to be alone. They just built new house when they got married and they built apartment atop of the garage for Pearl's mother.
Pearl now stay at home again.
Grace is doing good.She adjusting well with all the changes.She started dating a boy for couple months.She is a junior in high school.She started working in music store after school .
Joel adjusted well with all the changes too.He is a junior in high school too.He is straight A student.He also taking some college course too.He work at CVS for few days.He mainly studying.He is not dating any one yet but he is talking to a girl he likes.
Seven years have passed.
- Your oldest child got arrested. What happened?
- One of your children has been suspended from school. Who? What happened?
- Your family moves to a different continent. Where? Why?
- One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
- One of your children is expecting!
Posting Name: avalon (8) (x)
Surname: Booth
DH: Rhett Alexander (35) [musician]
DW: Cecily Rae (38) [photographer]
DS: Finlay Michael "Finn" (17)
---DGf: Evelyn Melisande West "Evie" (18)
---DS: ???
DS (twin): Charlie James (15)
---DGf: Adelaide Claire McTavish (15)
DD (twin): Lila Rose (15)
---DBf: Connor Matthew Bayard (16)
DD: Sydney Elizabeth (12)
DD: Violet Sophia (10)
DD: Audrey Claire (9)
DD: Ava Eleanor (8)
DD: Isabelle Kate (7)
So much has happened in the past seven years, I hardly know where to start.
Rhett and I made it past that rough patch in our marriage and are standing on solid ground now. We both agreed long ago that Isabelle would be our eighth and last child; so far so good! Everyone is happy and healthy; we couldn't ask for more.
I think part of our success was our ability to start over. Six years ago, Rhett's father unexpectedly passed away and left his entire estate in England to our family. My father-in-law was reasonably wealthy, so understandably the estate, which was in the countryside just outside of London, was rather large. Rhett and I felt that the opportunity to begin anew was too good to pass up, so we picked up the entire family and made the move across the pond. I think we've settled here quite nicely. Our four youngest girls -- Violet, Audrey, Ava, and Isabelle -- have even picked up slight British accents! It's adorable.
The move was definitely better for Rhett's music career, since a large portion of his fan base before we came here was in Europe. Now, living in England, his band is able to play at a lot more venues without having to travel too much. Plus, they're garnering more and more notice. But I hope Rhett will remember that his family should come first.
- Your oldest child got arrested. What happened?
- One of your children has been suspended from school. Who? What happened?
- Your family moves to a different continent. Where? Why?
- One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
- One of your children is expecting!
Posting Name: avalon (8) (x)
Surname: Booth
DH: Rhett Alexander (35) [musician]
DW: Cecily Rae (38) [photographer]
DS: Finlay Michael "Finn" (17)
---DGf: Evelyn Melisande West "Evie" (18)
---DS: ???
DS (twin): Charlie James (15)
---DGf: Adelaide Claire McTavish (15)
DD (twin): Lila Rose (15)
---DBf: Connor Matthew Bayard (16)
DD: Sydney Elizabeth (12)
DD: Violet Sophia (10)
DD: Audrey Claire (9)
DD: Ava Eleanor (8)
DD: Isabelle Kate (7)
So much has happened in the past seven years, I hardly know where to start.
Rhett and I made it past that rough patch in our marriage and are standing on solid ground now. We both agreed long ago that Isabelle would be our eighth and last child; so far so good! Everyone is happy and healthy; we couldn't ask for more.
I think part of our success was our ability to start over. Six years ago, Rhett's father unexpectedly passed away and left his entire estate in England to our family. My father-in-law was reasonably wealthy, so understandably the estate, which was in the countryside just outside of London, was rather large. Rhett and I felt that the opportunity to begin anew was too good to pass up, so we picked up the entire family and made the move across the pond. I think we've settled here quite nicely. Our four youngest girls -- Violet, Audrey, Ava, and Isabelle -- have even picked up slight British accents! It's adorable.
The move was definitely better for Rhett's music career, since a large portion of his fan base before we came here was in Europe. Now, living in England, his band is able to play at a lot more venues without having to travel too much. Plus, they're garnering more and more notice. But I hope Rhett will remember that his family should come first.
Random events: One of your children becomes a famous actor/actress/musician/writer/whatever. Now your entire family is in the spotlight. How do you deal with it?
One of your children is expecting!
Posting Name: Nikki (7) (x)
Surname: Grady
DexH: Cohen Daniel Grady(38) [in jail until he turns 41]
DW: Allie Noelle Kentworth-Grady(37) [actress]
DH: Darian Alexander Kentworth (45)
DStephS: Tyson Matthias Kentworth (22)
--DW: Lily Victoria Caitlin Kentworth (22)
---DD: Sophia Miriel Kentworth (2)
---DS: Henry Isaac Kentworth (nb)
DStephD: Alexis Taylor Keaton (20)
--DH: Jackson Maximilian Keaton "Jack" (26)
---DS: Aidan Felix Keaton (-1month)
DS: Rohan Camden Grady (15)
DD: Ava Isabella Grady (15) (illegitimate - Cohen)
--Dbf: James Dylan Dominic Asher (17)
---DD/DS: Evelia Claire Asher / Jude Zachariah Asher (1)
---DS: Oliver Gabriel Asher (nb)
DS/DS: Zane Levi Grady/ Kieran Trenton Grady(13)
DStephD: Sebastian River Kentworth (12)
DD: Ainsley Winter Grady(10)
DS: Adrian Milo Grady(8)
DD: Eira Minerva Grady(6)
DS: Noah Austin Kentworth (3)
DD: Ariana Raine Kentworth (nb)
Ddog: Kira
It's been busy years and I don't know where to begin! Cohen is still in jail and he will be there for three more years.
Allie met a eight years older, handsome and nice guy at the mall and soon the two of them started to date eachother.
They didn't tell their children because they weren't sure about how they would react. They guy, who's name is Darian, has three children at age 22, 20 and 12 and their names are Tyson, Alexis and Sebastian.
After a few months they told their children. Most of them were only happy about it but Ainsley and Adrian had a hard time to adjust.
Later, Allie and Darian also got married and had their first child, a boy named Noah.
Only a few months after Noah's birth Tyson told Allie and his father that he and his wife were expecting a baby. All of us were very happy and Darian couldn't wait to become a grandfather! A cold night in february a little girl was born, named Sophia.
One of your children is expecting!
Posting Name: Nikki (7) (x)
Surname: Grady
DexH: Cohen Daniel Grady(38) [in jail until he turns 41]
DW: Allie Noelle Kentworth-Grady(37) [actress]
DH: Darian Alexander Kentworth (45)
DStephS: Tyson Matthias Kentworth (22)
--DW: Lily Victoria Caitlin Kentworth (22)
---DD: Sophia Miriel Kentworth (2)
---DS: Henry Isaac Kentworth (nb)
DStephD: Alexis Taylor Keaton (20)
--DH: Jackson Maximilian Keaton "Jack" (26)
---DS: Aidan Felix Keaton (-1month)
DS: Rohan Camden Grady (15)
DD: Ava Isabella Grady (15) (illegitimate - Cohen)
--Dbf: James Dylan Dominic Asher (17)
---DD/DS: Evelia Claire Asher / Jude Zachariah Asher (1)
---DS: Oliver Gabriel Asher (nb)
DS/DS: Zane Levi Grady/ Kieran Trenton Grady(13)
DStephD: Sebastian River Kentworth (12)
DD: Ainsley Winter Grady(10)
DS: Adrian Milo Grady(8)
DD: Eira Minerva Grady(6)
DS: Noah Austin Kentworth (3)
DD: Ariana Raine Kentworth (nb)
Ddog: Kira
It's been busy years and I don't know where to begin! Cohen is still in jail and he will be there for three more years.
Allie met a eight years older, handsome and nice guy at the mall and soon the two of them started to date eachother.
They didn't tell their children because they weren't sure about how they would react. They guy, who's name is Darian, has three children at age 22, 20 and 12 and their names are Tyson, Alexis and Sebastian.
After a few months they told their children. Most of them were only happy about it but Ainsley and Adrian had a hard time to adjust.
Later, Allie and Darian also got married and had their first child, a boy named Noah.
Only a few months after Noah's birth Tyson told Allie and his father that he and his wife were expecting a baby. All of us were very happy and Darian couldn't wait to become a grandfather! A cold night in february a little girl was born, named Sophia.
This message was edited 12/29/2007, 1:05 PM
Posting Name: jj21jj (6) (x)
Surname: Rose
DH: William Scott (44) [CIA in secret-“tax-broker”]
DW: Victoria Rebecca (41) [SAHM/author]
DS/DD: John Rodney and Elizabeth Stephanie "Bess" (15)
DD: Katherine Eleanor "Kitty" (13)
DS/DS: Alexander Levi "Alex" and Elijah Maximilian "Eli"(11)
DD/DD: Lily Eleanor and Julia Ava (8)
DS: Robert Jacob (2)
Random Event:One of your fathers dies, leaving you a large inheritance.
William's father, Rodney (I think, it might be something starting with a J from the first round) died a few weeks ago. This is a sad time in our lives.
After the funeral, William's mother got him and his two brothers. She told them about the will their father wrote saying that the brothers and William's mother got 1/4 each of the money he had saved.
We all knew that William's father (my father in law) was wealthy but we did not know that he saved this much!
With the money, we saved most of it for college savings for the children (with 8 children college can be a lot even if they get scholarships) and our own savings. We also spent some of it for a large memorial for William's father.
Meanwhile, William is getting treatment and help for his leg and his blindness from his last CIA mission. The goverment is paying for that. He is liking his new station for the CIA but likes the action missions better than the technical help.
I finished my book which was a hit! It made the top ten! I am still taking care of the children. A couple of years ago surprisingly I had another son, Robert. We are all enjoying him. With 8 children that some are teenagers, tweens, elementary, and a toddler I sure do keep busy! Here are what is happening to them:
John and Bess are 15 now! Wow, how time flys by! John is on the school's baseball team. He is enjoying that. Bess is in the school play "Annie" and is Annie because of her bright red hair. She also does Irish dancing. Bess and Kitty take care of the little ones sometimes when I am not home. I can trust them. Kitty is also in "Annie". Kitty admires her older sister so much and wants to copy her and Bess does get annoyed sometimes by that but sometimes she likes that. Alex and Eli are on their first year in upper school. Alex is more active than Eli. Lily and Julia are as sweet as they can be. They are in third grade now. When Robert was born, they were six and had to adjust to not having as much attention anymore. Robert is a darling too.
Surname: Rose
DH: William Scott (44) [CIA in secret-“tax-broker”]
DW: Victoria Rebecca (41) [SAHM/author]
DS/DD: John Rodney and Elizabeth Stephanie "Bess" (15)
DD: Katherine Eleanor "Kitty" (13)
DS/DS: Alexander Levi "Alex" and Elijah Maximilian "Eli"(11)
DD/DD: Lily Eleanor and Julia Ava (8)
DS: Robert Jacob (2)
Random Event:One of your fathers dies, leaving you a large inheritance.
William's father, Rodney (I think, it might be something starting with a J from the first round) died a few weeks ago. This is a sad time in our lives.
After the funeral, William's mother got him and his two brothers. She told them about the will their father wrote saying that the brothers and William's mother got 1/4 each of the money he had saved.
We all knew that William's father (my father in law) was wealthy but we did not know that he saved this much!
With the money, we saved most of it for college savings for the children (with 8 children college can be a lot even if they get scholarships) and our own savings. We also spent some of it for a large memorial for William's father.
Meanwhile, William is getting treatment and help for his leg and his blindness from his last CIA mission. The goverment is paying for that. He is liking his new station for the CIA but likes the action missions better than the technical help.
I finished my book which was a hit! It made the top ten! I am still taking care of the children. A couple of years ago surprisingly I had another son, Robert. We are all enjoying him. With 8 children that some are teenagers, tweens, elementary, and a toddler I sure do keep busy! Here are what is happening to them:
John and Bess are 15 now! Wow, how time flys by! John is on the school's baseball team. He is enjoying that. Bess is in the school play "Annie" and is Annie because of her bright red hair. She also does Irish dancing. Bess and Kitty take care of the little ones sometimes when I am not home. I can trust them. Kitty is also in "Annie". Kitty admires her older sister so much and wants to copy her and Bess does get annoyed sometimes by that but sometimes she likes that. Alex and Eli are on their first year in upper school. Alex is more active than Eli. Lily and Julia are as sweet as they can be. They are in third grade now. When Robert was born, they were six and had to adjust to not having as much attention anymore. Robert is a darling too.
forgot to say thanks for posting the story
Added 3 more years.
Posting Name: Caroline Mae (8) (yes)
Surname: Tiernan
DH: Jacob Russell (46) [orthodontist]
DW: Sophia Rose (39) [teacher]
DS: John Paul Adrian (16)
DS/DD: Henry Nathaniel / Evelia Iris (15)
DD: Eleanor Cecilia (13)
DD: Mary Francsesca (10)
DS/DD: Isaac Alistair (9) / Daphne Helena (deceased, newborn)
DS: Dominic Hector (8)
DGrandmother: Violette Cecile (72)
Things certainly have been going quickly around the Tiernan household. John Paul is now 16, and just recently got his license, God help us all. It still baffles me as to how he managed to pass the test. I hope he will become a better driver...quickly! Although, with his busy schedule I don't mind being a retired chaiffer. John Paul is very well-rounded. He plays soccer, and basketball and has been a part of the spring musical for the past two years. We are very proud of him.
Henry and Eva are also in high school. Eva is a wonderful student, although she was slightly devastated this past fall when she received her first B in a class, Chemistry, no less. She is a bright girl, and I know she will figure it out. She also is a member of the dance team and plays softball. Henry is very much an athlete. He plays football, basketball, and baseball. He does decently in school, and he tries his best, which is all that really matters.
Nora recently turned 13...and the world knows it! She has been going through her, "I'm 13, I know more thsn everyone and the world better catch up!" phase. We are fairly sure she will mellow out eventually, and in the meantime, Jacob and I enjoy slightly embarrasing her.
Mary, Isaac, and Dominic and doing wonderfully. They love school and playing with one another and their friends. Mary has recently become a bit of a tag-along with Nora and her friends, much to Nora's dissmay.
On top of all of this, Jacob's father, Clement, recently passed away. He left us a good deal of money in his will because Jacob was his only child. We were all a bit shocked, but we have decided to put the money away in order pay for our children's education. Jacob's mother, Violette, decided keeping up the old house was too much work for her, and she has decided to move in with us.
Posting Name: Caroline Mae (8) (yes)
Surname: Tiernan
DH: Jacob Russell (46) [orthodontist]
DW: Sophia Rose (39) [teacher]
DS: John Paul Adrian (16)
DS/DD: Henry Nathaniel / Evelia Iris (15)
DD: Eleanor Cecilia (13)
DD: Mary Francsesca (10)
DS/DD: Isaac Alistair (9) / Daphne Helena (deceased, newborn)
DS: Dominic Hector (8)
DGrandmother: Violette Cecile (72)
Things certainly have been going quickly around the Tiernan household. John Paul is now 16, and just recently got his license, God help us all. It still baffles me as to how he managed to pass the test. I hope he will become a better driver...quickly! Although, with his busy schedule I don't mind being a retired chaiffer. John Paul is very well-rounded. He plays soccer, and basketball and has been a part of the spring musical for the past two years. We are very proud of him.
Henry and Eva are also in high school. Eva is a wonderful student, although she was slightly devastated this past fall when she received her first B in a class, Chemistry, no less. She is a bright girl, and I know she will figure it out. She also is a member of the dance team and plays softball. Henry is very much an athlete. He plays football, basketball, and baseball. He does decently in school, and he tries his best, which is all that really matters.
Nora recently turned 13...and the world knows it! She has been going through her, "I'm 13, I know more thsn everyone and the world better catch up!" phase. We are fairly sure she will mellow out eventually, and in the meantime, Jacob and I enjoy slightly embarrasing her.
Mary, Isaac, and Dominic and doing wonderfully. They love school and playing with one another and their friends. Mary has recently become a bit of a tag-along with Nora and her friends, much to Nora's dissmay.
On top of all of this, Jacob's father, Clement, recently passed away. He left us a good deal of money in his will because Jacob was his only child. We were all a bit shocked, but we have decided to put the money away in order pay for our children's education. Jacob's mother, Violette, decided keeping up the old house was too much work for her, and she has decided to move in with us.
Posting Name: Sophie * (10)(x)
Surname: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew "Rob" (55)
DW: Sophie Louise (37)
DD/DD/DS: Rose Elizabeth / Faye Madeline / Simon Jay (15)
DD: Alanna Blythe (14)
DD: Evelyn Tasha "Evie" (13)
DD: Caitlin Alexandra (11)
DS/DD: Adam Christopher / Cara Fern (9)
DS: Rowan Mark (7)
DS: Ethan Paul (5) (illegitimate - Rob)
DD: Nicola Rain
Well, the last few years have been stressful ones. Most of the children reacted well to the arrival of their half-brother Ethan, but for some reason Simon couldn't cope with the reminder that Rob had been involved with another woman before marrying me. As a result there have been a lot of tensions between the siblings, most of whom dote on Ethan and didn't understand Simon's anger. Feeling alienated from his family, he got in with the wrong crowd at school and started skiving off, taking drugs and shoplifting. Eventually he was caught and arrested. It sounds strange, but I think that was the best thing that could hae happened. He was sentenced to community service so has been helping at the local old people's home and has built up a very strong relationship with one of the residents, Martin. Martin has given Simon some very valuable advice which is allowing him to build bridges with Ethan and the rest of the family. Hpefully things will calm down a bit now, although in such a large family there is plenty to go wrong! Nicola's birth took us all by surprise (you forget one pill...) but the upside of having so many children is that the older ones are available to help with feeding, nappy changing, etc. Faye is particularly keen on helping out - I can tell she is going to be a brilliant mother herself one day!
Surname: Lambert
DH: Robert Andrew "Rob" (55)
DW: Sophie Louise (37)
DD/DD/DS: Rose Elizabeth / Faye Madeline / Simon Jay (15)
DD: Alanna Blythe (14)
DD: Evelyn Tasha "Evie" (13)
DD: Caitlin Alexandra (11)
DS/DD: Adam Christopher / Cara Fern (9)
DS: Rowan Mark (7)
DS: Ethan Paul (5) (illegitimate - Rob)
DD: Nicola Rain
Well, the last few years have been stressful ones. Most of the children reacted well to the arrival of their half-brother Ethan, but for some reason Simon couldn't cope with the reminder that Rob had been involved with another woman before marrying me. As a result there have been a lot of tensions between the siblings, most of whom dote on Ethan and didn't understand Simon's anger. Feeling alienated from his family, he got in with the wrong crowd at school and started skiving off, taking drugs and shoplifting. Eventually he was caught and arrested. It sounds strange, but I think that was the best thing that could hae happened. He was sentenced to community service so has been helping at the local old people's home and has built up a very strong relationship with one of the residents, Martin. Martin has given Simon some very valuable advice which is allowing him to build bridges with Ethan and the rest of the family. Hpefully things will calm down a bit now, although in such a large family there is plenty to go wrong! Nicola's birth took us all by surprise (you forget one pill...) but the upside of having so many children is that the older ones are available to help with feeding, nappy changing, etc. Faye is particularly keen on helping out - I can tell she is going to be a brilliant mother herself one day!
Posting Name: estel (7)(x)
Surname: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (44) [social worker; family therapy/counselling]
DW: Lydia Faith (40) [SAHM]
AD: Erica Taylor (17) (adopted-Lydia's niece)
--DS or DD: Connor Alaric, Alec Laurence, Marcos Jace or Lyra Simone, Moira Araceli, Octavia Violet
DS/DS: Matthew Rowan "Matt" (deceased, leukemia, age 3) and John Quentin "Jack" (16)
AD: Julia Evelyn (15) (adopted-Lydia's niece)
DS: Elijah Nikolai "Lijah" (13)
AS: Jonah Gareth (12) (adopted-Lydia's nephew)
DD/DD: Victoria Autumn "Tori" and Charlotte Adelaide "Carly" (11)
DS: Isaiah Lucas (9)
DS: Jude Trenton (7)
AD: Heather Branwen (6) (adopted)
It has been a busy six years for the Thompson family. Wil has been very busy at work and getting involved with everyone else's problems every day has begun to take its toll on him. Lydia too has been busy--taking care of all the kids--and an additional three. Lydia's sister, a single mother, was diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago. She left her three children to Lydia's care, saying that Lydia could be a better mother than anyone else could to them. Lydia's sister Emma passed away eight months ago. Wil and Lydia have just finished the paperwork for adopting Erica Taylor, Julia Evelyn, and Jonah Gareth.
Erica is seventeen. She is a rebel if you ever saw one. She hates to conform to any sort of rules and has her mind set on disobeying everything that Wil and Lydia say to her. She would be a junior in high school, but she dropped out a year and a half ago. Much of the time she is not at home and often gets back very late and usually of questionable sobriety. Two weeks ago, Lydia began to notice that Erica seemed to be getting more withdrawn and moody. She confronted her about it and Erica admitted that she was pregnant. She doesn't know who the father is and doesn't know what to name the baby yet. She considered getting an abortion, but Wil and Lydia absolutely forbid it. For once, Erica complied with their wishes. Lydia is trying to teach Erica how to be a good mother, but has a feeling that things won't turn out too well for her niece. Erica has come up with some names for her baby (who is due in six months): Lyra Simone, Moira Araceli, Octavia Violet, Connor Alaric, Alec Laurence, or Marcos Jace.
Surname: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (44) [social worker; family therapy/counselling]
DW: Lydia Faith (40) [SAHM]
AD: Erica Taylor (17) (adopted-Lydia's niece)
--DS or DD: Connor Alaric, Alec Laurence, Marcos Jace or Lyra Simone, Moira Araceli, Octavia Violet
DS/DS: Matthew Rowan "Matt" (deceased, leukemia, age 3) and John Quentin "Jack" (16)
AD: Julia Evelyn (15) (adopted-Lydia's niece)
DS: Elijah Nikolai "Lijah" (13)
AS: Jonah Gareth (12) (adopted-Lydia's nephew)
DD/DD: Victoria Autumn "Tori" and Charlotte Adelaide "Carly" (11)
DS: Isaiah Lucas (9)
DS: Jude Trenton (7)
AD: Heather Branwen (6) (adopted)
It has been a busy six years for the Thompson family. Wil has been very busy at work and getting involved with everyone else's problems every day has begun to take its toll on him. Lydia too has been busy--taking care of all the kids--and an additional three. Lydia's sister, a single mother, was diagnosed with brain cancer two years ago. She left her three children to Lydia's care, saying that Lydia could be a better mother than anyone else could to them. Lydia's sister Emma passed away eight months ago. Wil and Lydia have just finished the paperwork for adopting Erica Taylor, Julia Evelyn, and Jonah Gareth.
Erica is seventeen. She is a rebel if you ever saw one. She hates to conform to any sort of rules and has her mind set on disobeying everything that Wil and Lydia say to her. She would be a junior in high school, but she dropped out a year and a half ago. Much of the time she is not at home and often gets back very late and usually of questionable sobriety. Two weeks ago, Lydia began to notice that Erica seemed to be getting more withdrawn and moody. She confronted her about it and Erica admitted that she was pregnant. She doesn't know who the father is and doesn't know what to name the baby yet. She considered getting an abortion, but Wil and Lydia absolutely forbid it. For once, Erica complied with their wishes. Lydia is trying to teach Erica how to be a good mother, but has a feeling that things won't turn out too well for her niece. Erica has come up with some names for her baby (who is due in six months): Lyra Simone, Moira Araceli, Octavia Violet, Connor Alaric, Alec Laurence, or Marcos Jace.
Posting Name: Emilie (5) (yes)
Surname: O'Neil
DH: Patrick Damon (41) [president of a drug compagny]
DW: Ella Harriet (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Cora Madeline / Ayla Elizabeth (15)
DS: Joel William (12)
DD/DD: Tasha Rosalie / Casey Victoria (10)
DS: Nolan Samuel (8)
DD: Kendra Simone (5)
DS: Austin Michael (2)
Dcat: Connor
Random event: One of your fathers dies, leaving you a large inheritance.
Earlier this year, Patrick's father passed away. He was the head of a big drug compagny. Just before he passed away, we found out that Patrick would be taking his place. Patrick wasn't sure if he wanted to or not, it's a big position, but obviously the salary is much higher and with our growing family we'd like more money. Patrick took the job. Then Patrick's father passed away, his mother had already died many years ago. We knew Patrick's father had a girlfriend but we weren't really sure how serious it was since she never came to our family gatherings. When we met with the lawyer, we thought for sure that Patrick's father had left some of his money to his girlfriend (who was obviously a gold digger, she was almost 3 times younger than him) but when the lawyer read the will. All the money was going to us. Including his mansion in Malibu. Patrick's father felt that investing in his grandchildren was a better investement than in his girlfriend. His girlfriend ended up getting an old sail boat he bought at an auction for charity and a collection of old newspapers. She was quite unpleased, it was a funny sight.
Note: I changed Patrick's occupation, I hope that's okay. Also; I will be out of town for a few days, just wanted to let you know =).

Patrick & Ella

Cora & Ayla


Tasha & Casey



Surname: O'Neil
DH: Patrick Damon (41) [president of a drug compagny]
DW: Ella Harriet (38) [SAHM]
DD/DD: Cora Madeline / Ayla Elizabeth (15)
DS: Joel William (12)
DD/DD: Tasha Rosalie / Casey Victoria (10)
DS: Nolan Samuel (8)
DD: Kendra Simone (5)
DS: Austin Michael (2)
Dcat: Connor
Random event: One of your fathers dies, leaving you a large inheritance.
Earlier this year, Patrick's father passed away. He was the head of a big drug compagny. Just before he passed away, we found out that Patrick would be taking his place. Patrick wasn't sure if he wanted to or not, it's a big position, but obviously the salary is much higher and with our growing family we'd like more money. Patrick took the job. Then Patrick's father passed away, his mother had already died many years ago. We knew Patrick's father had a girlfriend but we weren't really sure how serious it was since she never came to our family gatherings. When we met with the lawyer, we thought for sure that Patrick's father had left some of his money to his girlfriend (who was obviously a gold digger, she was almost 3 times younger than him) but when the lawyer read the will. All the money was going to us. Including his mansion in Malibu. Patrick's father felt that investing in his grandchildren was a better investement than in his girlfriend. His girlfriend ended up getting an old sail boat he bought at an auction for charity and a collection of old newspapers. She was quite unpleased, it was a funny sight.
Note: I changed Patrick's occupation, I hope that's okay. Also; I will be out of town for a few days, just wanted to let you know =).

Patrick & Ella

Cora & Ayla


Tasha & Casey



This message was edited 12/29/2007, 10:19 AM
That's okay; I think a lot of people are out of town. I just wanted to get this up for the people who are going to be around, but the next round definitely won't be posted until after New Year's.
Have a nice trip!
Have a nice trip!
Posting Name: enlatiah (4) (yes*)
Surname: Tarrolly
DH: Sagan Constantine (43) [architect]
DW: Linnéa Shay neé Carrington (39) [midwife]
DD/DD: Annabella Hope / Sapphira Grace (15)
-Annabella's DBF: Rowan Callum McAteer (16)
-Sapphira's DBF: Zander Rhys Jensen (18)
--DD: Taylor Rain Jensen (nb)
DS: Trenton Wade (12)
AD: Adelina Victoria (8) (Cuba)
AS: Adrián Maximilian (4) (Cuba)
Dog: Ivy
Soon after Adelina arrived, Sagan and Linnéa began the process to adopt a boy. After months of waiting and re-filing the paper work, they were matched with 4 year old Adrián Maximilian, also from Cuba. They were surprised by how much Adrián and Adelina looked alike, so just out of sheer curiosity, they had a blood test done. Adrián and Adelina were brother and sister! After talking to the agency that handled the adoption, they were able to determine that the pair had the same mother.
Annabella and Sapphira have both brought home boyfriends. Annabella's boyfriend, Rowan, is a very nice young man. She recently confessed, in secret, to her mother she thinks he's "the one"
Sapphira, on the other hand, has already proclaimed her hold on Zander. The pair recently had a child they named Taylor Rain.
I changed my user name to Elianora
Surname: Tarrolly
DH: Sagan Constantine (43) [architect]
DW: Linnéa Shay neé Carrington (39) [midwife]
DD/DD: Annabella Hope / Sapphira Grace (15)
-Annabella's DBF: Rowan Callum McAteer (16)
-Sapphira's DBF: Zander Rhys Jensen (18)
--DD: Taylor Rain Jensen (nb)
DS: Trenton Wade (12)
AD: Adelina Victoria (8) (Cuba)
AS: Adrián Maximilian (4) (Cuba)
Dog: Ivy
Soon after Adelina arrived, Sagan and Linnéa began the process to adopt a boy. After months of waiting and re-filing the paper work, they were matched with 4 year old Adrián Maximilian, also from Cuba. They were surprised by how much Adrián and Adelina looked alike, so just out of sheer curiosity, they had a blood test done. Adrián and Adelina were brother and sister! After talking to the agency that handled the adoption, they were able to determine that the pair had the same mother.
Annabella and Sapphira have both brought home boyfriends. Annabella's boyfriend, Rowan, is a very nice young man. She recently confessed, in secret, to her mother she thinks he's "the one"
Sapphira, on the other hand, has already proclaimed her hold on Zander. The pair recently had a child they named Taylor Rain.
I changed my user name to Elianora
-I did not use the namebanks for the boy/girlfriends, but I did use them for the new baby.
-I used these random events:
--One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
--One of your children is expecting!
-I included a ton of drama in the writing. And I mean a ton.
-I changed the formatting of the family so the multiples were split up. That makes it easier to put in boy/girlfriends.
-Because there was so much writing, I put the pictures in a seperate post. Dial-up people would thank me. :)
Posting Name: Darkest (10) (x)
Surname: Blackwood
DH: Daniel Benjamin (42) [karate instructor, ex-Marine]
DW: Catalina Raquel (Acosta) "Cata" (40) [Dallas Police Officer, ex-army]
DS: Nathaniel Reginald "Nathan" (17, triplet to Benjamin and Nora)
-Dgf: Laura Marie Riviera (18)
DS: Benjamin Karl (17, triplet to Nathan and Nora)
-Dgf: Keira Ann Westfall (16)
DD: Eleanor Grace "Nora" (17, triplet to Nathan and Ben)
DD: Madeline Rose (17) [illegitimate - Daniel]
-Dbf: Dillon Jonas White (17)
AD: Tasha Raquel "Tash" (16) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
-Dbf: Franco Durante Acardi (17)
DS: Trenton Rhys "Trent" (16)
-Dgf: Stephanie Lynn Paugh (15)
AD: Heather Anica (15) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
-Dbf: Maxwell Rhys Yates “Max” (16)
--DD: Audrey Raquel Yates (-2 months)
DS: Daniel Blaise (14) [Cerebral Palsy]
DS: Justin Cedric "Jace" (12, twin to Kathryn)
-Dgf: Sophia Anne Hart (13)
DD: Kathryn Helena (12, twin to Jace)
Wow; where to begin? It’s been a hectic seven years!
First, Heather and Tasha agreed they wanted to change their surname to Blackwood. We agreed to have the names changed, and everyone is happy with the situation.
Then, a team from Daniel’s youth karate class was chosen to perform at a festival in Austin which got national attention. Daniel is making nearly twice as much now, and we have moved into a larger house a few blocks away from our old one. Before, there were two or three people in each of the five bedrooms. Now, Nathan, Benjamin, Nora, Madeline, and Tash each have their own bedroom upstairs, Heather and Trent have separate bedrooms in the basement, Daniel has a bedroom on the ground floor, and Jace and Kathryn have portioned rooms in the attic. There are far fewer fights among the children now that they have their own space.
-I did not use the namebanks for the boy/girlfriends, but I did use them for the new baby.
-I used these random events:
--One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
--One of your children is expecting!
-I included a ton of drama in the writing. And I mean a ton.
-I changed the formatting of the family so the multiples were split up. That makes it easier to put in boy/girlfriends.
-Because there was so much writing, I put the pictures in a seperate post. Dial-up people would thank me. :)
Posting Name: Darkest (10) (x)
Surname: Blackwood
DH: Daniel Benjamin (42) [karate instructor, ex-Marine]
DW: Catalina Raquel (Acosta) "Cata" (40) [Dallas Police Officer, ex-army]
DS: Nathaniel Reginald "Nathan" (17, triplet to Benjamin and Nora)
-Dgf: Laura Marie Riviera (18)
DS: Benjamin Karl (17, triplet to Nathan and Nora)
-Dgf: Keira Ann Westfall (16)
DD: Eleanor Grace "Nora" (17, triplet to Nathan and Ben)
DD: Madeline Rose (17) [illegitimate - Daniel]
-Dbf: Dillon Jonas White (17)
AD: Tasha Raquel "Tash" (16) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
-Dbf: Franco Durante Acardi (17)
DS: Trenton Rhys "Trent" (16)
-Dgf: Stephanie Lynn Paugh (15)
AD: Heather Anica (15) [parents: Peter Smith & Chela Acosta-Smith]
-Dbf: Maxwell Rhys Yates “Max” (16)
--DD: Audrey Raquel Yates (-2 months)
DS: Daniel Blaise (14) [Cerebral Palsy]
DS: Justin Cedric "Jace" (12, twin to Kathryn)
-Dgf: Sophia Anne Hart (13)
DD: Kathryn Helena (12, twin to Jace)
Wow; where to begin? It’s been a hectic seven years!
First, Heather and Tasha agreed they wanted to change their surname to Blackwood. We agreed to have the names changed, and everyone is happy with the situation.
Then, a team from Daniel’s youth karate class was chosen to perform at a festival in Austin which got national attention. Daniel is making nearly twice as much now, and we have moved into a larger house a few blocks away from our old one. Before, there were two or three people in each of the five bedrooms. Now, Nathan, Benjamin, Nora, Madeline, and Tash each have their own bedroom upstairs, Heather and Trent have separate bedrooms in the basement, Daniel has a bedroom on the ground floor, and Jace and Kathryn have portioned rooms in the attic. There are far fewer fights among the children now that they have their own space.
This message was edited 12/29/2007, 9:35 AM

Nathan and Joey

Nathan and Laura







Tash and Franco








Nathan and Joey

Nathan and Laura







Tash and Franco







This message was edited 12/29/2007, 9:24 AM
Random Events
Instead of having children of your own, you have adopted the child(ren) of a deceased relative. Discuss.
A baby was left on the front step with a note saying (he/she) belongs to (husband). What happened? How does (wife) react? Will you keep the baby? If so, add (him/her) to your family with the tag shown in Darkest's family by Madeline Rose.
(Husband) got arrested. What happened?
Your oldest child got arrested. What happened?
One of your children has been suspended from school. Who? What happened?
Your home has been destroyed by a fire.
One of your mothers - a widow - moves in with you. How is everyone adjusting?
The wife is in an accident and has to be in a wheelchair.
One of your children becomes a famous actor/actress/musician/writer/whatever. Now your entire family is in the spotlight. How do you deal with it?
One of your fathers dies, leaving you a large inheritance.
Your family moves to a different continent. Where? Why?
One of your children has been diagnosed with a serious disease/disability? What is it? How do you cope?
One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
One of your children is expecting!
Your oldest child tells you he/she is homosexual. How do you react?
Your oldest has decided he/she wants to join the CIA once they are old enough.
Instead of having children of your own, you have adopted the child(ren) of a deceased relative. Discuss.
A baby was left on the front step with a note saying (he/she) belongs to (husband). What happened? How does (wife) react? Will you keep the baby? If so, add (him/her) to your family with the tag shown in Darkest's family by Madeline Rose.
(Husband) got arrested. What happened?
Your oldest child got arrested. What happened?
One of your children has been suspended from school. Who? What happened?
Your home has been destroyed by a fire.
One of your mothers - a widow - moves in with you. How is everyone adjusting?
The wife is in an accident and has to be in a wheelchair.
One of your children becomes a famous actor/actress/musician/writer/whatever. Now your entire family is in the spotlight. How do you deal with it?
One of your fathers dies, leaving you a large inheritance.
Your family moves to a different continent. Where? Why?
One of your children has been diagnosed with a serious disease/disability? What is it? How do you cope?
One of your children has just experienced his/her first crush.
One of your children is expecting!
Your oldest child tells you he/she is homosexual. How do you react?
Your oldest has decided he/she wants to join the CIA once they are old enough.
Note: If you use a name with a special symbol in it, the easiest method is to copy/paste it from the name bank.
Girls’ Name Bank:
Adelaide, Adelina, Ainsley, Alanna, Alexandra, Alondra, Alyxa, Amaya, Anica, Annie, Annika, Araceli, Aradia, Arianna, Audrey, Aurora, Autumn, Ava, Azucena, Blythe, Branwen, Bridget, Bronwen, Caitlin, Calixta, Calliope, Candela, Cara, Casey, Cassandra, Catalina, Catherine, Cecilia, Charlotte, Claire, Cordelia, Cynthia, Daphne, Eira. Eleanor, Elena, Eliana, Eliza, Elizabeth, Era, Erica, Estrella, Evelia, Evelyn, Evening, Fern, Francesca, Gabriela, Galilea, Gracie, Graciela, Gretchen, Heather, Helena, Hillary, Holli, Ianthe, Ileana, Inés, Iris, Isabel, Isabella, Isabelle, Isobel, Jacinta, Jasmine, Jezebel, Julia, Juno, Kate, Katharine, Kathryn, Kendra, Kira, Kristen, Lavender, Leah, Lila, Lillian, Lillith, Lily, Lucretia, Lydia, Lyra, Maribel, Marissa, Mary, Melisande, Minerva, Mireya, Miriam, Miriel, Moira, Nadia, Nereida, Nicola, Noa, Nora, Norah, Octavia, Odalys, Olivia, Poppy, Sadie, Sarah, Simone, Sophia, Sydney, Rain, Raquel, Rebekah, Rhylla, Rosalie, Rose, Roxanne, Ruxandra, Ryann, Tabitha, Tallulah, Tanith, Tanis, Tasha, Taylor, Victoria, Violet, Winter, Yasmin
Note: If you use a name with a special symbol in it, the easiest method is to copy/paste it from the name bank.
Boys’ Name Bank:
Abram, Aidan, Adam, Adrian, Adrián, Alaric, Alec, Alejandro, Alexander, Alistair, Allen, Asher, Atticus, August, Austin, Baltasar, Benjamin, Blaise, Boaz, Brendan, Callum, Carlos, Carter, Cedric, Charlie, Christopher, Connor, Cordell, Curran, Dalton, Daniel, Deacon, Dillon, Dominic, Duncan, Dustin, Dylan, Edmond, Elijah, Emery, Eoin, Esteban, Ethan, Evan, Ezequiel, Fabian, Felix, Finlay, Francis, Gabriel, Gareth, Harry, Hector, Henry, Horacio, Hunter, Ignacio, Isaac, Isaiah, Ivan, Jace, Jack, Jacob, James, Jayden, Jesse, Joaquín, Joel, John, Jonah, Jonathon, Judas, Jude, Julius, Justin, Kai, Keaton, Kieran, Laurence, Leo, Levi, Liam, Lucas, Marc, Marco, Marcos, Mark, Matthew, Max, Maximilian, Michael, Milo, Mordecai, Morpheus, Nathaniel, Neil, Nicholas, Nikolai, Noah, Nolan, Oliver, Orlando, Paul, Patrick, Ptolemy, Quinton, Thierry, Reese, Rhys, Romeo, Rowan, Ross, Rudolph, Russell, Salvador, Samuel, Sebastian, Simon, Timothy, Trenton, Trevor, Tycho, Wade, Wesley, William, Zachariah, Zachary, Zander, Zane
*Please, do not change the spelling of the names without a legit reason.*
Note: If you use a name with a special symbol in it, the easiest method is to copy/paste it from the name bank.
Girls’ Name Bank:
Adelaide, Adelina, Ainsley, Alanna, Alexandra, Alondra, Alyxa, Amaya, Anica, Annie, Annika, Araceli, Aradia, Arianna, Audrey, Aurora, Autumn, Ava, Azucena, Blythe, Branwen, Bridget, Bronwen, Caitlin, Calixta, Calliope, Candela, Cara, Casey, Cassandra, Catalina, Catherine, Cecilia, Charlotte, Claire, Cordelia, Cynthia, Daphne, Eira. Eleanor, Elena, Eliana, Eliza, Elizabeth, Era, Erica, Estrella, Evelia, Evelyn, Evening, Fern, Francesca, Gabriela, Galilea, Gracie, Graciela, Gretchen, Heather, Helena, Hillary, Holli, Ianthe, Ileana, Inés, Iris, Isabel, Isabella, Isabelle, Isobel, Jacinta, Jasmine, Jezebel, Julia, Juno, Kate, Katharine, Kathryn, Kendra, Kira, Kristen, Lavender, Leah, Lila, Lillian, Lillith, Lily, Lucretia, Lydia, Lyra, Maribel, Marissa, Mary, Melisande, Minerva, Mireya, Miriam, Miriel, Moira, Nadia, Nereida, Nicola, Noa, Nora, Norah, Octavia, Odalys, Olivia, Poppy, Sadie, Sarah, Simone, Sophia, Sydney, Rain, Raquel, Rebekah, Rhylla, Rosalie, Rose, Roxanne, Ruxandra, Ryann, Tabitha, Tallulah, Tanith, Tanis, Tasha, Taylor, Victoria, Violet, Winter, Yasmin
Note: If you use a name with a special symbol in it, the easiest method is to copy/paste it from the name bank.
Boys’ Name Bank:
Abram, Aidan, Adam, Adrian, Adrián, Alaric, Alec, Alejandro, Alexander, Alistair, Allen, Asher, Atticus, August, Austin, Baltasar, Benjamin, Blaise, Boaz, Brendan, Callum, Carlos, Carter, Cedric, Charlie, Christopher, Connor, Cordell, Curran, Dalton, Daniel, Deacon, Dillon, Dominic, Duncan, Dustin, Dylan, Edmond, Elijah, Emery, Eoin, Esteban, Ethan, Evan, Ezequiel, Fabian, Felix, Finlay, Francis, Gabriel, Gareth, Harry, Hector, Henry, Horacio, Hunter, Ignacio, Isaac, Isaiah, Ivan, Jace, Jack, Jacob, James, Jayden, Jesse, Joaquín, Joel, John, Jonah, Jonathon, Judas, Jude, Julius, Justin, Kai, Keaton, Kieran, Laurence, Leo, Levi, Liam, Lucas, Marc, Marco, Marcos, Mark, Matthew, Max, Maximilian, Michael, Milo, Mordecai, Morpheus, Nathaniel, Neil, Nicholas, Nikolai, Noah, Nolan, Oliver, Orlando, Paul, Patrick, Ptolemy, Quinton, Thierry, Reese, Rhys, Romeo, Rowan, Ross, Rudolph, Russell, Salvador, Samuel, Sebastian, Simon, Timothy, Trenton, Trevor, Tycho, Wade, Wesley, William, Zachariah, Zachary, Zander, Zane
*Please, do not change the spelling of the names without a legit reason.*