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[Games] Star Wars Writing Congrats Round 2!
Alright everyone! Last round we had an excellent turn out, with 10 lovely players as well as myself. I have been asked if you don't know much about Star Wars, do you still have to write something? My answer is just do the best you can. If you feel like you aren't educated in Star Wars enough to write, then you don't have to. Okie Dokie, on with Round 2: Forbidden Love1) If you do not respond for three rounds, you will be dropped
2) You must write something each round
3) This could potentially get complex—if you have questions, please tell me
4) In this game there will only be m/f pairings/marriages. Period.
5) All names are your choice. I will provide a namebank for those who wish to use it..
6) Please have fun!This round is all about forbidden love. As a Jedi, you are not supposed to marry… however, when you meet the person of your dreams, how could you resist? This round, I want you to tell us how you met, how you made the decision to disobey the Order, and how your wedding was. If you want to include information about where your spouse is and how often you get to see each other, feel free to do so (as well as anything else you want to include)By each of your characters, your new spouse is waiting. Is he a Jedi? Farmer? Politician? Sith? Bounty Hunter? (Sith are a Force-users like the Jedi, but they are evil. See this link: )They will need to be named, but their occupations were determined by the number you chose last round.You will need to put your husband’s name, and appearance, and any other attributes in the same format as your own.This round, your new spouse is going to need some attributes. Especially if he is a Jedi/Sith, a few things will need to be determined. So, choose wisely, but only choose what is appropriate. (like, no farmers can wield lightsabers!) There are some Jedi only/Sith only options, so please, pay attention!If your character is not a Jedi/Sith, please only fill out the first section, according to his species, which must match your own. If your character is a Jedi/Sith, fill out all the sections.Section 1 Twi’lek: Skin colors include: Red, blue, white, purple, green, yellow, and orangeHuman:Hair colors include: Brown, black, blond, red, white, gray, something unnatural (think blue) or a combo of any of the previously listed colors.All:Eye color: Blue, black, green, hazel, brown, purple, yellow, red (esp. if it is a Twi’lek character)Section 2
Lightsaber type: Single bladed, double bladed, or dual sabersLightsaber color: Green, blue, purple, orange, gold, silver
**NOTE: Sith sabers are ALWAYS either red or blackLightsaber fighting style:
Shii-cho- The basic moves, parry, body target zones and basic attack
Makashi- the ultimate refinement of lightsaber-to-lightsaber combat
Soresu- Mostly defensive. Developed for use against blaster bolts
Ataru- The most acrobatic form, relies heavily on Force-enhanced running, jumping and spinning
Shien- Encompasses all other forms with moderation
Juyo- Employs bold, direct, movements that are very open and kinetic
Vapaad- a further elaboration of Juyo that sometimes can skirt the Dark Side
Your greatest Force-strength and weakness is (choose one strength and one weakness):
Telepathy- The ability to read and/or speak through the mind
Sense Powers- Heightened senses
Jedi Mind Trick/Affect Mind Trick- being able to persuade people of certain things or even wipe their minds of things all together, by using the Force
Telekinesis- The ability to move things with the mind
Healing Trance- The ability to put someone else or you in a suspended healing stasis
Farsight- Being able to see somewhat into the future. What may happen, not definitely what will.
Psychometry- The ability to gain memories by touching objects. When you touch a certain object, you see the object’s life through it’s eyes. Very dangerous to touch something dead or dying, for death is a powerful experience and can potentially cause death in the Psychometrists themselves.
Force Camouflage
Battle Mind- Becoming one with the battle
Battle Meld- The ability to join thoughts with other Jedi and become coordinated as one during a battle
Battle Meditation- The ability to subtly affect the outcome of a battle through the Force (e.g. raises morale or confuses someone)
Malacia- The ability to confuse and otherwise disorient someone by disturbing their equilibrium
Sever Force- The ability to sever another being’s Force connection
Beast Language- The ability to talk to animals
Morichro- The ability to slow down a being’s metabolism, breathing and heart rate for a specific or indefinite period. Can cause death to the victim (this is strongly cautioned not to use. You must gain permission from the Jedi Council (if you are a Jedi. Sith bend the rules all the time) to use this technique before actually using it)
Force-Lightning- The ability to shoot Force-powered lightning from one’s fingertips
Ackbar, Adas, Agorn, Sar, Allana, Allya, Amanoa, Padmé, Amidala, Andeddu, Anor Nom, Reidi, Artom, Asli, Krimsan, Atris, Tavion, Axmis, Baas, Bodo, Kitster, Banai, Bandon, Bane, Depa, Billaba, Ood, Bnar, Ashka, Boa, Bogan, Bogdan, Omo, Bouri, Brakiss, Empatojayos, Brand, Brianna, Shira, Brie, Dama, Whitesun, Beru, Bruk, Sora, Bulq, Calrissian, Lando, Jorje, Car’das, Carrick, Zayne, Cbaoth, Joruus, Thame, Cerulian, Gannod, Chant, Chewbacca, Clighal, Cognus, Gav, Daragon, Anya, Darklighter, Jula, Siyla, Reaper, Trey, David, Rekpa, De, Nial, Declann, Desann, Ragnos, Vandar, Dokar, Tolt, Noeeta, Dooku, Dorak, Dorsk, Cin, Drallig, Jeng, Droga, Kyp, Durron, Ebaq, Zez-Kai, Ell, Teta, Esseles, Exar, Kun, Boba, Fett, Fisto, Kit Galak, Fyaar, Gallia, Adi, Gantoris, Gardulla, Garu, Gavrisom, Ponc, Gentes, Rokur, Gepta, Githany, Gra’atan, Grievous, Yara, Grugora, Guri, Hal, Leor, Halcyon, Keiran, Nejaa, Halla, Jook-Jook, H’broozin, Herat, Hethrir, A’Sharad, Hett, Sharad, Hoggon, Honoghr, Corran, Horn, HOth, Ikrit, Isard, Ysanne, Roganda, Ismaren, Jada, Deesra, Luur, Jade, Mara, Jedger, Jeen, Kibh, Jerec, Jeth, Arca, Jinn, Qui-Gon, Sian, Jjeisel, Juhani, Cathar, Tenel, Ka, Kaan, Kadann, Tamith, Kai, Volfe, Karkko, Tabn, Karrde, Kyle, Katarn, Kadann, Kavan, Kavar, Kenobi, Obi-Wan, Keto, Aleema, Alema, Satal, Khar, Delba, Shian, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Mondon, Kira, Kiro, K’krukk, Kla, Kodai, Agen, Kolor, Kavok-Day, Koon, Plo, Korr, Jaden, Eeth, Koth, Krayn, Krayt, Kreia, Kressh, Ludo, Asli, Krimsan, Kueller, Claria, Labreezle, Ros, Lai, Beru, Lars, Cliegg, Owen, Thracia, Cho, Leem, Lestin, Zhar, Lianna, Tresina, Lobi, Lowbacca, Lumiya, Muk, Zundi, Arden, Lyn, Nuck, Lyu, Malak, Visas, Marr, Maul, Millenial, Mira, Mireya, Mon, Ephant, Mortull, Wud, Mothma, Mon, Motdah, Bohhuah, Na’al, Voren, Naberrie, Pooja, Ryoo, Ruwee, Jobal, Darren, Sola, Nadd, Freedon, Nadill, Memit, Nagai, Ky, NOrec, Nar-Shaddaa, Nespis, Vill, Nightsister, Nihilus, Nihl, Lorian, Nod, Larad, Moon, Isela, Talsalva, Narand, N’zoth, Obroa-skai, Odan-urr, Ommin, Omnio, Ooroo, Pai, Bendu, Organa, Leia, Bail, Breha, Teemto, Pagaies, Palawa, Pall, Ajunta, Palpatine, Panaka, Pell, Akanah, Narand, Pernicar, Phanius, Phascera, Pina, Awdrystay, PLagueis, Lomi, Plo, Pomell, Dreed, Yarael, Poof, Danzigorro, Potts, Lanius, Qel-Droma, Qel-Bertok, Cay, Ulic, Qordis, Qornah, Sarcev, Quest, Raa, Vuffi, Marka, Ragnos, Rakata, Racisis, Oppo, Rar, Aleema, Rattack, Reikas, Revan, Rhelg, Rivan, Ruin, PHanius, Ruul, Saba, Sacorria, Sadow, Naga, Sazen, Wolf, Secura, Aayla, Sedriss, Serenno, Shim, Toloris, Shykrill, Cope, Sidious, Sif-Dyas, Sing, Aurra, Sian, Skywalker, Anakin, Ben, Cade, Luke, Mara-Jade, Shmi, Solo, Han, Jacen, Jaina, Leia, Caedus, Solusar, Kam, Tionne, Stele, Maarek, Storm, Havet, Sunrider, Andur, Nomi, Vima, Svag,, Anavuus, Tachi, Siri, Talon, Tarkin, Tarn, Rhad, Teryn, Teta, Tholme, Thon, ThonBoka, Thrawn, Tiin, Saesee, Tio, Baran, Do, Domm, Traya, Tritum, Nevil, Tyranus, Tyris, Nikkos, Tython, Tyvokka, Ulda, Umara, Vaa, Seviss, Vader, Valorum, Vao, Shado, Veila, Tahiri, Ventress, Asajj, Vergere, Viss, Ellu, Vjoun, Vos, Quinlan, Sheyf, Kurlin, Tinte, VOsa, Komari, Volutan, Wald, Wan-Shen, Wavlud, Ingo, Welk, Walu, Windu, Mace, Wyyrlock, Xendor, Xizor, Yaddle, Yevetha, Yoda, Ysanna, Jem, Rajf, Zalem, Zannah, Zeisan, Sha, Ziver, Nerra
Also, for next round, please choose two numbers 1-10!
Would the first person to reply please choose two numbers for me as well?Username: Emilie
Last name: Dreed
Your character: Shira Ky (22, Female, Twi'lek, Jedi Knight)
Skin color: Green
Eye color: Red
Lightsaber: Double bladed & Gold
Fighting style: Makashi
Strength: Psychometry
Weakness: Healing Trance
DH: (Jedi)Shira Dreed better known as Shir'adreed on her home planet of Ryloth. When Shira was younger, her parents persued her to study Twi'lek dance but she was not interested in this. Shira ran away and spent time in the planet's starports. Shira was then discovered and trained by Jedi Master Daeshara'cor.

Username: Sarah Kate
Last Name: Vos
Your character: Aalya Lyn (20, Female, Twi'lek, Jedi Knight)
Skin: Turquoise
Eyes: Hazel
Lightsaber: Single bladed
-color: gold
-style: ataru
Strenght: Telepathy
Weakness: Beast Language
DH: (Jedi)Aayla is was born on Ryloth and is the daugther of Jedi Master Bogan. She is a Rutian Twi'lek. She is 20 years old and is a Jedi Knight. She has turquoise skin and hazel eyes. Her best force is telepathy. Her father and grandmother were also strong in this force. But, her worst force is beast language. Her mother died when Aayla wasn't even a year old. Aayla was discovered at a young age. Her father thought that she was very talented and thought she could become a very successful jedi.

Username: CN
Last name: Arca
Your character: Cin (20, female, human, Jedi Knight)
Black hair and green eyes.
Single bladed lightsaber
Lightsaber color: gold
Fighting style: Ataru
Strength and weakness: Jedi Mind trick and Battle Mind
DH: (Jedi)Cin Arca is a young Jedi Knight who lost her family in a war when she was only 11. She was raised by the Jedi Master Caedus Vill and is now a very powerful Jedi Knight but she needs to learn to control her feelings.

Username: Nikki
Last name: Komari
Your character: Aurea Kyla Melian (female, Twi'lek, 26, Jedi master, also has a Padawan Learner)
Skin color: turquoise
Eye color: Hazel
Lightsaber: Dual saber (green)
Fighting style: Vapaad
Strenght: Telepathy
Weakness: Beast Language
DH: (Jedi)Aurea is 26 years old and she is already a Jedi master! Her master died recently and therefore she became the new master.
Her father died when she was five years old and she doesn't have any siblings. She is a twi'lek and has a rare skin color, turquoise, and a very rare eye color (for a Twi'lek), red is the usual one but Aurea has hazel eyes. She isn't very good at beast language but on the other hand, she is very god at telepathy so even when she is away from her mother, friends or her Padawan learner she can always speak to them.

Username: estel
Last name: Welk
Your character: Tamith Nejaa (24, female, human, Jedi Padawan)
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: blue
Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
Lightsaber Color: Blue
Fighting Style: Mostly Shien with a bit of Ataru thrown in
Greatest Strength: Sense Powers
Greatest Weakness: Farsight
DH: (Jedi)About Me:
I'm Tamith Welk, and I am 24 years old. I have been a Jedi-in-training since I was seven. I have been a Padawan to Master Tenel since I was 11. It has been 13 years since then, and I am currently undergoing my padawan trials so that I can become a Jedi Knight. I have dark red hair that comes to my chin and blue eyes. I don't stand out a whole lot in a crowd, but I have very heightened senses. Loud noises bother me quite a bit, but I'm trying to overcome that. I have some skill with a saber, and enjoyed crafting my own blue blade. I describe my fighting style as Shien...I like a little bit of everything.

Username: Darkest
Last name: Katawi
Your character: Arca Sazen (26, female, Human, Jedi Knight)
Hair: Dark blue, light gray strands mixed in
Eyes: Green
Lightsabre type: Doublebladed
Lightsabre color: Silver
Fighting style: Ataru
Strength: Telepathy
Weakness: Farsight
DH: (Jedi)Arca Sazen Katawi is a Human Jedi Knight. She was discovered to be sensitive to the Force when she was a small child, and she has been very successful as a Jedi. She has a particular strength for telepathy, but she is weak in farsight.

Username: Flute
Last name: Ell
Your character: Nomi Claria (19; female Twi'lek)
Jedi Type: Jedi Padawan
Skin color: Purple
Eye color: Green
Lightsaber type: Double-bladed
Lightsaber color: Green
Lightsaber form: Juyo
Force Strength: Battle Mind
Force Weakness: Healing
DH: (Bounty Hunter)(You didn't choose a number, so I randomly chose number 1 for you)I'm Nomi Claria Ell, and I'm a 19 year old Jedi Padawan. I was taken from my real parents when I was just a baby - when my master (Depa Toloris, a human woman) felt my force presence. I don't know much about them, other than that my mother was a slave to a man who used her as a dancer at his establishment. I know nothing of my father. It's possible he wasn't even in the picture.I was always a little bit rough as a kid, especially for a girl, and I guess that translated into my fighting style and force abilities. I fight Juyo with a double-bladed lightsaber. I'm very into all-out offense, and I get really, really into my battles - hence my strongest force ability, Battle Mind. Unfortunately, I'm hopeless at healing, so I have to keep a lot of medicines and med packs with me at all times.

Last name: Cerulian
Your character: Veila Secura (18, Jedi Padawan)
Species: Twilek
Colours: Turqoise skin, Purple eyes
Lightsaber: Purple double bladed sabers, Juyo style
Strength: Sense Powers
Weakness: Force-Lightning
DH: (Bounty Hunter)I'm Veila, I'm 18 years old and one day I hope to be a Jedi Knight. I'm currently training, my Master is a human named Ryoo Daragon. I have no parents. My mother raised me, and she died when I was 8. I never knew my father. I'm very good at sensing, and I'm learning more things as well. My Master has given up trying to teach me Force Lightning, because we spent a long time on this already and I could never even produce the tiniest spark. He's teaching me mostly the Juyo fighting style, the style that is his favourite, and I learn easiest. My double bladed saber is the exact same shade of purple as my eyes.

Username: miss_smiley
Last name: Arden
Your character: Leia Sora (19, female, twi'lek, jedi knight)
DH: (Jedi)Leia is a yellow twi'lek with black eyes. Her light saber is silver and double bladed. Her lightsaber fighting style is Ataru. Her strength is force lightning and her weakness is healing.

Username: Keepskuh
Last name: Talon
Your character: Saba Pell (Twi'lek, female, 19)
Skin color: White
eye color: Purple
Lightsaber: gold, dual sabers
Fighting style: Ataru
Strength: Telekinesis
Weakness: Psychometry
DH: (Politician)

Username: Quigonjecca
Last name: Hoth
Your character: Nova Whitesun (22, female, human)
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Purple
Lightsaber type: Dual Sabers
Lightsaber Color: Purple
Fighting style: Ataru
Greatest Strength: Psychometry
Greatest Weakness: Force-lightning
DH: (Sith)I am Nova Whitesun-- Jedi Knight. Yeah, so you might be thinking that I'm a little young to be a knight. Well, you're right. Generally you're about 27 standard years old before you're a knight, but, because of some special circumstances (including my Master's dying wish) I was promoted to the position of Knight at an earlier age.I'm not exactly the action type of girl, despite my fighting style, Ataru. I prefer more quiet activities, which is why I'm eternally grateful that I'm good at Psychometry. I'm more of an 'undercover' type girl, one who only comes in when she's really needed.I tend to blend in with the populace. I've gleaned so much information from various objects, that I've become a tool around the Temple. When they need a fake ambassador or negotiator to go somewhere to settle something, they just call me. And as I go, I just touch the table or something wherever I'm going, and I know how to act.However, Psychometry has it's downfalls too. I can't help with any crime-scene-investigation, like my fellow Jedi. I'm afraid to touch anything on something dead... My master was a Psychometrist as well, and that's how she died. The experience of death was so powerful...Sorry, we're not hear to reminisce are we? Like I was saying. Yeah, I'm a Jedi Knight. I'll fight when I have to, but generally I prefer quieter notions. I'd like to take on a Padawan learner in the next year or so, but that all depends on what kind of assignments I get from the Council.Right now, they've sent me off to Corellia to settle some spice mining dispute. The stars are streaming by at this very instant, because we're coming out of hyperspace. I hope this doesn't get messy-- I hate messy. Really, I wouldn't mind just spending my days at the Temple, as a crechling instructor or something, you know?

This message was edited 12/29/2007, 2:47 PM

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Username: CN
Last name: Arca
Your character: Cin (20, female, human, Jedi Knight)
Black hair and green eyes.
Single bladed lightsaber
Lightsaber color: gold
Fighting style: Ataru
Strength and weakness: Jedi Mind trick and Battle Mind
DH: Rhad Agorn (22, male, human Jedi)
Blond hair and hazel eyes.
Single bladed lightsaber
Lightsaber color: green
Fighting style: Shien
Strength and weakness: Farsight and Psychometry Cin Arca is a young Jedi Knight who lost her family in a war when she was only 11. She was raised by the Jedi Master Caedus Vill and is now a very powerful Jedi Knight but she needs to learn to control her feelings.
This problem to control her feelings led to her falling in love with Rhad Agorn, a stern and withdrawn young Jedi that came to visit Jedi Master Caedus Vil. The Master let Cin Arca train with Rhad and when he turned out to be an excellent and quite handsome Jedi Knight there was nothing Cin could do. She fell in love. Rhad Agron refused to show her any feelings in the beginning but with patience she didn't even know she had Cin slowly but surely made Rhad open up to her. And he fell in love with her.
They both knew it was forbidden love but after a mission when Rhad left Cin for almost six months they both realised that they couldn't live without each other. They wedding was held in secret and only Jedi Master Caedus Vil was present together with Cin Arca and Rhad Agorn. The marriage is going to be their secret. Rhad Agorn has through some help from his contacts been stationed on the same planet as Cin Arca and he comes to see her every day since Cin still lives with her Master.
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Username: Quigonjecca
Last name: Sazen
Your character: Nova Whitesun (24, female, human)
Hair color: Brown
Eye Color: Purple
Lightsaber type: Dual Sabers
Lightsaber Color: Purple
Fighting style: Ataru
Greatest Strength: Psychometry
Greatest Weakness: Force-lightning
DH: Wolf Sazen (26, Sith, male human)
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Ice-blue
Lightsaber type: Single Saber
Lightsaber color: Black
Fighting style: Vaapaad
Greatest Strength: Force-Lightning
Greatest Weakness: PsychometryI am Nova Whitesun-- Jedi Knight. Yeah, so you might be thinking that I'm a little young to be a knight. Well, you're right. Generally you're about 27 standard years old before you're a knight, but, because of some special circumstances (including my Master's dying wish) I was promoted to the position of Knight at an earlier age.I'm not exactly the action type of girl, despite my fighting style, Ataru. I prefer more quiet activities, which is why I'm eternally grateful that I'm good at Psychometry. I'm more of an 'undercover' type girl, one who only comes in when she's really needed.I tend to blend in with the populace. I've gleaned so much information from various objects, that I've become a tool around the Temple. When they need a fake ambassador or negotiator to go somewhere to settle something, they just call me. And as I go, I just touch the table or something wherever I'm going, and I know how to act.However, Psychometry has it's downfalls too. I can't help with any crime-scene-investigation, like my fellow Jedi. I'm afraid to touch anything on something dead... My master was a Psychometrist as well, and that's how she died. The experience of death was so powerful...Sorry, we're not hear to reminisce are we? Like I was saying. Yeah, I'm a Jedi Knight. I'll fight when I have to, but generally I prefer quieter notions. I'd like to take on a Padawan learner in the next year or so, but that all depends on what kind of assignments I get from the Council.Right now, they've sent me off to Corellia to settle some spice mining dispute. The stars are streaming by at this very instant, because we're coming out of hyperspace. I hope this doesn't get messy-- I hate messy. Really, I wouldn't mind just spending my days at the Temple, as a crechling instructor or something, you know?

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Username: miss_smiley
Last name: Arden
Your character: Leia Sora (19, female, twi'lek - yellow - black eyes, Jedi Knight - silver double bladed light saber - Ataru style, Strength - force lightening, Weakness - healing)
DH: Talon Droga Frake (24, male, twi'lek - blue - green eyes, Jedi - purple light saber - Makashi style, Strength - battle meld, Weakness - sever force)Leia and Talon met randomly in the street when Talon was duelling with a friend. Leia was very impressed and approached him. The two got along very well, and were soon married. Their wedding was extremely strange, with light sabers instead of lights, and some unusual food products. They get to see each other once or twice a week at the minute.
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Username: X Mar (sorry, I guess I forgot that part last round)
Last name: Quest
Your character: Veila Secura (18, Jedi Padawan) (née Cerulian)
Species: Twilek
Colours: Turqoise skin, Purple eyes
Lightsaber: Purple double bladed sabers, Juyo style
Strength: Sense Powers
Weakness: Force-Lightning
DH: Jacen Declann (24, Bounty Hunter)
Species: Twilek
Colours: Orange skin, Blue eyes Numbers: 2 9
I'm Veila, I'm 18 years old and one day I hope to be a Jedi Knight. I'm currently training, my Master is a human named Ryoo Daragon. I have no parents. My mother raised me, and she died when I was 8. I never knew my father. I'm very good at sensing, and I'm learning more things as well. My Master has given up trying to teach me Force Lightning, because we spent a long time on this already and I could never even produce the tiniest spark. He's teaching me mostly the Juyo fighting style, the style that is his favourite, and I learn easiest. My double bladed saber is the exact same shade of purple as my eyes.
When I was with my master on a mission in Trantor, I met a greta Twilek man named Jacen. He's orange and has eyes of the deepest blue. He's tall, even for a Twilek. My Master was sent to Trantor to look for a witness in a polical assassination (a Cathar named Muk), but Jacen had found Muk first and had killed him. My Master was very upset that the witness was gone now, and insisted on questioning Jacen to find out any information that might be useful. Jacen didn't really know anything other than that he had been sent to kill Muk, and would get paid for doing that. He refused to give up the name of the one he worked for. My Master told me that was to be expected, because for a Bounty Hunter such as Jacen, giving up his employers name would seriously harm his reputation in his profession, and then it would be hard for him to get any work, since his reputation was all a Bounty Hunter really had. He let Jacen go and we planned to go back home.

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This message was edited 12/29/2007, 11:47 PM

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Okie Dokie...That's fine, the namebank won't change. I went through one of my Star Wars books and wrote down every. single. name. for that namebank, so... no, I don't have the patience to get another one!And you alphabetized them? Goodnight! That's fine that you will be travelling, I totally understand all of that. I'll just bank up your stuff if you don't have time to respond. Even though the rules say *if you miss three rounds you'll be dropped* I only have ten players, so it's not a big deal (o:Have fun on your trip!
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Username: Emilie
Last name: Dreed
Your character: Shira Ky (22, Female, Twi'lek, Jedi Knight)
Skin color: Green
Eye color: Red
Lightsaber: Double bladed & Gold
Fighting style: Makashi
Strength: Psychometry
Weakness: Healing Trance
DH: Exar Fett (24, Male, Twi'lek, Jedi)
Skin color: Red
Eye color: Black
Lightsaber: Dual Sabers & Blue
Fighting style: Juyo
Strength: Jedi Mind Trick
Weakness: Force-LightningNumber: 1Exar and Shira met in training. It was almost like love at first sight. He too was being trained by Jedi Master Daeshara'cor. She forbided any relationship to form between her trainees. But Exar and Shira were falling for each other. One night Exar knocked on Shira`s door, he was deathly scared of what could happen next. Shira answered in a silky robe like she had been expecting him. He was overjoyed to see she had the same feelings for him. They kept their relationship secretive till they were done training. Every night Exar would go over to Shira`s room and by dawn he was gone. After their training, they held a secret wedding ceremony on Shira`s home planet of Ryloth. They live in different places, but still continue that tradition of spending every night together.
Note: I will be out of town for a few days, just thought I`d let you know =).
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That's fine!I'll just bank up your stuff, unless you're back before I post the next round!
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I didn't choose a number? Oops, thought I did. Oh well, bounty hunter should be fun. :DUsername: Flute
Last name: Ell
Your character: Nomi Claria (22; female Twi'lek)
Jedi Type: Jedi Padawan
Skin color: Purple
Eye color: Green
Lightsaber type: Double-bladed
Lightsaber color: Green
Lightsaber form: Juyo
Force Strength: Battle Mind
Force Weakness: Healing
DH: Nejaa Fyaar Baas (28; male Twi'lek)
Job: Bounty Hunter
Skin color: White
Eye color: BlueNumbers: 2 and 8-----The nerve! Someone thought it would be a funny joke to send a bounty hunter after me while I was off training by myself. At least, I can only assume it was a joke, as he was a complete incompetent - or he'd just never been up against a Jedi. I pretty much handed him his butt on a platter, if you'll pardon the crude language. He said he didn't expect such a tough fight from a girl. Pft, whatever.Then he LAUGHED! Can you believe the absolute nerve? I was about ready to go at him again, but he didn't seem particularly concerned. He introduced himself as Nejaa Fyaar Baas, bounty hunter extrordinare. Yeah right. Arrogant jerk extrordinare is more like it. I couldn't believe it. Then he pulled off his helmet. He was a Twi'lek, too! I told him it was probably not a very good idea to show his face in front of an enemy, but he said that we weren't enemies anymore. I wasn't really sure where he got THAT idea from. Then he said he was done being a bounty hunter and that he was going to go play at being something else for a while, but he'd look me up if he was ever in the area again. Yeah right, like I'd let that happen. I was planning on arresting him and taking him back to the Jedi Enclave, to let the masters deal with him, but he took off before I got the chance.I had completely forgotten about the encounter when, a year later, I was assaulted by another bounty hunter, this time in busy Coruscant. He didn't seem interested in fighting, though - he just dragged me into a side alley. No one noticed. Some of the worst parts of Coruscant are full of skirmishes and the like.

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This message was edited 12/29/2007, 6:43 PM

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Username: Sarah Kate
Last Name: Vos
Your character: Aalya Lyn (21, Female, Twi'lek, Jedi Knight)
Skin: Turquoise
Eyes: Hazel
Lightsaber: Single bladed
-color: gold
-style: ataru
Strenght: Telepathy
Weakness: Beast Language
DH: Nikkos Declann (27, Male, Twi'lek, Jedi Knight)
Skin: Orange
Eyes: Purple
Lightsaber: Double bladed
-color: blue
-style: shien
Strenght: Jedi mind trick
Weakness: Malacia Number: 2Aayla and Nikkos met three years ago. Their father were best friends and always been. But, Nikkos and Aayla had ever met. They fell in love. But is was not aloud to married. But their fathers work around the rules somewhat. Aayla father was also a Jedi and Nikkos father was a politician, so it was pretty easy for them to get married. They are both every happy.
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I don't know anything about star wars (almost) si sorry if I'm making any misstakes in this round and the future ones.Username: Nikki
Last name: Komari
Your character: Aurea Kyla Melian (female, Twi'lek, Jedi master, also has a Padawan Learner) (28)
Skin color: turquoise
Eye color: Hazel
Lightsaber: Dual saber (green)
Fighting style: Vapaad
Strenght: Telepathy
Weakness: Beast LanguageLN: Zodon
DH: Exar Zimri (Twi'lek, Jedi Knight) (27)
Skin color: Red
Eye color: Red
Lightsaber: Double bladed, Gold
Fighting style: Ataru
Strenght: Telepathy
Weakness: PsychometryNumbers: 7, 2Aurea who is a Jedi Master and very respected know that she can't get married and Exar who is a Jedi knight also knows that but both of them falled in love with eachtoher. They told eachother that they couldn't meet again because it woudln't do anything good anyway.
Five months ago they met again and they were still in love!
They decided to disobey the Order and get married anyway. Aurea and Exer had a small wedding with only their best friends, their parents and Exer's brother.
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I pick numbers 4 and 9.
Username: estel
Last name: Welk
Your character: Tamith Nejaa (26, female, human, Jedi Knight)
Hair Color: red
Eye Color: blue
Lightsaber Type: Single Bladed
Lightsaber Color: Blue
Fighting Style: Mostly Shien with a bit of Ataru thrown in
Greatest Strength: Sense Powers
Greatest Weakness: Farsight
DH: Jacen Tinte Wolf (28, male, human, Jedi Knight)
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: green
Lightsaber Type: single bladed
Lightsaber Color: gold
Fighting Style: Makashi
Greatest Strength: Telekinesis
Greatest Weakness: Force Camoflague
It has been just two months since I attained the status of Jedi Knight...and already I am in trouble with the council. As is well-known to all, Jedi do not marry. However, I have found myself in love with a fellow Knight named Jacen. He is two years older than I, but has been a Knight for six years already. We both know that we should not (well, cannot) get married, but we can't help but love each other. Jacen and I were married four and a half months ago in a private ceremony attended by only our parents as witnesses. We were able to conceal our marriage until last week...when Master Tenel found out about it when I accidentally let it slip that Jacen and I had a romantic relationship. Jacen, at the time, was in Coruscant (or however you spell it) on an assignment, but was pulled out early when Master Tenel contacted the Jedi Council about our relationship. We were summoned before the council the next day. Both Jacen and I decided that telling the truth would get us in less trouble than lying we told the council we met at the academy when we were younger and occasionally went on assignments together as Padawans. Our last assignment as Padawans brought us very close-the mission was dangerous and considered a trial for us both. Jacen was twenty one, and I nineteen. We knew then that we loved each other, but since we were both so close to becoming Jedi Knights, we tried to forget about each other and dedicate ourselves completely to the Jedi Order.

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Username: Keepskuh
Last name: Talon
Your character: Saba Pell (Twi'lek, female, 19)
Skin color: White
eye color: Purple
Lightsaber: gold, dual sabers
Fighting style: Ataru
Strength: Telekinesis
Weakness: PsychometryLast name: Ros
Your character: Declann Jinn (Twi'Lek, male, 24, politician)
Skin color: Green
Eye color: Black
Occupation: Politician #1 & #10and for you: #5 & #3
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