[Opinions] Mackenzie
I was wondering what you think of it, especially some alternative spellings and such (MacKenzie, Makenzie, Mackenzy, ect.) and which you like best. Even if you don't like the name, which do you like best. Thanks!
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Mackenzie is hideous, but that spelling is definitely the best.
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I hate them all, but if I had to choose one, in a life or death battle with the Grim Reaper...MacKenzie..I guess.
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Mackenzie is okay...pretty good. It is cute on either gender...I have known both. The boy went by Mac most of the time. I like Mackenzie the most of those.
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I quite like Mackenzie as a mn for a girl or a fn for a boy, it's my ln so i would like to use it
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Mackenzie is nice...I prefer it on a boy that a girl. Makenzie is probably the only variantion I like but I prefer using an original name and not a variant.
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for a girl. I dislike it, because it sounds just like a surname, and it is unisex. I know a boy and girl sibset named Madiosn (boy), and Mackenzie (girl).
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I only like Mackenzie, and only for a boy.
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I really like it on a boy, but I really don't like it on a girl. I don't know why I'd like it at all since it's a surname. Oh well. The only spelling I like is Mackenzie.
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I dislike Mackenzie, but I'd much rather see it on a boy than a girl. A woman I work with has a son named this. My 'favourite' spelling would be just Mackenzie.
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I prefer the spelling Mackenzie. But the name is so Scottish and so bound up with the history of a particular clan that I would never use it for a child of mine since I have no Scottish (much less Mackenzie) blood. I just can't understand why anybody would want to "honour" a surname that's not in their family history in this way, especially if they come from a completely different background.
Also, I believe surnames make quite unfeminine first names (Shelley, Shirley being rare exceptions) - though (even though Mac means "son of" this one isn't as bad as Maddison ("son of Maud"!!!). I hate that name!!!
Cameron is another one - along with the appalling Camryn.
Michaela Dennis was a well-known English (of White Russian descent) explorer with her Belgian husband Armand. She pronounced her name Mikahla (and I like her sensible spelling).
Out of the three names, Mikayla seems the most feminine!

This message was edited 1/3/2008, 8:00 AM

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At least it is better than Madison and McKayla
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I always thought this name was horrid, especially for girls, and I never understood how it became so popular, it doesn't sound remotely feminine to me. Anyway, the lesser evil would be the standard Mackenzie spelling, the alternative ones look even tackier.
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I likem spelt Mackenzie, with the nickname Mac, for a boy :)
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Mackenzie only and for a boy.
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Mackenzie (with this spelling only) is a GP for me, and only for a girl. I prefer the sound of "Kinsey" to "Kenzie", though, and if Mackinsey didn't seem so made-up, I'd be more inclined to make that my choice.
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I only like the spelling Mackenzie. I guess I could tolerate McKenzie, but only because I used to have a friend that spelled it that way.I think Mackenzie is suitable for both boys and girls.

This message was edited 1/2/2008, 10:59 PM

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I only like the spelling Mackenzie. Capitalizing the K (when it's not the last name, which is properly capitalized) looks funny. Leaving out the "c" makes it look like it should be pronounced starting with "Make". The "y" just looks silly, as do any other variations. (Edit: I agree with Chrisell that the McKenzie variation is a legit last name, so I'd be fine with that also, but only as a last name.)That said, I only really like Mackenzie on a boy. I know it's common on girls, but the meaning definitely suits a boy. With the meaning "Son of the handsome one", it seems like a perfect name for a boy.I have used it for a girl's combo in a story (Mackenzie Catherine) because that was 1) before I knew the meaning, 2) when I was more into trendier names, and 3) because it flows well.Currently, it's my second favorite single name for a boy (after Leopold), and it's in my favorite combo for a boy (Leopold Alexander Mackenzie.)I don't hold anything against people naming girls Mackenzie. It's not the worst trendy/masculine-meaning-name-on-girls name that's out there. But if people have to name a girl that, I'd say at least keep the original spelling. It looks the best, and I just don't understand why people would want to change the spelling.

This message was edited 1/2/2008, 10:21 PM

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I dislike Mackenzie as a first name - it's most definitely a surname to me (my grandmother's maiden name!).The only spelling I can stand as a first name is Mackenzie. McKenzie is legit as a surname, but first names shouldn't have multiple capitals. Anything else is a misspelling and looks illiterate.
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Plus, the "Mc-" beginning is too reminiscient of McDonald's, and "Mc-" is often attached to some other word as a pejorative. Think of McMansions and McJobs.
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Yeah, totally agree with that!
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