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[Opinions] Re: Ancient Greek and Roman Names
in reply to a message by Katie
Most of them, I would only use as a middle name. Some of them, I like them but I wouldn't use them. This is a long list, sorry. I like:Boys:
Adonis - wouldn't use
Agamemnon - mn
Alcinous - mn
Amadeus - mn
Apollo - wouldn't use
Archimedes - mn
Aristotle - mn
Atlas - wouldn't use
Aurelius - mn
Daedalus - mn
Leonidas - mn
Lucius - fn or mn
Menelaus - mn
Orion - fn or mn
Poseidon - wouldn't use
Praxiteles - mn
Prometheus - mn
Rhadamanthus - mn
Severus - mn
Socrates - mn
Telemachus - mn
Titus - fn or mnGirls:
Andromache - wouldn't use
Andromeda - mn
Antigone - wouldn't use
Aphrodite - mn
Ariadne - fn or mn
Arsinoe - wouldn't use
Artemis - fn or mn
Athena - fn or mn
Aurelia - fn or mn
Briseis - mn
Calliope - mn
Callisto - mn
Calypso - wouldn't use (except I did name my fish that)
Cassandra - fn or mn
Cassiopeia - mn
Cressida - mn
Daphne - fn or mn
Deianeira - mn
Echo - wouldn't use
Electra - wouldn't use
Eurydice - mn
Hero - wouldn't use, though I think it would be awesome!
Iphigenia - mn
Livia - fn or mn
Nausicaa - mn
Nephele - mn
Niobe - fn or mn
Ophelia - mn
Pandora - mn
Penelope - fn or mn
Persephone - wouldn't use
Phaedra - wouldn't use
Terpsichore - wouldn't use
Tisiphone - wouldn't use
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