[Opinions] Collin
My boyfriend and I love talking about names. Our newest boy name is Collin :)Our other names are:
Alice-What do you think of Collin? Any cute middle name suggestions? Do you think it works well with our other names?Thank you! :)
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I prefer one 'l' - Colin. I like Colin. It's a nice name. It fits perfectly with the other names you like.Depends on what is considered "cute". How about:
Colin Hugo
Colin Micah
Colin Elias
Colin Anthony
Colin Lance
Colin Oscar
Colin Marcus
Colin Brice
Colin Angus
Colin Hamish
Colin Arthur
Colin Gregory
Colin Jamie
Colin Vincent
Colin Paul
Colin Timothy
Colin Jasper
Colin Tobias
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I don't mind the name, but only like the spelling Colin. I love Jude, Finley, Madelyn and Alice!
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I don't really like the name Collin, becuase where I live I haven't meet a Collin under the age of say 30 before. It a very dated name here. But..... I find it to be alright as a middle name. Finley Collin sounds nice!
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My ten-year-old nephew's name is Colin, with one L. I prefer the one L spelling. When my sister received baby gifts after he was born, many were addressed to Collin. She found it mildly annoying, but I guess it is one of those names that have more than one legitimate spelling. I like the name, though it's not one of my favorites and not something I would have chosen myself.
My nephew is Colin Joseph. Joseph is rather boring, but it was chosen to honor my father. I do think Colin and Joseph sound well together. I don't think Colin goes very well with your other names.
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ColinI think it's nicer spelled Colin.Colin Matthew is the combo I usually like best.
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I do think Collin works very well with your other names but I would slip the name down to Colin by taking out the second L but I'm rather prejudiced as that's how my father's name is spelled.Arlo might not go with your other names but I think that Collin goes well is all of your other names especially Finley, Alice and Madelyn. MNs for Collin, I have considered many myself so lets see if what you think of these:
Collin Miles (my most recent, English form of Michael a family name for me)
Collin Michael
Collin David (my dad is Colin David)
Collin Andrew (my brother is Colin Andrew, love this flow)
Collin Thomas
Collin Jude
Collin Laurence
Collin Henry
Collin Oliver
Collin Rhys
Collin Daniel
Collin Duncan
Collin Dominick
Collin James
Collin Patrick
Collin Silas
Collin Matthew

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This message was edited 4/9/2008, 1:17 PM

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Thank you very much! All of those combos are lovely!
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I love it. I think it works with your other names.
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