[Opinions] Brook
What do you think of Brook for a boy? I really dislike it for a girl (Brooke, Brook, doesn't matter); I knew plenty of them growing up and it feels a bit oudtated. Lately though I've been considering it for a boy. Is it better as a middle name maybe?Thanks!
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Brook/Brooke is all feminine to me and I really don't like it for a boy. It gets used for girls way more often these days, so I definitely wouldn't use it for a fn for a boy.
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I 've known a few girls Brook. Unisex names are too confusing to use, in my opinion.
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I don't care for Brook on a boy simply because I think the sheer number of female Brookes would make it difficult to grow up with. I love Brooks for a boy, though. Brooks is my new SIL's maiden name, and their #1 choice for a boy.
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I prefer Brooke, but if it's on a boy any spelling is fine. I despise it on a girl.Brook Leith
Brook Gabriel
Brook Gareth
Brook Augustus
Brook Elliott
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prefer Brooks.I have also even seen Brooxe on genealogy data from the eighteenth century :-X
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DittoI have a coworker named Brooks, and it has grown on me. I do think Brook sounds feminine, though.
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I love Brook on a boy by itself and as a nn for Brooklyn [m]it's so underused it doesn't even sound feminine to me at all.Though I do like Brooks for a girl.

This message was edited 4/9/2008, 2:59 PM

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Brook for a boy? No, I can't see it on a boy. And, I prefer Brooke and for a girl.
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