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[Facts] Re: NAME
hey guys its Asif who posted the request on info on my name...thanks for the responses...i went to an indian resturant a while back and asked if anyone knew the meaning of my name and someone said it meant calmness and serenity...but they didn't say to which name that went to...i think its not correct information...but its nice to hear i guess...thanks again to all who responded and i hope more people will reply with informaton on the name...and to those of you who know someone who is named Asif...tell them i said the way i pronounce my first name: 'As-If' the phrase...and my last name: 'As-Is' the phrase also...i americanize it and i'm sure someone out there will have a problem with me butchering the name but i've met so many great people that know be before i even meet them because of word of i find it to be a fun to you girls and guys later...thanks
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