[Opinions] Willow?
Just wondering people's opinions on this name. I noticed someone brought it up in a birth anouncement as a middle name related to Buffy the Vampire slayer...though i've never really seen the show so I don't have an association with it. I just like the sound of it and that it is original without being completely unheard of. I also think of the song Little Willow by Paul McCartney which is about being strong in the face of what life throws at you.
I think it means Freedom which I like, but it also is a nature name, which I like too. I remember when I was a kid there was this willow tree on our street that had flowing leaves that hung into the street and we would ride our bikes through them and it was like a green waterfall. Reminds me of a simpler time haha but I like the imagery I get from it. So yeah. I was thinking of the combo Willow Melissa. Thoughts? Any other middle name ideas? Thanks!~Laura
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I love Willow, I think it's a usable nature name. I don't think it means Freedom, though.
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I love Willow. It's one of my favorite names, especially in the middle spot. It has a soft, pretty sound, and the weeping willow is one of my favorite trees...sweeping and graceful and beautiful...so I love the association.I dislike Willow Melissa, largely due to my strong dislike of the name Melissa.My favorite combos with Willow as a first name are Willow Anthea, Willow Beatrix, Willow Annebet, and Willow Evanthe.I also like/love...Willow Annegret
Willow Beatrice
Willow Corisande
Willow Eleanora/Eleonora
Willow Evadne
Willow Frances
Willow Genevieve
Willow Hannelore
Willow Hesper
Willow Mariam
Willow Marianne
Willow Mathilde
Willow Octavia
Willow Persis
Willow Susanna/Susannah
Willow Tamsin
Willow Tatienne
Willow Tehani
Willow Therese
Willow Viviane
Willow Vivienne
Willow Xanthe
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I personally don't like Willow. It just sounds sad to me. I suppose this is because I think of "weeping Willow". Also, it makes me think of the man character in the movie Willow.
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When I was about 11 or so, Willow was my favourite girls' name. I still like it today, though there are a few names I like better.Willow Melissa is really nice. My Willow combo is Willow Greer.
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I've never heard the Paul McCartney song. So I don't have the same association as you. Willow makes me think of a woman destined to misfortune and sadness. Willow can only be the name of a character in some Greek tragedy. My feelings may be influenced by the weeping willow. I would much prefer the "happier" Willa, but then Willa doesn't flow well with Melissa.
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I really like it, especially as mn.
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Willow Melissa is awesome...
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Willow Melissa is pretty, but Melissa Willow speaks to me more.Willow is one of the few names that I find to be completely unisex. It does well on a girl, but there's also strong masculine overtones to it - there's the fantasy movie Willow, and I know a few Williams whose nickname is the homophone "Willo".Personally I wouldn't use Willow because it's a bit too cutely naturey for me, but I don't mind seeing it on other peoples' children.The tree you're thinking of is the weeping willow, and they are indeed one of the most gorgeous trees ever. My grandparents have a creek running through their property with weeping willows all around it, and it's lovely.

This message was edited 4/13/2008, 4:15 AM

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I dislike most word names but Willow gives a nice impression. Willow Melissa is classy and sweet-sounding.
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I think it's pretty but it's nmsxxx
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I actually like the name Willow, and always have done. I find there is something etherial yet simple about it.:0)
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I like it too, a lot!
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