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[Games] Re: LadyBug's Photo Congrats - Round 2

Username: Amanda (Manda_Bear) - 1 Wish
LN: Lawson
DH: Kenneth Gregory (age 27, journalist)
DW: Lara Bethany (age 25, singer/songwriter)
DS: Casey Shane "Case" (2)
DD: Alexa Joy (nb)
I'm saving my wish again :)Baby Alexa :

Toddler Casey :

Casey is adjusting wonderfully to being a big brother. He loves just sitting with Alexa and letting her grip his fingers and listening to her coo. He is anxious for her to grow up so he can REALLY play with her, but for the time being he's pretty enamored just to watch her and talk to her.For now, the family is still at Lara's parents' summer vacation home, as they've had so much on their plates lately with Casey and now the new baby. There is talk of moving out on their own by the time Alexa turns one.
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