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[Games] Re: LadyBug's Photo Congrats - Round 2
Username: X Mar - 1 Wish
LN: Chevalier
DH: Christophe Guillaume Tristan (age 27, photographer)
DW: Serafina Rosa (age 25, photographer)
DS: Thibaut Fabrice Alexandre (2)
DD: Océane Aurélie Victoire (0)My wish: I'm using no naming rules this round, that was easier with the MNs. I do have a question: Will you be taking the possibility of 2 MN into account in future naming rules?
Christophe and Serafina decided that they would try to have another baby. They were so happy with little Thibaut and wanted him to grow up with a little brother or sister. Eventually they did get pregnant and had a beautiful baby girl. She was named Océane Aurélie Victoire (mns after her grandmothers Aurelia and Victoria). Thibaut was happy with his new baby sister. He's very sweet to her and gives her kisses on her forehead all the time :)Here's a picture of little Thibaut, who's now a big brother. It was taken by Christophe, who was playing with Thibaut and his ties at the time:
I'll put up the pic of Océane later, I have trouble with my internet connection right now, and it's not letting me upload pics anymore :(

This message was edited 4/21/2008, 3:22 PM

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YesI will be taking two middle names in to account now that I know you are planning on a two middle name theme. The namebank did have over ten three name combos to choose from just in case someone wanted to use three names. I'm glad you could use your wish though and use names that go more with your son's name. Can't wait to see a photo of baby Océane! :)
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Introducing Océane...Here´s a picture of Océane. Lisanne, a friend of Christophe and Serafina, who´s also a photographer, she specializes in children, was babysitting. Christophe had asked her to take pictures of her, because he wanted to give Serafina a framed picture of her children, and none of the ones he made he found good enough. This one was made by Lisanne after a long time of shooting pictures, and Océane was really tired at the time. It was the last picture she took of her that day, but it was the one Christophe liked best and he gave Serafina this one:Photobucket
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