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[Games] Re: LadyBug's Photo Congrats - Round 2
Username: Lena
LN: Palmeiro
DH: Curtis Alexander (age 27, publisher)
DW: Retta Beatrice (age 25, florist)
DS: Quentin Felix (2)
DD: Antonia MercedesA picture of the new baby:
It has been two years since Quentin's birth, and Curtis and Retta were surprised at how fast he was growing. Quentin had been begging for a younger sibling since he could talk, so imagine the family's delight when they found they would be welcoming a baby girl! Retta and Curtis decided to name her Antonia Mercedes - Antonia after Retta's grandmother. Quentin loves being a big brother, and the parents can't wait until their family becomes even bigger.
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