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[Games] Re: LadyBug's Photo Congrats - Round 2
Username: LadyBug
LN: MacClellan
DH: Peter Lindsey (age 27, pediatrician)
DW: Saoirse Maighread (Halloran) (age 25, musician)
DS: Duncan Rowan (2)
DD: Kathleen Bridget "Kathie" (0)Peter & Saoirse MacClellan welcome their first daughter Kathleen Bridget MacClellan on May 31st. At birth Kathie weighed 7lbs. 7oz. and looked a lot like her big brother did at birth. Photobucket
Duncan is now two years old and is a good big brother. He was a little jealous of Kathie at first but is turning into a big help and he loves to hold his baby sister (with mommy's supervision of course). Here he is with his doctor's kit that his daddy the pediatrician gave him for his second birthday. Does daddy have high hopes or what? Photobucket
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