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[Games] Re: LadyBug's Photo Congrats - Round 2
Username: Sugar
LN: Regenbogen
DH: Miles Dylan "Milo" (age 27, graphic designer)
DW: Elodie Maria (Dunmore) "Dee" (age 25, florist)
DS: Reuben Emmett (2)
DD: Leonor Marie "Norie"A letter Dee wrote to her friends and family:Hello everyone! Our family now consists of four people! After a relatively easy home birth we were able to hold Leonor Marie in our arms. She was born at 2pm, and Reuben, who had desperately wanted to be here when his sister arrived, slept through the whole thing. He doesn't seem to mind much, though. He is a loving big brother, but sometimes misses the full attention from Mama and Daddy.
Leonor's name was picked rather simply; I wanted to have a daughter named Norie, to honor my mother Eleanor, but Milo absolutely hated the name Eleanor, but we both loved Leonor. Marie is after yours truly :-). Norie isn't just named after her grandma: she has exactly her shade of bright red hair! Already when we go out people always comment on her hair first.
Milo as just been promoted, and he loves his job more than ever. I'm taking a break from being a florist, but I know I am welcome back whenever I want to go back.
And here is a picture of Reuben, looking mischievous as ever:Lots of love, Dee and Milo Regenbogen, and Reuben and Norie
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