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[Games] Re: LadyBug's Photo Congrats - Round 2
Username: Summer - 2 Wishs
LN: Wyatt
DH: Jordan Ezekiel (age 27, Engineer)
DW: Kirsten Elaine "Kirsty" (age 25, Biologist)
DS: Zachariah Johan "Zach" (2)
DD: Sadie EmiliaJordan and Kirsty were shocked when they learned they were pregnant again only a year after Zach was born. Although not prepared for another child, they were very much excited for a second child. They were even more excited when they learned they were expecting a daughter! Jordan and Kirsty, again, had a long debate on names. Together, they finally found a compromise on the name Sadie Emilia.
Zach didn't understand what was going on until after Sadie was home. Once he realized she was here to stay, he became quite curious. He's still warming up to her though, Jorand and Kirsty think that he's a little jealous of his parents attention to the newborn. He's also quite terrified of Sadie's cries, he tries to hide for the noise and if he wakes up to it, he will start to cry as well. This has proved to be quite hard for Jordan and Kirsty as they have had two under two to deal with.
Now don't get it wrong, they have completely enjoyed it too and both love to play with their kids and watch the kids and everything about beng a family. Sadie:
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