[Opinions] Danae
Do you prefer/say 'da-NAH-ee' or 'da-NAY'?
WDYT of it?
I'm liking Danae Cassandra at the moment.
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I would pronounce "dah-nah-ai"I more like Danae Kassandra :-))
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Because I usually see it with an umlaut on the e, I'd automatically say dah-na-ee, but I'm not positive that's right.I wouldn't consider it, but do find it pretty for someone else's list. Danae Cassandra is quite pretty and I think that a name from Greek mythology that's used so often that it's disconnected from its roots a bit is a great complement to a less common Greek mythology name like Danae. If that makes sense- I'm very tired!
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I don't mind the name & I pronounce it 'da-NAY'.:)
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This name confuses me. I want to like it so much but I don't understand exactly how to pronounce it...I always feel like I'm saying it wrong even if the pronunciation is staring me in the face.

This message was edited 6/2/2008, 6:18 PM

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I've always said da-NAY, but since I don't know of anyone with this name, I could easily be wrong. Danae: I like it!While I like the name Cassandra on its own, something about the flow of the two names together seems a little bit off to me. Danae Amaranth? Danae Hestia? Hmm, this one is tough...Sorry I'm not much help on mn suggestions, but I do like Danae, and Cassandra would be pretty with something else (I like your Maren Cassandra combo on your namelist).
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I say Da-NAY. For me, trying to say 'da-NAH-ee' makes me sound like I'm saying "deny" with an Australian accent :PDanae seems somewhat trashy to me, sorry. It seems like one of those names that's trying too hard to be fancy and French, that a lot of trashy people give to their children. Like Chantel.
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Oh no, you really think so?
It's Greek Mythological. :(I am inclined to say a mixture of dah-NAY and dah-NAH-ee.. sort of like da-NYE.
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I know it's Greek mythological, which is why it's odd that I don't like it. But yes, that's the feel I get from it. I may be the only person who thinks that, though, so I wouldn't be too put off by my opinion if I were you :-)
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I really love the name Danae. The Danae Cassandra pairing is a bit too heavy on the Greek myth for my taste, but it sounds nice.
I want to pronounce it DAH-nie. (whether that's correct or not!)
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Nah I'm pretty sure that's.. not.
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It's one of my cousin's names and she pronounces it Da-nay.
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I would pronounce it da-NAY. Never knew anyone with this name. I don't much care for the sound of either pronunciation, but I think da-NAY would be how most would read it.
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da-NAE (d like that)I like it but where I live its too common
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While da-NAH-ee has a certain charm, it'd be incredibly pretentious sounding in person around here. da-NAY is a lot more workable where I am (though since you're in the UK [right?], things might be different), and I do prefer that pronunciation a bit.I don't really like the name in general, though.Array
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Danae was on my PNL for a few days, but I took it off a while ago. I fell for it really fast, and just as fast out of it. I pronounced it as da-NAY, because I'm used to pronouncing "ae" as "ay". Otherwise I'd probably have pronounced it dan-ay-ee.

This message was edited 6/2/2008, 1:05 PM

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