[Surname] What Nationality is this surname??
Does anyone know what nationality Anelli is and its meaning?
All I know is it's a rare surname, but other than that I'm stumped.
Thanks! :)
All I know is it's a rare surname, but other than that I'm stumped.
Thanks! :)
It's Italian.
From: http://www.melegnano.net/cognomi/cognomi0001n.htm
Anelli è diffuso diffuso prevalentemente in Lombardia, l'origine può essere messa in relazione sia ad anelli particolari, cui il capostipite era legato sia ad una chioma ad anelli, cioè riccioluta , come potrebbe essere una diversificazione del cognome Agnelli, passando tramite un Anielli per diventare quindi Anelli.
What it mainly says as far as i understand is that is might be a variant of Agnelli which is from agnello "lamb". anello means "ring", so anelli is its plural form.
From: http://www.melegnano.net/cognomi/cognomi0001n.htm
Anelli è diffuso diffuso prevalentemente in Lombardia, l'origine può essere messa in relazione sia ad anelli particolari, cui il capostipite era legato sia ad una chioma ad anelli, cioè riccioluta , come potrebbe essere una diversificazione del cognome Agnelli, passando tramite un Anielli per diventare quindi Anelli.
What it mainly says as far as i understand is that is might be a variant of Agnelli which is from agnello "lamb". anello means "ring", so anelli is its plural form.
Thank you very much, Menke! It's great that you can understand what it says (Agnello=lamb, Anello=ring. How sweet!)
The Agnelli family of Italy made automobiles and were fabulously wealthy and probably still are.
Agnus Dei means "Lamb of God" in Latin.
Agnus Dei means "Lamb of God" in Latin.