[Opinions] Re: Opinions on Jonna
Well...my best friend in middle school was Johnna and my 2nd cousin's middle name is Johnnah, so I'm familiar wih the name (if not that particular spelling). I prefer the spelling 'Johnna', I guess because it's the first one I ever saw, so I think of it as the "normal" spelling.I never really thought much of the name itself either way - I didn't think it was amazing, and I didn't think it was ridiculous. I knew it was rare, and my friend seemed to get 'Johanna' a lot from teachers on the first day of school and that sort of thing, but I'm pretty sure she liked her name all the same. Thinking about it now, I do like the sound of it, honestly, and while it's not my particular style, I think it's a nice, refreshing name.
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Opinions on Jonna  ·  Katja Eidis  ·  7/31/2008, 3:51 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Marija Luminitsa  ·  8/1/2008, 2:38 AM
It's prn. YO-nah, sorry for not indicating earlier :) nt  ·  Katja Eidis  ·  8/1/2008, 11:42 AM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Jacinta Ismene  ·  7/31/2008, 10:50 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Egyptian Princess  ·  7/31/2008, 10:40 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  lac  ·  7/31/2008, 8:23 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Gabby  ·  7/31/2008, 6:23 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Integrity  ·  7/31/2008, 5:31 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Malin  ·  7/31/2008, 4:24 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Akua Topaz  ·  7/31/2008, 4:18 PM
Re: Opinions on Jonna  ·  Lily8  ·  7/31/2008, 4:14 PM