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[Facts] Names in Myths
I was wondering if anyone knows any myths or stories that have names playing an important part. The reason is that I've read this one story called "The Rule of Names" by Ursula Le Guin where knowing something's name give a person power over it.I was wondering if this theme apears in any other stories.
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I think it's pretty universal, and not just in fiction. Little children are often thought to be "too shy" to say what their names are when asked ... I'm sure it's that same feeling of "this is mine and you can't have it" that the myths and stories echo. (And of course,knowing their names does give the adult world power over them!)
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I've seen this theme turn up many times in different fantasy stories. I don't know where the theme comes from, though!
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Check out Le Guin's 'The Earthsea Trilogy', too.
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There's a book called "Bartimaeus" (sp) where knowing a person's real name gives you power over them. But it's really new.
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Just browsing the posts here, and without getting overly religious or philosophical, in alot of older religions, knowing somethings real name gives you power over it.
Most likely stemming from information being the key to power, you know everything about something, you know how it will act, you know its reactions, know how to defeat it. Blah blah you get my drift.
I think its in Indian lore that you dont say anyones real name besides in imporatant ceremonies, as it can call unwanted attention to that person.
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