[Opinions] Danaë
Which do you prefer: the Modern Greek 'dan-AH-ee' or the Classical Greek 'DAN-ay-ee'?
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Actually I prefer the French "dah-nah-eh".
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EDITEDI like both pronunciations. I think I'd go with dan-AH-ee as DAN-ay-ee would never be pronounced with three syllables. I think people would always say DAN-nay or duh-NAY which would sound trashy kind of like Janae or something like that.EDITAre you sure it shouldn't be dah-NAH-eeh as opposed to dan-AH-ee and DAH-nay-eeh as opposed to DAN-ay-ee ? I don't know but I definetely prefer dah-NAH-eeh over dan-AH-ee.I agree with the person who said that dan-AH-ee and DAN-ay-ee are terribly hard to say. I mean dah-NAH-eeh works fine but dan-AH-ee is so hard to say because the "n" sound and the "ah" sound are seperated so you need to pause in order to say it and it just doesn't roll off the tongue at all.

This message was edited 9/7/2008, 4:47 PM

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Truthfully, I'd much rather see duh-NAY. Both the Greek pronunciations are really difficult for me to say. :-/ I guess I like dan-AH-ee better of the two, but it's pretty much a toss-up.Array
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'duh-NAY' doesn't work for me at all I'm afraid!The pronunciations aren't really that difficult, run the syllables together a few times and they're fine.
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Yeah, it's not very posh, I know--but the Greek pronunciations really are rather difficult for me. If you can get away with them in the UK, more power to you, but I've said both a half dozen times aloud, and they simply would never be workable for me. Array
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The Classical Greek
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