[Opinions] Greer...
It came up on the random name generator, and I fell for it. I think I love it more as a feminine name, but what do you guys think? Any opinions about the name? Prefer it as a girl's name or a boy's? Thanks in advance :-)
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Girl! Love Greer Garson, btw.

This message was edited 9/28/2008, 9:31 AM

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Greer? As a girl's name? Uh, yeah, like all the chavs naming their baby girls Michael and James and Tyler and Dylan and Hunter!Definitely a boy's name.
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I think of it as a surname, and I hate surnames on girls.
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It reminds me of Greer Garson, but I don't really like it because it sounds too much like rear.
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I like it a lot on a girl. It's not too bad on a boy. I kind of like it as a nickname for Gregory.
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I like Greer better on a girl. It has that feminine sass to it.
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I love it as a girl's name!
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Unisex to me prefer on a girl.
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Deffs a girl.Strangely enough, I love it. It goes against anything I'd ever expect to like, but I like it a LOT lot.
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Same here.Most of my girls' names are sort but very distinctly feminine. Ivy, Eden, June, Adele, Mayim. And then I found Greer, and it's so... different. But I'm so head-over-heels for it. It's so bizarre.
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