[Opinions] Phoenix?
My partner totally loves the name Phoenix for a little girl and want to name our babygirl this. I personallyy dont like it that much but maybe i could deal with the as an MN.
What do you think about using Phoenix for a girl, and do you have ideas for a FN?
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Actually...I love it. I thought it would make a really cute middle name but I'm not sure if I could get over the association to Arizona. Not that it's bad, but it's not the first thing I want people to think... For a long time I thought Saoirse Phoenix flowed really well but I probably won't use it.
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I don't mind it for a girl, but it certainly isn't a fave. Here are some combo ideas:Molly Phoenix
Clara Phoenix
Sadie Phoenix
Chloe Phoenix
Lucy Phoenix
Zara Phoenix
Amy Phoenix
Jemima Phoenix
Hannah Phoenix
Hayley Phoenix
Tessa Phoenix
Teagan Phoenix
Megan Phoenix
Maia Phoenix
Daisy Phoenix
Samantha Phoenix
Shari Phoenix
Gemma Phoenix
Renee Phoenix
Rachel Phoenix
Emma Phoenix
Emily Phoenix
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I like it for either but prefer a boy.
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A girl I went to college w/ and my cousin's sister in law both used Pheonix as a mn for one of their girls. One was Tenley Phoenix and the other was Jaidah Phoenix. I like it as a mn it has a good meaning and sound. I wouldn't use it on a boy tho or as a fn.
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I like it better for a pet. A bird in particular. Before I bought my parrot I thought about Phoenix and Fawkes but then decided on another name. How about Phoebe ?What kind of names do you like ? classic (e.g. Mary, Elizabeth), fashionable/classic (e.g. Violet, Emmeline), trendy (Miley, Nevaeh), biblical (Rebecca, Noa, Tamar)...just tell me what you like and I'll make a list :)
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Pheobe is nice, i really like it, but my partner is more into the trendy names so i think he would prefere Phoenix over Phoebe.
I on the other hand are more into classic/fashinable names for example i adore Elizabeth ;)
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Elizabeth Phoenix hmmmm I think it's a bit hard to say the "th" and the "f" sound after each other. Does it matter to you if a name is in the top 100 ? i guess not since you like Elizabeth :) hmmmm how about:Audrey Phoenix
Madeline Phoenix
Isabel Phoenix
Rosalie Phoenix
Maria Phoenix
Alice Phoenix
Laura Phoenix
Zara Phoenix
Camilla Phoenix
Diana Phoenix
Charlotte Phoenix
Eliza Phoenix
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