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[Games] Fun! (m)
I'd love to see more CAFs with names from other languages (all names are "ethnic". That's not the word you're looking for).DH: Elias Vlasis (91)
DW: Selene Sophronia (88)
-DD1: Anastasia Nephele (65)
-DD2: Phoebe Ioanna (62)
-DS1: Matthias Leandros (60)
-DS2: Lysandros Heron (57)DD1's family:-DH: Kyriakos Dion (65)
-DW: Anastasia Nephele (65)
--DS: Petros Herakles (43)
--DW: Elene Aella (43)
---DD: Zenia Amaltheia (20)
---DS: Hypatios Straton (17)
---DS: Matthios Nereus (14)
--DD: Melania Sostrate (41)
--DH: Matthias Phileo (43)
---DS: Emmanouil Stavros (20)
---DD: Mnemosyne Lysistrate (16)
--DS: Nikolaos Illyrios (38)
--DW: Maria Kallistrate (37)
---DD: Zoe Kanake (14)
---DS: Nikos Arkadios (11)DD2's family:-DH: Thomas Prokopios (64)
-DW: Phoebe Ioanna (62)
--DD: Sophia Nike (35)DS1's family:-DH: Matthias Leandros (60)
-DW: Kallisto Theophania (60)
--DD: Iris Melia (38)
--DH: Demetrios Nikoleon (42)
---DS: Andreas Philon (14)
---DS: Zenovios Iakovos (12)
--DS: Melanthios Konstantin (35)
--DW: Sophia Paraskeve (35)
---DD: Ianthe Olympia (10)
---DS: Menelous Endymion (7)
--DS: Loukas Philomenos (31)
--DW: Althaia Dorothea (33)
---DD: Anna Theodora (7)
---DS: Serafeim Iason (5)DS2's family:-DH: Lysandros Heron (57)
-DW: Marina Philippa (56)
--DD: Athena Zenovia (32)
--DH: Nikolaos Zenon (35)
---DS: Anastasios Nikanor (5)
--DS: Isidoros Nikephoros (32)
--DW: Anna Eirene (32)
---DD: Kalliope Melete (6)
---DD: Elene Hippolyte (6)
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Oops.Thanks, anyway.
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