[Facts] shocked and impressed
Hello, my first name is Fernande. I am from the US and I recieved my name from a Great-Aunt. My uncle went to France during WWI and met a lady named Fernande. He brought her back to the states and married her. They were never able to have children and she was loved by our family and she died the year I was born so my parents named me after her. It has been a tough name to grow up with due to the pronunciation is so different from the spelling. Phonics definetly doesn't apply. Its pronounced fer-NON. I was just amazed that you had it on your list, I've never been able to find it anywhere. I once spoke to a gentleman from France and he told me it was a very old name and he gave me the simulation of how Margaret is an old name in the US. My cousin gave her daughter the name Fernande as a middle name so now there are at least 2 of us in the US. I would love to hear from anyone that has heard my name before or has any information on it.