[Opinions] Meadow
What do you think of Meadow for a girl? I was wondering why it isn't more popular. It is close enough to Madeline and Madison and you could even use Maddie as a nickname for it. It's a nature name just as the popular Brooke and the getting popular Skye. It ends in an "o" sound as do many names that are popular with celebrities (Harlow, Shiloh). What do you think of Meadow? Do you know anybody called that? Do you think it will get more popular? Can you see it making the top 100/200? why/why not?
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Meadow is a little too earthy-hippyish for my tastes, but I can see it catching on.
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It's pretty and not overused... kinda knew one Meadow a few years back.. Don't know if it will get popular... Depends if any celebreties choose it or if it shows up on a popular soap or something.
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I kind of like it, but not as a first name. I can easily see it becoming popular.
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I like Meadow. I think the reason its not more popular is because of "The Sopranos." Kind of a bad association.I don't know if it will get more popular, but I for one would like to see it used more. Its prettier than Willow.
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I LOVE the name MEadow for either gender.Yes I know one little girl named it.Possibly popular not the to p100 or anything.
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