[Opinions] Cora or Cara
Which one do you prefer and why? Thanks.
Cara, much less old-lady-ish!
The summer ends and we wonder who we are, and there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car...
- Dar Williams
The summer ends and we wonder who we are, and there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car...
- Dar Williams
Cora. Though it reminds me of the character on "The Waltons", Cora Beth. She was snooty. (Sorry, I grew up watching that show :b) But I have always dislike Cara and Kara. Not sure why. It just seems like one of those 1980s names to me, that's WAY over by now, I guess. At least Cora is fresh and was out of date for a long time, but I think it's one of those that's coming back. Either way, I still like Cora better. :)


I like Cara (prefer Kara or Karah) its better than Cora. :)
Cora, just prefer the sound.
CIARDA"Names are not always what they seem. The common Welsh
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
name Bzjxxllwcp is pronounced Jackson." - Mark Twain
Neither are my style but they are both fine I like them both equally
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
A childs smile is worth more to me than Gold
Cora because I think Cara looks kind of trashy.
I wish we could open our eyes
To see in all directions at the same time
-Death Cab for Cutie
I wish we could open our eyes
To see in all directions at the same time
-Death Cab for Cutie
Cara its a great name and every Cara ive nown has been a really great person
" The best gift you can give someone else is a good example."
" The best gift you can give someone else is a good example."
Well, the name Cora derives from the ancient Greek name 'Kora' which means ‘young girl’, ‘daughter’, the name was used also as the collective name for the Nymphs, daughters of Zeus. I prefer it to Cara, which means 'head' in ancient Greek. :)
Cara, pronounced CARR-a
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3