[Opinions] Flora
What do you think of Flora? I think it's kind of cute.Could it become really popular (top 100), moderately popular (200-500) or do you only see it making a small comeback or no comeback at all?Do you know anyone named Flora? How old are they? Do they like their name and do you know their middle names?Do you like Estella Flora?
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I really love Flora and I could totally see it coming back. I could even see it in the Top 100. I don't know any kids named Flora, but I wish I did.Estella Flora is lovely, but Estelle Flora might flow better. I can't decide.
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Flora reminds me of the brand of margerine.But Estella Flora is quite good.
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I love Flora. It's one of my favourites. It has a nice sound and a nice meaning.I doubt it will come back anytime soon (part of its appeal for me).I know one Flora who is about 28. She like that nobody else ever shares her name. Her mn is Elizabeth.

This message was edited 12/9/2008, 1:23 PM

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Like Flora but LOVE Florida.

Don't know any Floras. Don't see it coming back really but who knows.Estella Flora is fine.
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I'm not a fan of Flora. I find it too, well, floral. I imagine a little blonde butterball of a girl who is not overly bright, but is happy-go-lucky (never met a Flora, this is just a mental construct). I would find it rather charming to meet a little girl these days with the name though.
I like Estella, but I'm not sure whether Estella Flora flows very well. I think it would be better the other way around, or even as Flora Estelle.
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I've never loved the name. I think it could easily make a comeback though. It has the right sounds and flowery names come and go.The only Flora I know is about 26. I don't know if she likes her name, but her younger sister Kathleen has always been jealous that Flora got the better name.
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