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[Games] Free Four All -- and really REALLY LONG and I had tons of fun, thank you!
Okay, I have been playin with these names for days! I literally printed this out four days ago and have been playin with the names ever since. I love your PNL! Some of the names look pretty familiar. ;-) I hope you won't mind that I used some of my own names too.I've made so many notes about these that I'm gonna share my thought process for all my combos. Partly because I'm a bit bored at work, I admit, but also because I really want to talk names with you! However, if you want to skip all the painful details, which I would understand because they're REALLY LONG and may only interest me and me alone, you can find the complete sets at the end of this post.
The first thing I did was group your names in various ways, lookin for four of something. The birds, the colors, the gems, the virtues, the flowers, the musical references, all the -yn names, etcetera. The first combos I came up with were colored flowers.Sapphire Hyacinth (for the long Is; that's why it couldn't be Sapphira)
Indigo Lotus (for the Os)
Amethyst Iris (for the -is sounds)
Azure Azalea (for the Az's)Then I tried to build on the sound themes I'd identified, so I added as follows:Lorelei Sapphire Hyacinth
Calypso Indigo Lotus
Melisande Amethyst Iris
Azrielle Azure AzaleaI had in mind to use four names in every one of the 20 combos (four girls with four names each), so I kept trying to find suitable additions along the same lines. But you didn't have any more Az- names, so I went searching. I foundAzar
Alazne (which I realize doesn't start with Az- but includes it)
Shazi (ditto)There were others but these had the best meanings (click on the links and you'll see -- really great meanings; except for Azeneth, but I like the sound of that one so I kept it on the list). I ended up deciding against all of these, but I wanted to bring them to your attention simply because imo they're great. I especially liked Shazi, which reminds me of your Zahli.Since I decided not to keep any of the Az- names, I changed the combo to Azure Orchid, and the sound focus became repetition of the -ur / -or sounds. Anyway, my first complete set of four combos came out like this:Lorelei Brightyn Sapphire Hyacinth
Calypso Noelle Indigo Lotus
Melisande Eliesse Amethyst Iris
Merlyn Aurora Azure OrchidI particularly like how all four FNs have some touch of magical or otherworldly (and slightly naughty) feel to them. Or at least in my mind they do. Lorelei was a German siren; Calypso was a nereid who lured and imprisoned Odysseus (siren-like); Merlyn of course evokes Merlin; and while there may not be a specific mythical, magical figure named Melisande, there is a book series I'm fond of in which one of the central figures is a slightly magical, quite naughty character named Melisande (plus there's the play Pelléas and Mélisande). So there you are.For my second set of four, I was captivated by and wanted to build on your names Masquerade, Renaissance, Soliloquy and Rhapsody, which seemed, to me, to fit together nicely (and I see that Rachel Shaina agreed with me about the first three). I wanted to put my own personal stamp on those by using one of my trademarks, Butterfly, and names that mean "butterfly." So I started with these:Butterfly Masquerade (of the two categories, these are my faves, so they go together)
Vanessa Renaissance (I really loved the soft vowels and Ss!)
Parvana Rhapsody (they each have an R and A)
Mariposa Soliloquy (they each have an O and I)Then I decided to add virtues to the mix. My fave virtue went with my other two faves.Mercy Butterfly Masquerade (plus the Ys and the Ms match)
Amity Vanessa Renaissance
Glory Parvana Rhapsody
Charity Mariposa Soliloquy (I liked how the -ar- syllables matched)But I had been playing with your -elle names, Azrielle and Gabrielle, and decided to use them; I added two of my own. Here's my second complete set of four.Mirielle Mercy Butterfly Masquerade (the Ms matched)
Azrielle Amity Vanessa Renaissance (ditto the As)
Gabrielle Glory Parvana Rhapsody (ditto the Gs)
Lyrielle Charity Mariposa Soliloquy Next I focused on your -aia names (which I was surprised to find do not include either Kaia or Naia -- why not?, I wondered). I also was drawn to Shai, but I altered it so that A) it would match, and B) it would sound distinctly feminine (given that Shai is actually masculine). Plus I added one of my own to complete the four: Alaia, Maia, Shaia and Saraia (sounds a bit like Soraya). Since I pronounce all four of these with long I, I looked for fanciful long I names to pair them with, and got this:Shaia Godiva
Alaia Shiloh (the Ls match nicely, and Shaia Shiloh would have been too much even for me)
Maia Delilah
Saraia TwilightI wanted to be able to use your wonderful musical reference names, so I put them in too.Melody Shaia Godiva
Cadence Alaia Shiloh
Sonata Maia Delilah
Lyric Saraia TwilightThen I decided to ground these by giving them very formal, classic FNs, and thus finished my third complete set of four.Sophia Melody Shaia Godiva
Victoria Cadence Alaia Shiloh
Catherine Sonata Maia Delilah
Elizabeth Lyric Saraia TwilightHaving enjoyed playing with Shai and turning it into Shaia, plus having discovered Shazi, which I'd fallen in love with, I looked for names to match it. I toyed with all the consonants of the alphabet and decided on Shazi, Shani, Shari and Shali (which could be short for Vaishali, a real Indian name; or could just be on its own). I love the Z in Shazi, and noticed a few Z names on your list, but I was again thinking of flowers. Jasmine is notable for having a Z sound without a Z, and I like that. So I started by pairing Shazi and Jasmine, then proceeded as follows.Shazi Jasmine
Shani Windflower
Shari Azalea (more subtle not to put Shazi with Azalea, I thought)
Shali Dahlia (the short As sound identical to me, which I like)Then I added your seasonal names.Season Shazi Jasmine (because, like Jasmine, Season sounds like it has a Z, but doesn't)
Winter Shani Windflower (which I love for the repeated Win- )
Solstice Shari Azalea
Autumn Shali Dahlia (because that first Au- sounds so much like the others' short As)Next I wanted to use your excellent Greek A names, thus completing my fourth set of four.Adrasteia Season Shazi Jasmine
Andromeda Winter Shani Windflower
Athena Solstice Shari Azalea
Artemis Autumn Shali DahliaFinally I absolutely had to use the birds! Blackbird and Nightingale! I mean, come on! I had to use them!, and quite conveniently you have four of them. It was meant to be. I started by matching them with my very most beloved very long S names.Seraphina Blackbird (a cherished combo)
Serenissima Nightingale (Serenissima is my new crush)
Sonatina Sparrow (my hyperfeminized version of your Sonata)
Semiramis Raven (Semiramis, prn seh-MEER-ah-mis, was an Assyrian queen)Then I wanted to use your red C names, but you didn't have enough! I added Coral, though it's not my favorite, and I (briefly! very briefly!) considered Copper.Carnelian Seraphina Blackbird
Cerise Serenissima Nightingale (I ♥ this!)
Coral Sonatina Sparrow
Crimson Semiramis RavenGiven the use of Semiramis, what better to match these than royalty? Thus the completed fifth set:Cleopatra Carnelian Seraphina Blackbird
Isabella Cerise Serenissima Nightingale
Anastasia Coral Sonatina Sparrow
Nefertari Crimson Semiramis RavenThe requisite five sets of four weren't enough for me, though; I was having too much fun. Couldn't help but notice your inclusions of Sahara and Samara. Having already toyed with Shaia and Shazi, I had heaps of fun coming up with new versions of Sa•ara, and went through all the consonants, finally settling on Sakara and Satara. I matched my new creations with some lilies. It's who I am, y'see; and I was so thrilled to find Rainlily on your list!, I couldn't resist.Sahara Rainlily (I love the idea of rain in the desert)
Samara Daylily
Sakara Waterlily
Satara TigerlilyLooking for more ways to include more exotic names, I settled on the theme of V • X • Y • Z (skipping W, but who cares, it didn't seem fun enough). That gave meValora Sahara Rainlily
Xandria Samara Daylily
Ysanne Sakara Waterlily
Zenobia Satara TigerlilyIn combing through your list for more gold (and there's so much of it!), I kept coming back to Amarantine. Lovely! I matched it with my Amandine and Adamantine, and elaborated your Alysande to Alysandine. I am pronouncing all of these as -een, incidentally. In this instance I preferred to put these additions second, since we already have a set that begins with A names. So here's your bonus sixth set of four:Valora Adamantine Sahara Rainlily
Xandria Amarantine Samara Daylily
Ysanne Alysandine Sakara Waterlily
Zenobia Amandine Satara Tigerlily
Creating six sets of four was enough, but I wasn't finished playing. I was also attracted to your names that end in -ea, because they all sound different, at least as I pronounce them. Linnea is lin-AY (or lin-AY-uh, but I like the 2syl prn more), Avonlea is AV-un-lee, and Azalea is ah-ZAYL-ya. Since I also noticed that you have Hanalei, a Hawai'ian place name, on your list, I took the liberty of rounding out the set with another Hawai'ian place name, Waimea, which is (approximately) pronounced why-MAY-ah (or, somewhat more accurately, wa-ee-MAY-ah). I just liked the idea of the same spelling with four pronunciations. The only drawback to this set is that I already used Azalea; but I wanted to point it out.There were two other sets of yours I wanted to highlight for you because I just like them:Maddie, Maggie, Maisie and Millie (adorable together!)
Rhyssa, Lyssa, Tessa, Stella and Brennah (for the double consonants, but I'd drop the H on Brenna so they'd match)Plus I had several hundred random thoughts, some of which I am now going to throw at you...
First, I am stealing Lysiane. !!! Also I was somewhat dismayed not to find a place for Allyriane, but maybe you'd like to substitute it somewhere.
My friend Michelle has decided to steal Analyssa as the mn for her not-yet-conceived daughter Kismet.
Ada and Ava make me think of Ayla and Aja (prn like Asia). WDYT?
Jasmine, Lotus and Hyacinth in particular, but especially in the presence of so many other flower names, made me long to see Wisteria among them.
Eliesse reminds me of my Mariesse, then my Marienne, then my Katrienne.
Astraya, Estrella, Estella, Estelle, Esther and Stella made me long for my Celestielle and Illuminata, especially given the presence of Sky, Twilight, Moonlight, Luna, Soleil, Sunrise and Sunshine. And why not Moon itself? Or Nova?
Cecily in the presence of Tuscany and Sienna made me want to spell it Sicily. How do you feel about that?
Lysandra + Diantha = Lysantha
I love the sound of Mesmerry but cannot for the life of me decide how to use it or what to pair it with.
Pandora, Sephora, Aurora and Isadora make a great set, but I am distracted by Endora and Andora.
Six completed sets of four:Lorelei Brightyn Sapphire Hyacinth
Calypso Noelle Indigo Lotus
Melisande Eliesse Amethyst Iris
Merlyn Aurora Azure OrchidMirielle Mercy Butterfly Masquerade
Azrielle Amity Vanessa Renaissance
Gabrielle Glory Parvana Rhapsody
Lyrielle Charity Mariposa Soliloquy Sophia Melody Shaia Godiva
Victoria Cadence Alaia Shiloh
Catherine Sonata Maia Delilah
Elizabeth Lyric Saraia TwilightAdrasteia Season Shazi Jasmine
Andromeda Winter Shani Windflower
Athena Solstice Shari Azalea
Artemis Autumn Shali DahliaCleopatra Carnelian Seraphina Blackbird
Isabella Cerise Serenissima Nightingale
Anastasia Coral Sonatina Sparrow
Nefertari Crimson Semiramis RavenValora Adamantine Sahara Rainlily
Xandria Amarantine Samara Daylily
Ysanne Alysandine Sakara Waterlily
Zenobia Amandine Satara TigerlilyAnd I have to thank you yet again; this was far and away the most fun I've had playin with someone else's PNL in... well, ever!!Cheers! =D

This message was edited 1/4/2009, 6:13 AM

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