[Games] Extreme CAF!
I saw this on another website forum and thought it was cool. It's pretty long, but if you take your time and read carefully it's not that bad. Basically just fill in where you need too, chose the thing that applies to you, and name your kids. Have fun and if there are any questions just ask. Enjoy!
LN: celebrity crush’s last name
DH: celebrity crush
DH’s hair color/eye color:
DW: you
DW’s hair color/eye color:
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Even- Girl
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.):
Daddy’s eye color:
She/He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She/He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Name starts with one of parents initials
MN: Name starts with one of the other parent’s initials
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Brothers: boy
Sisters: girl
Only Child: you pick
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture:
Mommy’s eye color:
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1/Triplet #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2/Triplet #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Triplet #3: Into everything and extremely smart
FN 1: DW's family member
FN 2: DW’s friend
FN 3: a masculine version of a female family member or friends names/a feminine version of a male family member or friends names
All MNs: have a theme
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Sons: girl
Daughters: boy
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture:
Mommy’s eye color:
(If a boy)
(If a girl)
FN: from one of DW’s favorite movies
MN: name of band or singer
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Montana - Dog
Indiana - Cat
Phoenix - Bird
Brooklyn - Fish
Georgia - Horse
FN: If Dog or Cat is picked then the name starts with A, D, G, J, M, P, S, V, or Y
If Bird or Fish is picked then the name starts with B, E, H, K, N, Q, T, W, or Z
If Horse is picked then the name stars with C, F, I, L, O, R, U, or X
MN: If wanted your choice
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
June 2, 1982 = (6+2+1+9+8+2) = 28 = (2+8) = 10 = (1+0) = 1
Keep adding till you get a number between 1 and 9.
Is the total odd or even?
Odd: boy
Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture:
Mommy's eye color:
She/He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Start with any letter not already used
MN: Start with same letter as FN
5 years later…
Your kids are now 11, 9, 7, and 5. Now that all the kids are in school, the house is quiet. At first it was great, but now the baby bug has hit once again. So you and DH talk it over and decide one more won’t hurt. You try for 6 months but no luck. After talking with the fertility specialist you are told the only way is by IVF.
So now here’s the big question… how many embryos do you want to use, if any at all? It is expensive, so you want to guarantee it works but you also already have 4-6 children. After another talk with DH you both realize that the idea of another kid is something you really want. And you decide to use --#-- (don’t peak and no more then 6) of embryos. The embryos are placed and if you scroll down you’ll see how many took a hold.
The good news is you’re pregnant. The bad news may be how many you are expecting. Look below to see how many you are expecting from the # of embryos you chose above.
One embryo- Two (Identical Twins)
Two embryos- Four (Two sets of identical twins)
Three embryos- Six (Three sets of identical twins, Two sets of identical triplets)
Four embryos- One
Five embryos- Three (Fraternal Triplets, Identical triplets, or identical Twins plus one)
Six embryos- Five (Fraternal Quints, identical Triplets plus identical twins, or Two sets of identical twins plus one)
*Reminder: If identical then use same gender. If two or more identical sets are used then same gender only applies to one set at a time. Also I thought identical quads were a bit much, but that is also an option in places if you choose.
Baby One (One, Identical twins, first set of identical twins or triplets)
Do you like the color purple?
Yes: Girl/s
No: Boy/s
Baby Two (Two, second set of identical twins or triplets, or plus one)
Which do you like better?
Cats: Girl/s
Dogs: Boy/s
Baby Three (Three, third set of twins, or plus one)
Do you wear contacts?
Yes: Girl/s
No: Boy/s
Baby Four (fourth of fraternal quints)
Which do you prefer?
Summer: Girl
Winter: Boy
Baby Five (fifth of fraternal quints)
Yes: Girl
No: Boy
*Child personalities and traits are up to you.
Girl FNs: top 100 girl names of 1990 - present (http://www.behindthename.com/top/)
Girl MNs: Hippy name, find at: http://hippy.com/hippynames.htm
Boy FNs: top 100 boy names of 1990 - present (http://www.behindthename.com/top/)
Boy MNs: Historical name, find at: http://www.behindthename.com/usage.php (look under History and Literature)
Now, if you still have any brain power left, tell about your family. That wasn’t too bad was it?
LN: celebrity crush’s last name
DH: celebrity crush
DH’s hair color/eye color:
DW: you
DW’s hair color/eye color:
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Even- Girl
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.):
Daddy’s eye color:
She/He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She/He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Name starts with one of parents initials
MN: Name starts with one of the other parent’s initials
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Brothers: boy
Sisters: girl
Only Child: you pick
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture:
Mommy’s eye color:
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1/Triplet #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2/Triplet #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Triplet #3: Into everything and extremely smart
FN 1: DW's family member
FN 2: DW’s friend
FN 3: a masculine version of a female family member or friends names/a feminine version of a male family member or friends names
All MNs: have a theme
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Sons: girl
Daughters: boy
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture:
Mommy’s eye color:
(If a boy)
(If a girl)
FN: from one of DW’s favorite movies
MN: name of band or singer
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Montana - Dog
Indiana - Cat
Phoenix - Bird
Brooklyn - Fish
Georgia - Horse
FN: If Dog or Cat is picked then the name starts with A, D, G, J, M, P, S, V, or Y
If Bird or Fish is picked then the name starts with B, E, H, K, N, Q, T, W, or Z
If Horse is picked then the name stars with C, F, I, L, O, R, U, or X
MN: If wanted your choice
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
June 2, 1982 = (6+2+1+9+8+2) = 28 = (2+8) = 10 = (1+0) = 1
Keep adding till you get a number between 1 and 9.
Is the total odd or even?
Odd: boy
Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture:
Mommy's eye color:
She/He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Start with any letter not already used
MN: Start with same letter as FN
5 years later…
Your kids are now 11, 9, 7, and 5. Now that all the kids are in school, the house is quiet. At first it was great, but now the baby bug has hit once again. So you and DH talk it over and decide one more won’t hurt. You try for 6 months but no luck. After talking with the fertility specialist you are told the only way is by IVF.
So now here’s the big question… how many embryos do you want to use, if any at all? It is expensive, so you want to guarantee it works but you also already have 4-6 children. After another talk with DH you both realize that the idea of another kid is something you really want. And you decide to use --#-- (don’t peak and no more then 6) of embryos. The embryos are placed and if you scroll down you’ll see how many took a hold.
The good news is you’re pregnant. The bad news may be how many you are expecting. Look below to see how many you are expecting from the # of embryos you chose above.
One embryo- Two (Identical Twins)
Two embryos- Four (Two sets of identical twins)
Three embryos- Six (Three sets of identical twins, Two sets of identical triplets)
Four embryos- One
Five embryos- Three (Fraternal Triplets, Identical triplets, or identical Twins plus one)
Six embryos- Five (Fraternal Quints, identical Triplets plus identical twins, or Two sets of identical twins plus one)
*Reminder: If identical then use same gender. If two or more identical sets are used then same gender only applies to one set at a time. Also I thought identical quads were a bit much, but that is also an option in places if you choose.
Baby One (One, Identical twins, first set of identical twins or triplets)
Do you like the color purple?
Yes: Girl/s
No: Boy/s
Baby Two (Two, second set of identical twins or triplets, or plus one)
Which do you like better?
Cats: Girl/s
Dogs: Boy/s
Baby Three (Three, third set of twins, or plus one)
Do you wear contacts?
Yes: Girl/s
No: Boy/s
Baby Four (fourth of fraternal quints)
Which do you prefer?
Summer: Girl
Winter: Boy
Baby Five (fifth of fraternal quints)
Yes: Girl
No: Boy
*Child personalities and traits are up to you.
Girl FNs: top 100 girl names of 1990 - present (http://www.behindthename.com/top/)
Girl MNs: Hippy name, find at: http://hippy.com/hippynames.htm
Boy FNs: top 100 boy names of 1990 - present (http://www.behindthename.com/top/)
Boy MNs: Historical name, find at: http://www.behindthename.com/usage.php (look under History and Literature)
Now, if you still have any brain power left, tell about your family. That wasn’t too bad was it?
This message was edited 10/25/2005, 11:00 AM
that was fun!
LN: Bloom
DH: Orlando
DH’s hair color/eye color: Brown
DW: Elise
DW’s hair color/eye color: Brown
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
***Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.):
***brown and curly
Daddy’s eye color:
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Oliver Elijah "Ollie"
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
***Sisters: girl
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture:
***brown and straight
Mommy’s eye color:
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Alyssa Lily
Brittany Poppy
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown and curly
Mommy’s eye color: brown
Reuben Jamie
Pets arrive
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
***Indiana - Cat
FN: Phoenix
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
***Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: brown and straight
Mommy's eye color: brown
She is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Zahara Zinnia
5 years later…
Your kids are now 11, 9, 7, and 5. Now that all the kids are in school, the house is quiet. At first it was great, but now the baby bug has hit once again. So you and DH talk it over and decide one more won’t hurt. You try for 6 months but no luck. After talking with the fertility specialist you are told the only way is by IVF.
LN: Bloom
DH: Orlando
DH’s hair color/eye color: Brown
DW: Elise
DW’s hair color/eye color: Brown
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
***Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.):
***brown and curly
Daddy’s eye color:
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Oliver Elijah "Ollie"
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
***Sisters: girl
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture:
***brown and straight
Mommy’s eye color:
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Alyssa Lily
Brittany Poppy
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown and curly
Mommy’s eye color: brown
Reuben Jamie
Pets arrive
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
***Indiana - Cat
FN: Phoenix
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
***Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: brown and straight
Mommy's eye color: brown
She is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Zahara Zinnia
5 years later…
Your kids are now 11, 9, 7, and 5. Now that all the kids are in school, the house is quiet. At first it was great, but now the baby bug has hit once again. So you and DH talk it over and decide one more won’t hurt. You try for 6 months but no luck. After talking with the fertility specialist you are told the only way is by IVF.
I'm really not into the whole celebrity thing, so I just used my fiance's name. I left the last name out.
DH: Shane
DH’s hair color/eye color: brown/dark blue
DW: Jessica
DW’s hair color/eye color: brown/light brown
Birth 1:
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): wavy brown hair
Daddy’s eye color: dark blue
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Savannah
MN: Jaide
Birth 2:
Two years later
We have triplet sons!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: brown wavy hair
Mommy’s eye color: light brown
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1/Triplet #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2/Triplet #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Triplet #3: Into everything and extremely smart
1: Jeffrey Canyon
2: Alexander Stone
3: Stephan River
Birth Three:
Another two years
We have another daughter!
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown wavy hair
Mommy’s eye color: light brown
FN: Summer
MN: Kira
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Brooklyn - Fish
Fish = Bella
Birth four
Four years later
We have another boy!
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: wavy brown hair
Mommy's eye color: light brown
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Camden
MN: Chase
Birth five - 4 embryos = one baby
Another girl!
FN: Madeline
MN: Hailey
Madeline is artistic, quiet, pretty, and has Daddy's eye color and hair color. She looks just like Daddy and looks a lot like her oldest sister. How DH has two Daddy's girls! The second daughter is more like DW but she gets along well with DH.
DH: Shane
DH’s hair color/eye color: brown/dark blue
DW: Jessica
DW’s hair color/eye color: brown/light brown
Birth 1:
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): wavy brown hair
Daddy’s eye color: dark blue
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Savannah
MN: Jaide
Birth 2:
Two years later
We have triplet sons!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: brown wavy hair
Mommy’s eye color: light brown
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1/Triplet #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2/Triplet #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Triplet #3: Into everything and extremely smart
1: Jeffrey Canyon
2: Alexander Stone
3: Stephan River
Birth Three:
Another two years
We have another daughter!
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown wavy hair
Mommy’s eye color: light brown
FN: Summer
MN: Kira
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Brooklyn - Fish
Fish = Bella
Birth four
Four years later
We have another boy!
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: wavy brown hair
Mommy's eye color: light brown
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Camden
MN: Chase
Birth five - 4 embryos = one baby
Another girl!
FN: Madeline
MN: Hailey
Madeline is artistic, quiet, pretty, and has Daddy's eye color and hair color. She looks just like Daddy and looks a lot like her oldest sister. How DH has two Daddy's girls! The second daughter is more like DW but she gets along well with DH.
This message was edited 10/26/2005, 1:19 PM
LN: Prior
DH: Mark William
DH’s hair color/eye color: brown / brown
DW: Chelsea Nicole
DW’s hair color/eye color: blonde / blue-green
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Even- Girl
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): blonde and straight
Daddy’s eye color: brown
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Claire
MN: Matilda
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Brothers: boy
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: brown and straight
Mommy’s eye color: blue-green
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
FN 1: Joseph
FN 2: Andrew
MNs: Apollo and Zeus
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Sons: girl
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown and straight
Mommy’s eye color: blue-green
FN: Samantha "Sam"
MN: Fiona
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Montana - Dog
FN: Grover
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
June 2, 1982 = (6+2+1+9+8+2) = 28 = (2+8) = 10 = (1+0) = 1
DH: Mark William
DH’s hair color/eye color: brown / brown
DW: Chelsea Nicole
DW’s hair color/eye color: blonde / blue-green
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Even- Girl
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): blonde and straight
Daddy’s eye color: brown
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Claire
MN: Matilda
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Brothers: boy
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: brown and straight
Mommy’s eye color: blue-green
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
FN 1: Joseph
FN 2: Andrew
MNs: Apollo and Zeus
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Sons: girl
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown and straight
Mommy’s eye color: blue-green
FN: Samantha "Sam"
MN: Fiona
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Montana - Dog
FN: Grover
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
June 2, 1982 = (6+2+1+9+8+2) = 28 = (2+8) = 10 = (1+0) = 1
LN: Pitt
DH: William Bradley
DH’s hair color/eye color: Blonde, green
DW: Skye Morgan
DW’s hair color/eye color: Brown, hazel
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): Brown, straight
Daddy’s eye color: Green
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Bailey
MN: Miller
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Sisters: girl
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got! neither
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Blonde, wavy
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
Has the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Outgoing and athletic
FN: Morgan
MN: Skye
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Blonde, straight
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
FN: Parker
MN: Jett
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Montana - Dog
FN: Diva
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: Blonde, wavy
Mommy's eye color: hazel
She is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Aurora
MN: Angel
5 years later…
Your kids are now 11, 9, 7, and 5. Now that all the kids are in school, the house is quiet. At first it was great, but now the baby bug has hit once again. So you and DH talk it over and decide one more won’t hurt. You try for 6 months but no luck. After talking with the fertility specialist you are told the only way is by IVF.
So now here’s the big question… how many embryos do you want to use, if any at all? It is expensive, so you want to guarantee it works but you also already have 4-6 children. After another talk with DH you both realize that the idea of another kid is something you really want. And you decide to use 0 (don’t peak and no more then 6) of embryos. The embryos are placed and if you scroll down you’ll see how many took a hold.
DH: William Bradley
DH’s hair color/eye color: Blonde, green
DW: Skye Morgan
DW’s hair color/eye color: Brown, hazel
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): Brown, straight
Daddy’s eye color: Green
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Bailey
MN: Miller
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Sisters: girl
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got! neither
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Blonde, wavy
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
Has the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Outgoing and athletic
FN: Morgan
MN: Skye
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Blonde, straight
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
FN: Parker
MN: Jett
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Montana - Dog
FN: Diva
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: Blonde, wavy
Mommy's eye color: hazel
She is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Aurora
MN: Angel
5 years later…
Your kids are now 11, 9, 7, and 5. Now that all the kids are in school, the house is quiet. At first it was great, but now the baby bug has hit once again. So you and DH talk it over and decide one more won’t hurt. You try for 6 months but no luck. After talking with the fertility specialist you are told the only way is by IVF.
So now here’s the big question… how many embryos do you want to use, if any at all? It is expensive, so you want to guarantee it works but you also already have 4-6 children. After another talk with DH you both realize that the idea of another kid is something you really want. And you decide to use 0 (don’t peak and no more then 6) of embryos. The embryos are placed and if you scroll down you’ll see how many took a hold.
LN: Windsor
DH: William Arthur Philip Louis
DH’s Blonde / Blue
DW: Lisa Michelle Lynn
DW’s Brown / Brown (how boring)
Our first son is Louis Augustus (Louis is pronounced the French way). When choose the name for our some we wanted something strong and handsome and rich in history yet suitable for the future King of England. William really wanted to stray from the usual yet keep some tradition. Louis was the name of 18 kings of France, including Louis IX (Saint Louis) who led two crusades, and Louis XIV (the 'Sun King') who was the ruler of France during the height of its power and the longest reigning monarch in the history of Europe. Also, Louis Riel was a Canadian rebel leader and a supposedly related to me. Augustus means "great" or "venerable", and was the title given to the first Roman emperor who was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. I also had a great-great grandfather named August. Our son Louis has straight brown hair and his daddy’s gorgeous blue eyes. He has Will’s mouth and nose and my smile and eyebrows (unfortunately). He is a happy-go-lucky child.
Two years later… Louis gets two brothers, Jacob Peter and Henry Christopher.
DH: William Arthur Philip Louis
DH’s Blonde / Blue
DW: Lisa Michelle Lynn
DW’s Brown / Brown (how boring)
Our first son is Louis Augustus (Louis is pronounced the French way). When choose the name for our some we wanted something strong and handsome and rich in history yet suitable for the future King of England. William really wanted to stray from the usual yet keep some tradition. Louis was the name of 18 kings of France, including Louis IX (Saint Louis) who led two crusades, and Louis XIV (the 'Sun King') who was the ruler of France during the height of its power and the longest reigning monarch in the history of Europe. Also, Louis Riel was a Canadian rebel leader and a supposedly related to me. Augustus means "great" or "venerable", and was the title given to the first Roman emperor who was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. I also had a great-great grandfather named August. Our son Louis has straight brown hair and his daddy’s gorgeous blue eyes. He has Will’s mouth and nose and my smile and eyebrows (unfortunately). He is a happy-go-lucky child.
Two years later… Louis gets two brothers, Jacob Peter and Henry Christopher.
I don't want to be a copycat but I really want to use Josh!
LN: Groban
DH: Joshua Winslow
DH’s hair color/eye color: curly dark brown / brown
DW: Andrea Elizabeth
DW’s hair color/eye color: wavy dark brown / hazel
Birth 1: Aidan Westley
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown & curly!
Daddy’s eye color: brown
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Birth 2: Same hair color, same country!!! Triplets!!! :)
Two years later
Erin Isabella / Julie Arabella / Lauren Mirabella
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Dark brown, wavy
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Triplet #1: Outgoing and athletic
Triplet #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Triplet #3: Into everything and extremely smart
Birth Three: Frederick Joshua
Another two years
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Dark brown, curly
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
Pet/s arrives: Rosebud (horse)
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Birth four: Ciaran Christian
Four years later
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: dark brown, wavy
Mommy's eye color: Hazel
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
5 years later: Emma Lavender
4 embryos = one
Do you like the color purple?
Yes: Girl
Josh & Andrea
Aidan, Erin, Julie, Lauren, Frederick, Ciaran & Emma (plus horse Rosebud!)
This was really fun!
LN: Groban
DH: Joshua Winslow
DH’s hair color/eye color: curly dark brown / brown
DW: Andrea Elizabeth
DW’s hair color/eye color: wavy dark brown / hazel
Birth 1: Aidan Westley
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: brown & curly!
Daddy’s eye color: brown
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Birth 2: Same hair color, same country!!! Triplets!!! :)
Two years later
Erin Isabella / Julie Arabella / Lauren Mirabella
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Dark brown, wavy
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Triplet #1: Outgoing and athletic
Triplet #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Triplet #3: Into everything and extremely smart
Birth Three: Frederick Joshua
Another two years
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Dark brown, curly
Mommy’s eye color: Hazel
Pet/s arrives: Rosebud (horse)
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Birth four: Ciaran Christian
Four years later
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: dark brown, wavy
Mommy's eye color: Hazel
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
5 years later: Emma Lavender
4 embryos = one
Do you like the color purple?
Yes: Girl
Josh & Andrea
Aidan, Erin, Julie, Lauren, Frederick, Ciaran & Emma (plus horse Rosebud!)
This was really fun!
LN: Gosling
DH: Ryan Gosling
DH’s hair color/eye color: Blonde / Blue
DW: Jennifer Jane
DW’s hair color/eye color: Blonde / Green
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Even- Girl
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): Straight blonde
Daddy’s eye color: Blue
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She s a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Jensen
MN: Raine
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Sisters: girl
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
Twins (same hair color)
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Straight blonde
Mommy’s eye color: green
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin#1: Logan Skey
Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2: Ryli Willow
Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Daughters: boy
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Straight Blonde
Mommy’s eye color: Green
FN: from one of DW’s favorite movies
MN: name of band or singer
Noah Clay
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Brooklyn - Fish
FN: If Dog or Cat is picked then the name starts with A, D, G, J, M, P, S, V, or Y
If Bird or Fish is picked then the name starts with B, E, H, K, N, Q, T, W, or Z
If Horse is picked then the name stars with C, F, I, L, O, R, U, or X
MN: If wanted your choice
DH: Ryan Gosling
DH’s hair color/eye color: Blonde / Blue
DW: Jennifer Jane
DW’s hair color/eye color: Blonde / Green
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Even- Girl
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): Straight blonde
Daddy’s eye color: Blue
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She s a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Jensen
MN: Raine
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Sisters: girl
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
Twins (same hair color)
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Straight blonde
Mommy’s eye color: green
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin#1: Logan Skey
Outgoing and athletic
Twin#2: Ryli Willow
Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Daughters: boy
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Straight Blonde
Mommy’s eye color: Green
FN: from one of DW’s favorite movies
MN: name of band or singer
Noah Clay
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Brooklyn - Fish
FN: If Dog or Cat is picked then the name starts with A, D, G, J, M, P, S, V, or Y
If Bird or Fish is picked then the name starts with B, E, H, K, N, Q, T, W, or Z
If Horse is picked then the name stars with C, F, I, L, O, R, U, or X
MN: If wanted your choice
Wow-ho! This looks great fun. And it has Array's seal of approval. ;-)
LN: Evans
DH: Andrew Barry
DH’s hair color/eye color: Brown hair and green eyes
DW: Daisy Fleur (okay, a bit of a pseudonym...)
DW’s hair color/eye color: Red hair and blue eyes
Ada Ffion Evans (16)
At 16, Ada is quite striking with huge red hair (seriously, she puts about three tins of hair-spray in every morning) and dull green eyes (like her father's). A little too striking, perhaps - she's currently four months pregnant with what will (hopefully) be our first grandchild. She's currently favouring Ribbon for a boy (after her favourite band's lead singer, Ribbon Whitely of Sped To Glass and Misery for a girl. I'm hoping this is just four-month-madness, but you never know with Ada. She's the one that named the fish Tyre-Factory.
Jim Anthony Evans (14)
Jim is hyperactive, or "outgoing", as his counseller says. A pain in the arse, either way. He's inheritated his dad's face, pretty much - he's the spitting image, I swear - with my blue eyes. His hair is quite a dark brown, but he shaves it all off now, in an attempt to look like a thug. He looks really cute when it grows back. He likes playing football and rugby and hockey...in fact, he'll do anything that will allow him to wade around in six inches of mud, getting his PE kit dirty.
Steven Vincent Evans (14)
Steven - or "Ven" as he's taking to calling himself - is your average poetic, long-haired, mooning-about-in-the-background type. He likes to strut around with an anthology of Edgar Allan Poe tucked under his arm, and a fountain pen behind his ear. Ven's girlfriend Verity is no better - one of those deep, meaningful ones who's constantly penning poetry about the pain of adolescene. They've both dyed their hair black as some kind of bonding ritual. You would never guess that Ven and Jim are identical twins - one's big and lumbering, one's thin and quiet.
Rose Burney Evans (12)
LN: Evans
DH: Andrew Barry
DH’s hair color/eye color: Brown hair and green eyes
DW: Daisy Fleur (okay, a bit of a pseudonym...)
DW’s hair color/eye color: Red hair and blue eyes
Ada Ffion Evans (16)
At 16, Ada is quite striking with huge red hair (seriously, she puts about three tins of hair-spray in every morning) and dull green eyes (like her father's). A little too striking, perhaps - she's currently four months pregnant with what will (hopefully) be our first grandchild. She's currently favouring Ribbon for a boy (after her favourite band's lead singer, Ribbon Whitely of Sped To Glass and Misery for a girl. I'm hoping this is just four-month-madness, but you never know with Ada. She's the one that named the fish Tyre-Factory.
Jim Anthony Evans (14)
Jim is hyperactive, or "outgoing", as his counseller says. A pain in the arse, either way. He's inheritated his dad's face, pretty much - he's the spitting image, I swear - with my blue eyes. His hair is quite a dark brown, but he shaves it all off now, in an attempt to look like a thug. He looks really cute when it grows back. He likes playing football and rugby and hockey...in fact, he'll do anything that will allow him to wade around in six inches of mud, getting his PE kit dirty.
Steven Vincent Evans (14)
Steven - or "Ven" as he's taking to calling himself - is your average poetic, long-haired, mooning-about-in-the-background type. He likes to strut around with an anthology of Edgar Allan Poe tucked under his arm, and a fountain pen behind his ear. Ven's girlfriend Verity is no better - one of those deep, meaningful ones who's constantly penning poetry about the pain of adolescene. They've both dyed their hair black as some kind of bonding ritual. You would never guess that Ven and Jim are identical twins - one's big and lumbering, one's thin and quiet.
Rose Burney Evans (12)
LN: Townsend
DH: Stuart Peter
black hair/green eyes
DW: Summer Jeanna
strawberry blond hair/blue eyes
Birth 1
DD: Parker Jilliana
Straight Strawberry Blonde hair
Green eyes
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Birth 2:
DD/DD: Louise September / Violet Mai "Louie, Vi"
Slightly curly, black hair
Blue eyes
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Louie: Outgoing and athletic
Vi: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Birth Three:
DS: Maximus Bradley "Max:
Straight Black hair
Blue eyes
Pet/s arrives
DFish: Harley
Birth four
DD: Wesley William "Wes"
Slightly curly black hiar
Blue eyes
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
5 years later…
DD/DD/DD/DD: Grace Prudence / Faith Jade / Danielle Dawn / Victoria Breezy "Graci, Faithi, Dani, Tori"
Grace and Faith
slightly curly strawberry blonde hair and green eyes
Danielle and Victoria
straight black hair and green eyes
Stuart and Summer
Parker, Louie, Vi, Max, Wes, Graci, Fathi, Dani, and Tori
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
DH: Stuart Peter
black hair/green eyes
DW: Summer Jeanna
strawberry blond hair/blue eyes
Birth 1
DD: Parker Jilliana
Straight Strawberry Blonde hair
Green eyes
She has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Birth 2:
DD/DD: Louise September / Violet Mai "Louie, Vi"
Slightly curly, black hair
Blue eyes
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Louie: Outgoing and athletic
Vi: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Birth Three:
DS: Maximus Bradley "Max:
Straight Black hair
Blue eyes
Pet/s arrives
DFish: Harley
Birth four
DD: Wesley William "Wes"
Slightly curly black hiar
Blue eyes
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
5 years later…
DD/DD/DD/DD: Grace Prudence / Faith Jade / Danielle Dawn / Victoria Breezy "Graci, Faithi, Dani, Tori"
Grace and Faith
slightly curly strawberry blonde hair and green eyes
Danielle and Victoria
straight black hair and green eyes
Stuart and Summer
Parker, Louie, Vi, Max, Wes, Graci, Fathi, Dani, and Tori
Daughter to 6
Sister to many
Girl Friend to one
"Mommy" to another
This message was edited 10/25/2005, 1:10 PM
This was fun!
LN: Gets
DH: Hugh Malcolm "Malcolm"
DH’s hair color/eye color: Blond hair, brown eyes
DW: Amy Rae Celeste
DW’s hair color/eye color: Brown hair, brown eyes
Our first son, Raoul Malcolm Gets, has brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. His mouth turns down a bit at the edges and his nose is a bit too big for his face--but he'll grow into it! He's a smiley little chap and luckily doesn't fuss too badly.
...Two years down the road...
Our two new little daughters, Sara Juniper and Madeline Ash "Della", are here and they are absolutely adorable! Both have ringlets like their mother, but they're both blondes. Their eyes are a bright brown colour. Overall, they quite resemble their brother and father. Sara's as talkative as the aunt she was named for and looks like she'll be a great little soccer player. Della's the quiet one and loves to fingerpaint and play with Play-Doh.
...Two years on down the road (Raoul's four, Sara and Della are two)...
We've added another two feet to our family! Harold Bowie was named for Harold Chasen of Harold and Maude and for David Bowie. We're thinking of calling him Harry. He's got wavy blond hair and bright brown eyes.
...Two years more...
We now have a goldfish. Technically, he's Raoul's, but Sara and Della are fascinated by him, too. Raoul named him Hockey, after his Mum's favourite sport to watch. :D He's a lovely orange colour and responds to "Fishie" as well as Hockey (thanks to Harry).
LN: Gets
DH: Hugh Malcolm "Malcolm"
DH’s hair color/eye color: Blond hair, brown eyes
DW: Amy Rae Celeste
DW’s hair color/eye color: Brown hair, brown eyes
Our first son, Raoul Malcolm Gets, has brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. His mouth turns down a bit at the edges and his nose is a bit too big for his face--but he'll grow into it! He's a smiley little chap and luckily doesn't fuss too badly.
...Two years down the road...
Our two new little daughters, Sara Juniper and Madeline Ash "Della", are here and they are absolutely adorable! Both have ringlets like their mother, but they're both blondes. Their eyes are a bright brown colour. Overall, they quite resemble their brother and father. Sara's as talkative as the aunt she was named for and looks like she'll be a great little soccer player. Della's the quiet one and loves to fingerpaint and play with Play-Doh.
...Two years on down the road (Raoul's four, Sara and Della are two)...
We've added another two feet to our family! Harold Bowie was named for Harold Chasen of Harold and Maude and for David Bowie. We're thinking of calling him Harry. He's got wavy blond hair and bright brown eyes.
...Two years more...
We now have a goldfish. Technically, he's Raoul's, but Sara and Della are fascinated by him, too. Raoul named him Hockey, after his Mum's favourite sport to watch. :D He's a lovely orange colour and responds to "Fishie" as well as Hockey (thanks to Harry).
This message was edited 10/25/2005, 1:10 PM
LN: Groban
DH: Joshua Winslow
DH’s hair color/eye color: (curly!) dark brown/brown
DW: Rachel Colleen
DW’s hair color/eye color: dark brown/blue
curly dark brown hair
brown eyes
She has daddy's mouth (and hopefully future singing voice) and mommy's smile and dark eye brows
She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Two years later
straight dark brown hair
blue eyes
mommy's smile and eyebrows, as well as round face
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
JAMES: Outgoing and athletic
ROBERT: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Another two years
curly dark brown hair :
blue eyes
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Georgia - Horse
Birth four: GABLE GIDEON
Four years later
straight dark brown hair
blue eyes
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
five years later
curly, dark brown hair
brown eyes
Josh & Rachel
Jude, Jamie, Robby, Scarlett, Gable, and Cassandra with horse Lulu
DH: Joshua Winslow
DH’s hair color/eye color: (curly!) dark brown/brown
DW: Rachel Colleen
DW’s hair color/eye color: dark brown/blue
curly dark brown hair
brown eyes
She has daddy's mouth (and hopefully future singing voice) and mommy's smile and dark eye brows
She is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Two years later
straight dark brown hair
blue eyes
mommy's smile and eyebrows, as well as round face
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
JAMES: Outgoing and athletic
ROBERT: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
Another two years
curly dark brown hair :
blue eyes
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Georgia - Horse
Birth four: GABLE GIDEON
Four years later
straight dark brown hair
blue eyes
He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
five years later
curly, dark brown hair
brown eyes
Josh & Rachel
Jude, Jamie, Robby, Scarlett, Gable, and Cassandra with horse Lulu
Josh is taken already? *cries eyes out* nt-
AAH! You like Josh Groban. You are so awesome!!! :D
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
"To thine own self be true; and it must follow, as the night the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man"
Hamlet, Act i, Sc.3
This message was edited 10/25/2005, 1:25 PM
LN: Spellman (SO's last name.. I dont want to use a celeb crush)
DH: Sean Robert (SO)
DH’s hair color/eye color: brown and brown
DW: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
DW’s hair color/eye color: blond and blue
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): thick and blond
Daddy’s eye color: brown
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Ethan
MN: Sean Nathaniel (I want 2 middle names so I just picked the third one)
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Brothers: boy (I actually have one of each so I just picked boy)
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: strait and brown
Mommy’s eye color: blue
They both have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
FN 1: Patrick
FN 2: Jonathan
All MNs: have a theme: Cooper Hayden and Connor Peyton
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Sons: girl
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: thick and brown
Mommy’s eye color: blue
FN: Elizabeth
MN: Ashlee Katelyn
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
DH: Sean Robert (SO)
DH’s hair color/eye color: brown and brown
DW: Erica Nichole "Nikki"
DW’s hair color/eye color: blond and blue
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): thick and blond
Daddy’s eye color: brown
He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Ethan
MN: Sean Nathaniel (I want 2 middle names so I just picked the third one)
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Brothers: boy (I actually have one of each so I just picked boy)
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have!
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: strait and brown
Mommy’s eye color: blue
They both have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Twin #1: Outgoing and athletic
Twin #2: Shy, but very talented in any and everything artistic
FN 1: Patrick
FN 2: Jonathan
All MNs: have a theme: Cooper Hayden and Connor Peyton
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Sons: girl
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: thick and brown
Mommy’s eye color: blue
FN: Elizabeth
MN: Ashlee Katelyn
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
LN: Santoro
DH: Rodrigo
DH’s hair color/eye color: black/brown
DW: Amanda Nicole
DW’s hair color/eye color: Blonde/blue
Birth 1:
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.):
Daddy’s eye color: straight blonde hair, brown eyes
She/He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She/He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Alicia
MN: Rosalia
Birth 2:
Two years later
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: straight black
Mommy’s eye color: Blue
Has features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Outgoing and athletic
FN: Daniel
MN: Cristóvão
Birth Three:
Another two years
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: straight black
Mommy’s eye color: Blue
FN: Larissa
MN: Natalie
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Horse: Xerxes
Birth four
Four years later
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: Black straight
Mommy's eye color: blue
She/He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Elena
MN: Evangelia
5 years later…
Identical Twins
Alexander Joseph
Gabriel James
DH: Rodrigo
DH’s hair color/eye color: black/brown
DW: Amanda Nicole
DW’s hair color/eye color: Blonde/blue
Birth 1:
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.):
Daddy’s eye color: straight blonde hair, brown eyes
She/He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She/He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Alicia
MN: Rosalia
Birth 2:
Two years later
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: straight black
Mommy’s eye color: Blue
Has features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Outgoing and athletic
FN: Daniel
MN: Cristóvão
Birth Three:
Another two years
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: straight black
Mommy’s eye color: Blue
FN: Larissa
MN: Natalie
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Horse: Xerxes
Birth four
Four years later
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: Black straight
Mommy's eye color: blue
She/He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
FN: Elena
MN: Evangelia
5 years later…
Identical Twins
Alexander Joseph
Gabriel James
LN: Phoenix
DH: Joaquin Raphael
DH’s brown hair green eyes
DW: Karen Jennifer
DW’s blonde hair blue eyes
Birth 1:
DS: James Royston
Blonde coarse hair with green eyes. He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows.He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Birth 2:
DD: Joanne Tallulah
Brown straight hair with blue eyes with daddys features.Outgoing and athletic
Birth Three:
DS: Joshua Libertine
Brown wavy hair with blue eyes
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Horse- Xena
Birth four
Four years later
DS: Caleb Charles
Brown stright hair and blue eyes. He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
IVF DD: Jessica Sunflower
DH: Joaquin Raphael
DH’s brown hair green eyes
DW: Karen Jennifer
DW’s blonde hair blue eyes
Birth 1:
DS: James Royston
Blonde coarse hair with green eyes. He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows.He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
Birth 2:
DD: Joanne Tallulah
Brown straight hair with blue eyes with daddys features.Outgoing and athletic
Birth Three:
DS: Joshua Libertine
Brown wavy hair with blue eyes
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Horse- Xena
Birth four
Four years later
DS: Caleb Charles
Brown stright hair and blue eyes. He is the typical baby; cute as a button but never tired.
IVF DD: Jessica Sunflower
LN: Hedlund
DH: Garrett
DH’s hair color/eye color: Dark Brown/ Blue (I think)
DW: Samara Lily
DW’s hair color/eye color: Black / Grey
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): Black, straight I think.
Daddy’s eye color: Blue
She/He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She/He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Scott
MN: Gerard
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Sisters: girl
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
I have neither...
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Dark Brown, and Wavy
Mommy’s eye color: Grey
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Child #1:Outgoing
FN 1: Bridget
All MNs: Sol
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Dark Brown, straight.
Mommy’s eye color: Grey
(If a boy)
(If a girl)
FN: Jack
MN: Simon
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Indiana - Cat
FN: Go-Go
MN: ----
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: Dark Brown, wavy
Mommy's eye color: Grey
DH: Garrett
DH’s hair color/eye color: Dark Brown/ Blue (I think)
DW: Samara Lily
DW’s hair color/eye color: Black / Grey
Birth 1:
Was the year you graduated or will graduate high school is it odd or even?
Odd- Boy
Mommy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture (straight, curly, etc.): Black, straight I think.
Daddy’s eye color: Blue
She/He has Daddy’s mouth and nose and Mommy’s smile and eyebrows. She/He is a happy baby, laughs a lot, and for the parents thankfully a good sleeper.
FN: Scott
MN: Gerard
Birth 2:
Two years later
Do you have more brothers or sisters?
Sisters: girl
*Twist!* If DH and DW have the same hair color OR are from the same country, you have identical twins of whatever gender you have! If they have both, identical triplets of the gender you got!
I have neither...
Daddy’s hair color & Mommy’s texture: Dark Brown, and Wavy
Mommy’s eye color: Grey
They all have the features of the parent of the opposite gender.
Child #1:Outgoing
FN 1: Bridget
All MNs: Sol
Birth Three:
Another two years
As of now, do you have more sons or daughters?
Equal amount: the same gender as your first child
Daddy’s hair color & Daddy’s texture: Dark Brown, straight.
Mommy’s eye color: Grey
(If a boy)
(If a girl)
FN: Jack
MN: Simon
Pet/s arrives
Children are birth one age 6, birth two age 4, & birth three age 2 now.
Which state or city name do you like best?
Indiana - Cat
FN: Go-Go
MN: ----
Birth four
Four years later
Add up your birthday
Even: girl
Daddy's hair color & Mommy's texture: Dark Brown, wavy
Mommy's eye color: Grey