[Opinions] Re: Nilofer
I think this name is so weird. I once knew a Nilufer and that word means "banks/shore of the Nile" in German. For the longest time I thought it was a bizarre word name until I realized it was Turkish or Arabic. Nilofer is a bit better, but still weird.
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Nilofer  ·  Dragon_Clarinet  ·  1/12/2009, 5:17 PM
Re: Nilofer  ·  lac  ·  1/12/2009, 10:26 PM
Re: Nilofer  ·  mafiosa  ·  1/12/2009, 5:36 PM
Re: Nilofer  ·  Anna  ·  1/12/2009, 5:35 PM
Nilla Wafer (nt)  ·  Akis  ·  1/12/2009, 5:24 PM
LOL!  ·  Dragon_Clarinet  ·  1/12/2009, 5:50 PM