[Opinions] Willoughby?
What's your opinion on the name Willoughby? I've seen it quite a lot in BA's from England and I admit that I like that it has an old, slightly pretentious side. But there is also the possibility to shorten it to just Will (which I think is a great nickname) and make it less 'out there'. What do you think?
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I think of Willoughby from Jane Austen's "Sense & Sensibility."Which ruins the name for me.
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I actually quite like this name! It certainly sounds very British and very posh to me, but I do like it.
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I really like Willoughby. It has a great Jane Austen vibe to it. I think it is spunky and if too long, can be shortened as you mentioned.P.S. Please don't put it on a girl! Imo, this is a boys only name.

This message was edited 1/25/2009, 5:21 PM

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I love it for either a female or a male. For a male I'd use the nn Will, but for a female I'd use Willa.
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I like the way Willoughby flows off of the tongue and I like the NN Will, but it's not a name I would use personally. It seems a bit too stuffy.
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Don't particularly care for it as a first name for a male or female.
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It's my favorite surname. I don't care for it as a first name.
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I don't really like it but I suppose, as surname-as-first-names go, it's not too bad.
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I love it for either gender.
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