[Opinions] April
April has grown on me a lot lately - I think more so as a middle name than as a first name, but I'm liking it a lot either way. It feels very fresh and "springy" to me. What are your impressions of April? Any combo suggestions? (In that same vein, do you feel the vowels would run together too much if April were used as a mn for a name that ends in '-a', like Honora? - or is the short 'a'/long 'a' distinction difference enough?)Also, because I can't be fussed to make a separate post for this: what is your impression of Dorian Malachi? I've been trying to find a middle name for Dorian that really strikes me; I thought of this yesterday and I love the sound of it. But is it too mismatched?
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I love April; and what about April Honora, that's beautiful.
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I like Dorian Malachi a lot:-)I'm also a big fan of April (it's my birth month).
Personally, I don't have a problem with Honora April, but then I'm not a native English speaker and in Croatian almost all female names end in -a so I'm used to it.April Theodora
April Sabrina
April Margaret
April Olivia
April JuliannaSimone April
Rosanna April
Sofia April
Bethany April
Cordelia AprilLike any?
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Ohh I like April! Sometimes it feels like a problem that many people feel very depressed exactly in april, but well... it is still a friendly, fresh name. :)Well, April Sophia sounds better than Sophia April, so I guess it woud be better not to use -a ending names, when the middle name is April. Marion April
Penelope April
Salome April
Berenice April
Hermione April
Philippine April
Joan April
Monique April
Liv April
Eve April
April Domenica
April Irena
April Jamesina
April Delphia
April Winona
April Gordana
April Marina
April GeorginaDorian Malachi is quite nice, I'm just personally not very fond of Malachi. Dorian Wolfram, Dorian Cyril (sonds cynical, thinking aboutt Dorian Gray :), Dorian Silas, Dorian Hector, Dorian George, Dorian Shane?
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I think April is quite pretty. I've never met an April, nor do I associate it with any sort of specific time period or grouping - it has a nice stand-alone feeling. I dislike when ends and beginnings of names run together, so I'd personally rule out any "a" ending first names if April was a second name. I think April would really sparkle paired with a name ending in "ette/et" or "el"...or "ine". I like April in the first name spot for most of these, but the other way around can work too:Juliette April
Clementine April
Isobel April
Jessamine April
Annabel April
Emmeline April
Violette April
Evangeline April
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April is cute! I have a niece named April May June.April BlossomApril PrimroseApril OdessaHonora April sounds fine to me.Liliana AprilJessamine AprilDorian Malachi is OK but I prefer Malachi Dorian. Probably because I don't care for Dorain.
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