[Opinions] Willow
WDYT of Willow? I kind of never took it seriously, but I am really liking it right now. Maybe more of a MN, though, especially if I were to use Owen in the sibset -- too many W's?Combo suggestions please!
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Which combo are you planning if Baby3 is a girl?Eloise Willow is really pretty. I seem to be going for a lot of long O sounds lately!
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You have some beautiful names there, Cassie!
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Thanks. Glad you like them. :)
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I think it can be sweet when other people use it--kind of how I see Fiona or Claire--even though it's probably not going to make my own favorites list. It certainly doesn't make me cringe in the way that Willa does, that country bumpkin nightmare that people seem to enjoy. Yecch.But anyway! Willow does have a versatile and graceful enough sound that I can see it being a serious name instead of just a cutie-pie whim. In some way or another I enjoy the combos:Willow Eleanor
Willow Grace, as long as 'graceful' came up
Willow Cherith; I love Cherith but it doesn't seem to be catching)
Willow Constant
Willow Verity
Willow Susanna / Susannah
Willow Ramona
Willow Rosine
Willow Johanna
Willow Genevieve
Willow Marielle
Willow Marise
Willow Livia
Willow Adelia
Willow Aleida; Aleida is one of hose names I want other people to get into
Willow Hyacinth, although it is a bit plant-y
Willow Cynthia; solves the plant thing :-P
Willow Corinne
Willow Jeannine
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I was disappointed that Aleida is prn with the long I sound instead of an E because it had appeal, but I'd hate to intentionally misprn it, though I favor the E.Cherith makes me think of Cherish with a lisp, though. Willow Marielle and Willow Marise are beautiful; I'm not very familiar with those MNs. I also like the ever lovely Eleanor with it. Thanks!
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AleidaIf you like Aleida mispronounced with a long E, I'd recommend Elita or Ileta. A bit different but still a similar sound.
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I love Willow, and have done so for a long time...It's not disputable and difficult, it's just a name that I love for only two reasons: It's elegant and apt for both children and women. Secondly, it look simply gorgeous, with the two w's. I love that.
However, I have found out that I find Willow not apt as a mn AT ALL. When used as a mn, it always seems to loose significance and beauty. Even if you don't want to call your child Willow, I would always put it in front of the other name, for example: "Willow Ruthie" instead of "Ruthie Willow".
I really like the combo Willow & Owen, and don't find the three w's irritating.
I'd like...Willow Sela
Willow Xanthe
Willow Morven
Willow Prudence
Willow Georgina
Willow Elizabeth
Willow Katharine
Willow Ariel
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Willow Sela has a great flow! I can see your point about it somehow sounding kind of fillery in the middle, too. Thanks.
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Willow Anneliese! (though I prefer Annelise)Thank you so much.
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