[Opinions] Camille, Flora and Felicity
I'm loving all three of these lately and would love to know some general impressions. What kind of girl/woman (personality, appearance etc.) do you picture with each?
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I love Flora and Camille. I think they're gorgeous and would go very well together. I'm not too keen on Felicity. Felicity somehow doesn't seem to sound as mature as the other two. Lea
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I love Flora, and I'm fond of both Camille and Felicity.
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Flora is definitely my favourite as well- it has been a long favourite and if my son Malcolm had been a girl, Flora was what he would have been named- DH isn't as fond as I am though and I wonder how Flora fits with DD Scarlett and DS Malcolm. I think Camille fits the best and Felicity is DH's favourite so who knows- not sure that I will even have another but it is fun to think about:)
Thanks for your reply!!
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