[Opinions] Willow??
Whats your honest opinion of the name Willow for a girl??
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I used to really dislike it, then I met a couple of Willows who are really cool girls (one in particular cracks me up on a regular basis). Now I like it more. It's not a favourite, and I still much prefer Willa, but it's a good name.
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I like it, though I wouldn't use it myself. It seems to be getting more popular here in Australia, especially with the celebs.
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I love Willow, I am hoping to use it for my baby if its a girl.
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Not sure how to say this. I really like Willow for a girl, but to me it sounds more like a name of a character than a real name. So yes, I like it, but not sure if I'd ever be okay naming a child Willow.
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So beautiful, but somehow it seems a bit boring nowadays... don't know why, though.
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I love it.It makes me think of a slender, graceful girl with a beautiful smile. She's intelligent, popular, and kind. I really love the name.
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I love it.
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I think it's nice. Not boring but not very intresting either. Prefer Winter though.
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Very soft, peaceful, pretty. Kind of hippie-ish. I like it.
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yawnIt's well been done.
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lol, I thought I was the only one!It gets sooooo much love on this board, and I honestly hate it. It just reminds me of the name William, but it's so overdone, and quite cheesy to me! (And that's coming from someone who loves Fable!)
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