[Opinions] Identical Triplet Boys
I am not sure the last time we did this but if you had IDENTICAL TRIPLET BOYS right now what would you name them?Mine would be: Christian James, Josiah Caleb and Elijah Jacob!!

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 3:16 PM

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Evan Isaiah, Daniel Ellis, and Ian Emmett. A bit too common, but good enough if I magically pop out triplets.
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Thomas, William and Clemens.Well, off the top of my head, I think it would be...Thomas Emery Prosper
William Ilya Gregor
Clemens Henry Jasper
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August, Isidore and EmmanuelAugust, Isidore and Emmanuel
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Calvin Ruairidh, Clyde Alasdair and Milo Donnchadh.They aren't my *absolute* favourite names but I think they'd make a cute sibset: Calvin, Clyde and Milo.:-)
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Same top three boys...
Wynn Alexander Clint (Wynnie)
Percival Linus Malcolm (Perry)
August Eugene Thomas (Gus)
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Right now,The more I'd-use-these-in-real-life setJohn Thomas Leopold
Russell Morgan Alexander
Benjamin August ScottJack, Russ, and BenThe more GP-type setLeopold Alexander Mackenzie
Mikhail _________ Valentin
Josef __________ ________Leo, Misha, and Joss
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Leo, Misha, and Joss is brilliant.Your first set is lovely, too. Great to see Morgan on a boy, and Leopold anywhere! Russell Morgan Alexander is my favourite of these, and I don't even like Russell very much.
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Thanks!I'd say Leopold has been my longest standing favorite name. It's been present for over a year now in my combos.I really wish I could use the Leo/Misha/Joss triplet set, even if not the middle names I put in my post. But it kind of seems odd for me to use Mikhail, even though I'm partly Russian in my ancestry, because I really don't have any close connection to any of my Eastern European roots (which is pretty much all they are: mostly Russian and Polish.)If only I could think of some way to get away with it without it seeming odd.
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Henry, Charlie & Ned. Love it.EJL flows really well, and you already know how I feel about HFF. Jurys still out on CPE- is Eoin honouring? I know Paul is.
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Gaelic form of John, my FIL.
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AhhhOk. It doesn't have the greatest flow, but it's honouring so that trumps flow IMO. OT- My myspace IM really doesnt want to sign me in, which is why I'm not on there! Just didnt want you to think i was ignoring you or anything :)
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Christian Thomas, Nicholas Patrick, and Jacob Evander.
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I like Christian and Jacob.
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I LOVE Christian Thomas!!!
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That's my brother's name! (Minus the "h" in Christian.)d
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I like Darcy but for a girl.
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I really like Felix.
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I love Noah Morgan. Isaiah Grant is nice too
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I like your three choices although I think JosIah and ElIjah might be difficult to say on a regular basis.My three (today, anyway):Alexander William (Alec)
Ian Gabriel
Leo ThomasIn my case, Ian and Leo might be difficult to say too. ;-)
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I like Alexander William and Gabriel.
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Nice solid combos u have. I love Gabriel
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Nice solid combos u have. I love Gabriel
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I like Felix and James.
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I like the second set better but the first is definitely more refreshing and not so "overdone"
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They would all have D middle names to connect with the two boys I have now..Forrest Desmond
Quincy Dean or Ramsey Dean
Silas Damian
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Forrest! So glad to see someone who would actually use it. Forest (this spelling) is a huge gp of mine but I love the name regardless of spelling. I really like Silas as well and I think it's a great sibset.
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Good Lord!The trouble I would be in if that happened!! LOL, right now, they'd be called:Leo James
Lysander Theodore
Homer Thaddeus
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Thaddeus is divinent
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I love Oscar.
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Oh No. I thought Oscar Valentine flowed better. Dorian Miles is handsome too
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Oh No. I thought Oscar Valentine flowed better. Dorian Miles is handsome too
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I love Algernon. It's makes me giggle, so I don't think it's something I would use in reality, but it has charm. Valentine and Dorian are perfect brothers.I must say... I'm jealous of your signature. Every time I see it, I remember to check his Twitter. I wish I could see Q.I. regularly. ♥
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HahaHe's the reason I joined Twitter, and I'm totally addicted to it now. That's so funny! :P
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I love Caspian.
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If I wanted to be matchy, which I'm sort of feeling today:Zia Mordecai Ocean
Zion Nekoda River
Zillah Elioenai StormTwo syllable Z name, all of which are girly (Zia sounds girly, Zion is on the top 1000 for both genders, and Zillah is a female name), uncommon biblical name, water-related nature nameIf I went with my normal combos:Ashley Jacob Evander
Morgan Edward Christophe
Hollis Zayn Micaiah
my normal set still is a bit themey. All the FNs are surnames/unisex

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 6:18 PM

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Ashley Jacob EvanderHandsome beyond words. Your Morgan combo, too; I adore Morgan on a boy! Hollis Zayn Micaiah seems off from the others a bit... Hollis Zion Mordecai?
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EhWhen I have to pick triplets, I usually put my top two combos [Ashley and Morgan] and then whichever combo I'm liking most from my list that day. I was feeling Hollis today. Lucian Isidore Honor usually gets that spot, that probably fits a bit better. Hollis Zayn Micaiah fits more with Mordecai Zia Storm and Ari Haven Nekoda, I think. But thanks for your compliments on the other two.

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 6:44 PM

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Love Hollis Zayn
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I think I would name them:Tristen Aviv
Isaiah Johannes
Levi Peter
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I like Tristen, Isaiah and Levi.
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Levi Peter is cute
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I like:Cristian James (spelt Christian)
Nathanael (spelt Nathaniel)
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If I were Norwegian....Håkon Christer
Sverre Magnus
Bjørn Anders=PI actually don't mind using extremely ethnic names, even if I'm not of that particular group. I love Hakon and Sverre's combos especially. I WOULD use them if I weren't already decided on names that make more sense (for me).
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I love your combos. They seem very royal and regal.
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Rufus Wilder John, Remy Edward Xavier & Cosmo Rafael George. Today, anyway.
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Rufus Wilder John! *swoons* What a gorgeous combo! And Remy Edward Xavier is lovely as well. I love Remy (or preferable Rémy) as a nickname for Remington. I'm not a fan of Cosmo though.
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They sound like goofballs, and I hope you take that kindly. Cosmo and Remy sound especially... spritely? I see them as being energetic.I like Rufus Wilder a lot!
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I'm going to stick with my usual. These are what I would use IRL:Owen Kelly
Rhys Morgan
Benjamin Ross
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I love Owen Kelly. This sibset is so sexy and hunkish lol I love them
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Charles Llewellyn "Charlie"
John Francis "Jack"
William Jones "Will"But in real life, I suppose DH would get input. :P All the middle names are honoring.

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 3:49 PM

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I like John Francis. I also think a double nn John-Frank would be cute too
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Hmpf. That's hard because I actually only have two boy combos. Let's see:1. Alaric Anthony
2. Rafael Gerrard
3. Lucian FernandoUsually I'd take Rafael Roman but it seems weird if two kids have the initials AA and RR and the other one LF.
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I love Josiah and Elijah.Ok, if I had triplet boys today, they'd be:
August Malachi H_
Zimri Mattias B_
Boaz Morgan Isaiah
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And where's Levi?August, Zimri, and Boaz are a handsome set. Gus, Zim, and Bo.
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He'd be there if it was quads ;)Honestley, I don't have a second favoruite boys anme at the moment. or rather, I have a different one every day. They keep switching places :)
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I like:Mattias (spelt Matthias)
Morgan Isaiah (prefer Isaiah Morgan)
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It would be very interesting to meet a little Boaz
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Jude Solomon
Malachi Asher
Ezra Thaddeus

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 3:40 PM

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I love your combos. Very strong masculine biblical names
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Ambrose is beautifulnt
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I like Cai and Matthias.
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Finn Peter Augustus is very refreshing
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Laurens Astrophel, Alexei Vladimir, and Gaspard Eamonn.I might change Gaspard Eamonn to Gaspard Adrian.Laurens, Alexei, and Gaspard. All over the place, huh? :)Laurens, Gaspard, and Adrian are honoring names.

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 3:40 PM

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I can't get over Astrophel- I rarely call boys' names beautiful but it is! I love Gaspard- of your two combos, I think I prefer Gaspard Adrian.
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Thank you! I think I prefer Gaspard Adrian as well :)
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I love Elijah
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Arthur, Theodore and Henry were in all of my combos too. :)
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Oooh another Arthur. Those are wonderful combos
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I love Theodore and Edmund and my dd, Anna, loves Arthur. Great set.
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OopsReplied to the wrong person! IGNORE!Sorry!

This message was edited 3/6/2009, 4:09 PM

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Ooooh. I hope u get to use all those one day. I love to see Theodore, Edmund and Arthur as brothers
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Thank you! I may swap the middle names around a bit or use different ones entirely, I'm not certain. :)
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Oh No! I think they sound great the way they are lol
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William (Liam) John, Rhys Alexander and Elijah (Eli) Matthew.Liam, Rhys and Eli.LOL I just went back and read that you picked Elijah for one of your triplets too! :d
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I like William, Alexander and Matthew.
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I love all your combos especially Elijah!
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Um... Soren Gabriel, Jude Arthur, Vincent Joseph. Gabriel and Joseph are both sort of after my grandfather, although I extremely love Gabriel anyway.
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I like Gabriel and Joseph.
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Yea I love Gabriel to death lol
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Ciaran Arthur, Desmond Emrys, and Robin Emeric.Your set is very well matched!
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Thanks yours are too
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Oh, hard!Alexander William Noel Isidor "Alex or Xander" (I might just name him Xander instead of Alexander)
Felix Erik Vilhelm Maximilian
Sebastian Jan David Theodor "Bastian" (Might use Anton instead of Jan or David)Family names: Isidor, Vilhelm, Jan, Theodor, Anton
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I love all your combos. Very unique. Also I think like Sebastian Jan David Theodor better than the other two you suggested using instead of Jan!
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I like Shiloh but on a girl.
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I love Shiloh on a boy
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