[Opinions] Clare!!!!!!
in reply to a message by Tibby
Now that I've abused the exclamation point, allow me to explain.
Growing up, I had an "adopted second mother," basically my friend Gene's mom, who bore this name. They were my other family.
I love the name, only spelled Clare, though. Her mn was Nancy, and although she hated it, I think it flows well.
I think Clare would be a nice mn with my fave names, Allegra or Stella.
Growing up, I had an "adopted second mother," basically my friend Gene's mom, who bore this name. They were my other family.
I love the name, only spelled Clare, though. Her mn was Nancy, and although she hated it, I think it flows well.
I think Clare would be a nice mn with my fave names, Allegra or Stella.
Clare!!!!!! and a reply to Tibby in One.
Allegra Clare is awesome. Love both names. I also only like Clare spelt this way. All the Clare's I know have had different personalities but have ultimately been great people.
I think Clare Louise is nice.
I know a Clare Marie.
Some combos: Clare Amelia, Clare Olivia, Clare Jasmine, Jocelyn Clare, Clare Amabel (Clare Annabel), Clare Siobhan, Clare Imogen, Clare Decima, Eleanor Clare, Clare Helena, Marjorie Clare, Clare Mathilde, Jacqueline Clare.

My 45 PPs - names in profile
Allegra Clare is awesome. Love both names. I also only like Clare spelt this way. All the Clare's I know have had different personalities but have ultimately been great people.
I think Clare Louise is nice.
I know a Clare Marie.
Some combos: Clare Amelia, Clare Olivia, Clare Jasmine, Jocelyn Clare, Clare Amabel (Clare Annabel), Clare Siobhan, Clare Imogen, Clare Decima, Eleanor Clare, Clare Helena, Marjorie Clare, Clare Mathilde, Jacqueline Clare.

My 45 PPs - names in profile