[Facts] rigo -
am trying to find out what the meaning of rigo is. i have seen it also spelled as reego. may be of hungarian origin.
It could be a diminuative of Rodrigo, a spanish name, if I'm correct
There's also Rigo short form of Rigoberto, used in Spain and Italy (and probably now in other European countries as naming laws relax) from the Germanic ric ('power') + berht ('bright, shining, famous') - from this source Rigo would mean 'power'. Perhaps use or Rigoberto in Germany, Austria, etc. gave the perception that Rigo might be Hungarian?
Rigó (spelled this way) - IS a Hungarian word meaning throstle (the bird) but it is NOT a Hungarian name (in Hungary, naming customs are quite different - they stick to traditional names - believe me, I'm HUngarian :-)))