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[Facts] some names are just too popular!!
i have noticed a lot of you tend to go for the more NORMAL names on polls - and there's nothing wrong with that. but also a lot of you highly dislike my names because they're a little bit my band class at school, we have two tyler's, three zac's, two josh's, and two sarah's. all of them are COMPLETELY different from one another and it gets confusing a lot (especially to some of them who aren't so bright and confuse themselves with another person of the same name - lol!). but i've noticed i really like my name because no one else has my name and whenever someone calls out my name - i know they're talking to ME!!so whereas classic names like mary, joshua, and rebecca are and always will be class and great names, keep an open mind about other names ppl like, too. it's fine to have an opinion, just when a name gets too popular - a kid will end up hating it!! i've met more jennifer's, ashley's, and justin's who hated their names because they're so popular than anyone who hated their names because they were so uncommon!!
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I couldnt agree more. My boyfriend is 13 years older than me and loves a lot of the names like you've mentioned above. (Ashley, Rebecca, Ashley, etc) and he doesnt realize all I went to school with were Jennifers and Ashleys, etc. I AGREE!
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as much as im angered at this being on the wrong board
I have an extremely common name, it was the most common female name for several yrs around when i was born
in my graduating class of like 150 ppl, and a lil over half are girls, there were 9 GIRLS with my name! The next closest was two courtneys and 2 sarahs nd besides that there is only one of each.
It was horrible and i have hated it my entire life.
Teachers constantly confuse me with the other ones, I will get in trouble for something the other ones do bcz the principle gets us confused...
I've had teachers be like 'hey I thought you were dropping out, why are you in academic english' im like... dropping out im an honor student, i think ur thinking of so-n-so
It's actually rather harmful to a childs phyche growing up, its irritating and offers less of a chance for personal growth as I am constantly identified with the drop-out or the slutty cheerleader who have the same name.~SD
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yeah, i totally agree with you.oh - by the way - i didn't mean to put it on this board!! sorry!!
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Wrong board.a
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