[Opinions] Meadow
What do you think of Meadow? I kind of like it for a girl. Do you think people would call her Maddie? I'm not a fan of Maddie. Do you think people would try to spell it Maddo?
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Meadow is lovely. I don't think people would use Maddie as a nickname and why would they spell it Maddo when it is pronounced MED-o?
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Love this name, i know a baby with Meadow as her middle name, it's just gorgeous :)
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I used to hate it but it's growing on me and now I can tolerate it. There was a girl in the paper named Meadow. She was nine years old, and it made me kind of like the name. It sounds nothing at all like Maddie or Maddo to me. Maybe the difference seems more subtle to you since English is not your first language (I think)?

This message was edited 4/5/2009, 6:55 PM

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It's a bit too My Little Pony, in my opinion.
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What do you think of Meadow?I kind of like it. I would be surprised to see Meadow as a boy's name. It seems very feminine. I've never met anyone with this name but I hearing a lot lately so I wonder if it's more common than I think.
Do you think people would spell it Maddo? I pronounce Meadow as Med-ow so I would be very surprised if some one mispell it Maddo. If anything I don't hear the a at all in the prn so I would imagine any mispellings would leave out the a, like Medow, Meddo etc. That said though I doubt the name would be spelled incorrectly at all.
Do you think people would call her Maddie?I don't think so. To me Med-ow and Mad-ee sound quite different at the beginning, so it's not an obvious nn. However I do think that you could get away with the nn Maddie for Meadow if that's what you want to do. But like someone else said, people probably wouldn't call Meadow 'Maddie' unless they were told to do so.
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I've seen Meadow on boys before
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I like this name, but it is mainly a GP. I don't think I would ever use it as a first name for anyone in real-life. I don't think that any one would try to spell it as Maddo, because the way I pronounce it as is Meh-do not mah-do.

This message was edited 4/5/2009, 5:13 PM

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I do kind of like Meadow, but I mainly see it as a GP. Maddie has a very different sound from Meadow, so I doubt if people would call her that unless they were told to. Since meadow is a common English word, I think misspellings, like Maddo (which sounds nothing like meadow), would be less common than non-word names.
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Could you explainhow exactly Meadow sounds different from Maddo/Maddie etc? I only hear a very slight difference, actually so I think it could easily be misunderstood. Kind of like with Ember and Amber.
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Meadow sounds like Med-O whereas Maddo sounds like Mad-O. Completely different sounds just as Ember is M-bur and Amber is Am-bur.
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I agree with Melania. Meadow has a strong EH sound, whereas Maddo/Maddie have the soft A. Maddo rhymes with shadow to me.And in response to your OP: I don't like it for a human. I can see it used on a girl (like on the TV show The Sopranos) but it's not my style.
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Okay thanks. I hear a difference just not a huge one. But I see what you mean.
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I can't help but hate it since Meadow is my least favourite character on the Sopranos. ;P I'm not a fan of the sound since it ends in O and I'm generally not a fan of girl names that end this way. It also reminds me of cows.I'm pretty sure she would get Maddie occassionally, especially since it seems to be THE in nickname right now, what with all the people using Madison just to get Maddie out of it. But if she doesn't want to go by that, I guess correcting people once would suffice. It's not like Meadow needs a nickname, with only two syllables. I can't imagine a lot of people would spell it Maddo. It's a word!
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I love it for either gender. I know of a girl who's around 7 years old named Meadow. Seriously if people spell it Maddo they have issues I'm sorry, lol Maddo doesn't equal the sound of Meadow, I could see it spelled Medo, or Meado but not Maddo.
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