[Opinions] Sophronia
This name is growing on me. Wdyto it? Combos?
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I've been really loving it lately. I'm more inclined to use it in the MN spot though. I rather like Eden Sophronia right now.
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I prefer Sophia.
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It's actually been growing on me too, though it's kind of a mouthful, I'd probably only use it in a story. I kind of thought Riona would be a cute nickname for it though it's kind of a stretch. Besides that you could use Sophie and in that sense it's almost like the Emmeline for Sophia. It's so long I usually give it short middle names. Sophronia Iris
Sophronia Rose
Sophronia Violet
Sophronia Ruth
Sophronia Pearl
Sophronia Jade They seem so frilly xP probably because I always planned to give it to some princess-y type character.
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I love it.Sophronia Grace
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I like it a lot. I also like Ronia as a nickname! I'm not good with combos but I'd like Sophronia Pearl.
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♥Love it. nt♥
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