[Opinions] Flora.
I've become pretty fond of the name Flora for a little girl. The only thing that's really bothered me is how similar it is to the word "floor."
So I was just wondering what you think of the name Flora, and if you think it's too similar to the word "floor." Also, what do you think about it as a nn for Florence?
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I adore it, but what bothers me about it is the connection to bacteria (sometimes referred to as 'intestinal flora', etc.). But I'm a nurse, so I'm around these sorts of things more, so maybe I'm just more sensitive to them. ;)I like Florence, but I love Flora and prefer it as a name on its own, but if I was named Florence, I'd definitely want my nn to be Flora. :b The "floor" similarity doesn't really bother me. But I've been known to say "tore up from the floor up" and just realized "floor up" and Flora are kind of similar... LOL. But still not a reason not to use it, imo.
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Flora is so gorgeous. It's young and British and fresh in my mind. So green, which I guess is to be expected. Of vibrant character, but not obnoxious.I mean, I guess it does sound a bit similar to floor, but I don't really see why that would be such a big deal. It obviously sounds closer to floral, at any rate, so floor isn't the first word that jumps to mind there, no. Flora as a NN for Florence is okay, I suppose, but I think Flora stands perfectly fine on its own. In fact, Flora as NN for Florence seems kind of silly, as they both strike me as equal in substance and therefore... IDK. I don't like NNs much, so I always feel like a NN should be "less" than a full name, which in my mind Flora isn't.
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It never really appealed to me. It was my grandmother's name and I always thought it was really dated. Just recently, it has grown on me, and I think it is a beautiful nickname for Florence. I have never thought of 'floor' when I hear the name.
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The "floor-" sound doesn't bother me at all. I think it's better as a nn for Florence; I just can't see Flora on an adult. It's a cute, sunny name for a little girl.
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I love Flora. It's a sweet name, but still has plenty of substance to it.It's similarity to floor doesn't bother me at all. I actually never even think of that.I'm not fond of it as a nickname for Florence.

This message was edited 4/25/2009, 11:28 AM

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I think goddess right away when I hear Flora and thik it stands fine on it's own, if you wanted. I've got it on my lists as a nickname for Florence (as well as a standalone) since Florence is a family name for me. I don't care that they're not etymologically related, they're close enough sound wise to work for me. So Florence, nn Flora gets a huge okay! from me.
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I think that Flora works best as a nickname for Florence. It's a very pretty name and no, it doesn't make me think of floors.
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I love Flora. It has a delicate, classic kind of beauty about it, without sounding old fashioned. It doesn't make me think of floors, more the goddess Flora and flowers. I like it as a name on its own, rather than as a nickname for Florence. I'd expect a nickname for that to be Flo or Florrie, as Flora's etymology is unrelated. And I'm not too fond of Florence anyway, as just makes me think of the city. City names don't work for me.
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I don't like it because of the margarine brand. I do like Fleur.
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I have the same problem with Flora. I want to like it, but I think "floor." It'd be a pretty nn for Florence.
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